[A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players (Posting on Accidentlol's behalf)


[A] Accidentlols RBG team LF players (Posting on Accidentlol's behalf)

Accidentlols team is req people for RBGs, we are 21-0 atm, and about 2,1k mmr.
I need the help of you, to join me in these battlegrounds and assist both myself and my compadres in our never ending war against (insert faction of opposing team here) so that we may (insert objective of bg) and obtain victory over the fools who happen to queue at the wrong moment

[22:58:38] Liridon: Requirements:
-Ability to listen to instructions. Regardless of how good/bad each player is, the main factor in rated battlegrounds is strategy. This makes obeying your leader more important than your ability to outplay people in many situations (lolrbgs).
-Atleast 2,2k exp
[22:58:45] Liridon: -Skype. We prefer you able to talk. Don't be too shy, the media makes me seem a lot worse than I actually am.
-A basic understanding of your classes mechanics and your ability as a player. (we do not expect you to be a multi gladiator or consistently do everything by yourself and never need assistance. we only ask that you know your limitations. If you can not do something, ask for help, do not try to do it alone simply so you can brag that you did if you somehow happen to pull it off.)
-Good geared
[22:58:51] Liridon: =If you end up not meeting these requirements you will be removed from the group.

We currently do not have any specific time we will be doing these each week, as schedules vary, but ideally we would be doing multiple per week generally on the evenings

Stop being lazy and take the minute of your life to read it. Or at least just the requirements and below.
[22:58:56] Liridon: You can add me on skype and link your armory and ill check you out.

Liridon.topalli from NOR

Copy paste from our skype call. For some reason he can't post thread on his user.
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Re: [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players

Can we get some more info like are you Horde or Ally, Us or EU etc.
Re: [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players

instead of asking if he is serious answer the question you mongrel. or nvm ill do it for you. EU alliance

the group is rolling with ppl above 70, so mostly filled with bads


thats all im gonna say


your bad
Re: [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players

A 70 druid is completely mindless and boring. Going 74 makes the class ten times more intresting and raises the skill cap by about 100% and rewards you more for being good. A 70 druid is too limited.

You're bad.
Re: [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players

A 70 druid is completely mindless and boring. Going 74 makes the class ten times more intresting and raises the skill cap by about 100% and rewards you more for being good. A 70 druid is too limited.

You're bad.
Re: [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players

instead of asking if he is serious answer the question you mongrel. or nvm ill do it for you. EU alliance

the group is rolling with ppl above 70, so mostly filled with bads

Thanks for not being a tool about it. And agreed, Above 70 is the cheap way out. Learn to play your damn class instead of needing a level/skill/Talent point advantage.
Re: [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players

Thanks for not being a tool about it. And agreed, Above 70 is the cheap way out. Learn to play your damn class instead of needing a level/skill/Talent point advantage.

Actually druids had cyclone at 70, and playing druid without cyclone makes the class a ton more forgiving in terms of skill. Having a crowd control ability raises the skill-cap of the class by a ton. Going 74 reduces your survivability a lot, but at the same time balances stealth duels with 70 rogues.

A good druid will be rewarded by going 74, a noob will get punished.
What the he'll am I Reading? Druid #1 class 70 so gtfo, 74 doesn't raise the so called 'skill cap' but makes the bloody game easier for you. Shut the fuck up, keep calm and enjoy yourself, 'cuz you know.. Yolo.
What the he'll am I Reading? Druid #1 class 70 so gtfo, 74 doesn't raise the so called 'skill cap' but makes the bloody game easier for you. Shut the fuck up, keep calm and enjoy yourself, 'cuz you know.. Yolo.

Cyclone makes the game easier and doesn't raise the skill cap? Okey then.
Re: [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players

Actually druids had cyclone at 70, and playing druid without cyclone makes the class a ton more forgiving in terms of skill. Having a crowd control ability raises the skill-cap of the class by a ton. Going 74 reduces your survivability a lot, but at the same time balances stealth duels with 70 rogues.

A good druid will be rewarded by going 74, a noob will get punished.

I had deterrence & master's call. I (and the majority of other 70 hunters) learned to cope without it.

Stop defending people being cheap.
Try to play mage without poly, hunter without trap, rogue w/o blind etc and tell me how it feels, Indeed being higher level feels like cheating but in fact its not, Its the only way for a feral druid to compete with other classes since its the "key" cc ability. Noone wants a 70lv feral druid on his team who just does damage and is need of baby sitting dispells all times. I love playing feral on both main and alt and people who knows me and have seen me how i play can comfirm how good i am on it.
Re: [A] Accidenlols RBG team LF players

I had deterrence & master's call. I (and the majority of other 70 hunters) learned to cope without it.

Stop defending people being cheap.

He is a level 74 himself, thats why.
Hardmode to be a 74 rogue eh: makes it a lot more fair when it comes to stealth etc.
Try to play mage without poly, hunter without trap, rogue w/o blind etc and tell me how it feels, Indeed being higher level feels like cheating but in fact its not, Its the only way for a feral druid to compete with other classes since its the "key" cc ability. Noone wants a 70lv feral druid on his team who just does damage and is need of baby sitting dispells all times. I love playing feral on both main and alt and people who knows me and have seen me how i play can comfirm how good i am on it.

must be quite hard with those itemlevel 200 goggles, double tazik fmp with cyclone :( never saw it from that point of view, iam sorry. more ferals should be able to dish out instant cc while globaling people with a ferocious bite while glove tinker is active, its really a lot more balanced this way. maybe it would be easier with hitcap, but just a hint

/e: yes, iam playing mage, should give you a medal for being able to read my signature. if i'd play a warrior would my argument be worse or better? it would be the same, it requires something like 20% hit to be hitcapped against 74 players, this isnt an advantage, right? its even in pve gear quite hard to hit the 17% without gemming straight hit gems. so every paladin who is skilled should get his 72 wings, a priest to get a few trashbuffs and hurr durr tazik wings, because its a key ability and its more skilled - fucking kids, do you even know how to set up an argument? sorry those excuses for leveling up make me fucking angry, just tell the truth "i want to get more advantages" - yes, i'd believe that and wouldnt have to argument.
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Its the only way for a feral druid to compete with other classes since its the "key" cc ability.

you are so dumb, that the clock in my room just stopped ticking. if you say CC is the way to kill shit in this bracket, you are so wrong. the class with the most burst wins, and if you think a feral can't compete at level 70, ye lets just say: not sure if srs. all you have to do as a feral is to sit in bear and tank (or if facing mages spam formshiftin' to get the hell out) and then just go cat when you have cd's. maybe do a 15k fero bite on some poor little mage, or put up Rip on a rogue, that crits for 3k each tick. don't say ferals can't compete at 70, countless of times when I played 2s as feral with shitgear that I killed the mage from 100% with one attack, without even having the priest in any sort of CC
you are so dumb, that the clock in my room just stopped ticking. if you say CC is the way to kill shit in this bracket, you are so wrong. the class with the most burst wins, and if you think a feral can't compete at level 70, ye lets just say: not sure if srs. all you have to do as a feral is to sit in bear and tank (or if facing mages spam formshiftin' to get the hell out) and then just go cat when you have cd's. maybe do a 15k fero bite on some poor little mage, or put up Rip on a rogue, that crits for 3k each tick. don't say ferals can't compete at 70, countless of times when I played 2s as feral with shitgear that I killed the mage from 100% with one attack, without even having the priest in any sort of CC

at 1500 mmr? sure then bro. I just saw your epic experience in 3s. You have no clue about your class. Have fun doing random bgs with 30k instant heal tinker...
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