90-99 Armory List??


90-99 Armory List

Death Knight's

- Blood -
(91) US - Tichondrius - Horde -
(99) US - Mannoroth - Horde - Dranochugger
(99) US - Emerald Dream - Horde - Warrjiggles

- Frost -
(91) US - Uldum - Alliance -
(91) US - Sargeras - Alliance - Parama
(99) US - Illidan - Horde - Protienshake
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Goodarthas
(99) US - Twisting Nether - Horde - Bloodplague
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Goodarthas
(99) US - Jubei'Thos - Horde - Injusti
(99) US - Doomhammer - Horde -
(99) US - Illidan - Horde - Protienshake
(98) US - Mal'Ganis - Horde - Religarg
(99) US - Bleeding Hollow - Horde - Placenta
(91) EU - Aerie Peak - Horde -
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Warrmingler
(91) US - Aerie Peak - Horde - Digitalfear
(99) US - Cho'gall - Alliance - Flik

- Unholy -
(99) EU - Argent Dawn - Alliance - Epic
(99) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Iamsososorry
(99) US - Arygos - Alliance - Memlock



- Guardian -

(99) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Kittycutie

- Restoration -
(90) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Aguthon
(99) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Ðøñtármörÿmé
(99) US - Frostmourne - Alliance - Unrealfx
(99) US - Garrosh - Horde -
(90) US - Altar of Storms - Horde - Krackles

- Feral -
(99) US - Frostmourne - Alliance - Gummiworm
US - Emerald Dream - Alliance - Pathdan
(99) US - Hakkar - Horde - Nimravus
(99) US - Stormreaver - Horde - Eclipse

- Balance -
(98) US - Emerald Dream - Alliance - Rambokin
(98) US - Saurfang - Alliance - Raestodrood



- Survival -
(98) US - Saurfang - Horde - Legitshots

- Marksman -

(97) US - Kael'thas - Alliance - Sundance
(98) US - Darkspear - Alliance - Thizzmatic
(98) US - Windrunner - Horde -
(96) US - Frostmane - Alliance - Asheville
(99) US - Jubei'Thos - Horde - Rswipe
(99) US - Darkspear - Alliance - Thizzmatic
(99) US - Cho'gall - Horde - Fulu

- Beast Mastery -
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Horde -
(99) US - Blackrock - Horde - Pawluh
(99) US - Shattered Hand - Horde - Dirtyãrrow
(99) US - Destromath - Alliance - Reddatapanda
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Zâyné
(99) US - Darkspear - Alliance - ßlamßlam
(99) EU - Silvermoon - Alliance - Alyaxus


- Arcane -
(98) US - Mal'Ganis - Horde - Plzsendhalp
(99) US - Frostmourne - Horde - Khadgarsdad
(99) US - Thunderhorn - Horde - Lovetoocute

- Frost -
(91) US - Sargeras - Alliance - Tempestuous
(91) EU - Darksorrow - Alliance - Giefcc
(91) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Aresoul
(98) EU - Argent Dawn - Alliance - Thismage

- Fire -
(99) US - Tichondruis - Alliance -
(99) US - Thunderhorn - Horde - Lovetoocute
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Doompigeons
(91) US - Stormreaver - Horde - Evospec
(90) US - Altar of Storms - Horde - Coraxx
(91) US - Cho'gall - Horde - Shatterqt


- Windwalker -
(99) US - Bleeding Hollow - Alliance - Skeez
(99) US - Sargeras - Alliance - Soverei

- Brewmaster -
(99) EU - Karazhan - Horde - Rollalot
(99) US - Nagrand - Alliance - Slooshy

- Mistweaver -
(99) US - Frostmourne - Alliance - Yogurt



- Protection -
(90) US - Hellscream - Alliance - Grimbarbs
(90) US - Tichondrius Horde -
(90) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Yeerell
(98) US - Sargeras - Alliance - Gaulg

- Holy -
(99) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Einheria
(99) EU - Magtheridon - Alliance - Grimside
(99) EU
- Silvermoon - Alliance - Vehemitý

- Retribution -

(99) US - Mal'Ganis - Horde - Holyhaste
(99) US - Moon Guard - Alliance - Lilgaydraz
(99) US - Frostmourne - Alliance - Stinkypez
(91) US - Shattered Halls - Horde - Chickens



- Holy -
(99) US - Saurfang - Horde - Legitshadow

- Discipline -
(90) US - Frostmourne - Alliance - Leafstko
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Atzxo
(99) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Luciferya
(99) US - Dalaran - Alliance -
(99) US - Hellscream - Alliance - Orbs

- Shadow -
(99) US - Sisters of Elune- Horde - Moriat
(91) EU - Outland - Alliance - Mila
(93) US - Eonar - Horde - Dispels

(99) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Milfsteak
(99) US - Frostmourne - Horde - Zerogravity



- Subtlety -
(99) US - Shadow Council - Horde - Angrenous
(99) US - Malfurion - Alliance - Alisii
(93) US - Korgath - Alliance - Applaus

(99) US - Fenris - Alliance - Rabellant
(94) US - Emerald Dream - Alliance - Toughtown

- Assassination -
(98) US - Saurfang - Horde - Legitcinders
(99) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Skerj
(99) US - Emerald Dream - Horde - Vayporjr
(91) US - Velen - Alliance - Kick

- Combat -
(91) EU - Outland - Alliance - Syvretxl
(99) US - Burning Blade - Horde - Jerkhole
(99) US - Frostmane - Alliance - Problemchief
(99) US - Shattered Halls - Alliance - Reacher
(99) US - Tichondrius - Horde -
(99) US - Outland - Horde - Eshrafia


- Restoration -
(93) US - Kael'thas - Alliance -
(99) US - Thunderlord - Horde - Catparty
(99) US - Mannoroth - Alliance - Convolve

- Enhancement -
(99) US - Mannoroth - Horde - Flexmaster
(99) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Shøøk
(90) EU - Tarren Mill - Horde - Xipey
(99) EU - Argent Dawn - Alliance - Toklu
(94) US - Lightning's Blade - Horde - Rasgar
(91) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Windspike

- Elemental -
(91) US - Kul Tiras - Horde - Eilot
(99) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Seviraan
(99) US - Nesingwary - Horde - Eowyth



- Destruction -
(90) US - Kel'thuzad - Alliance - Racillia
(90) US - Alleria - Alliance - Sofcuked

- Affliction -
(99) US - Hellscream - Alliance - Turkishroyal
(99) US - Shattered Hand - Horde - Dirtydann
(99) US - Aerie Peak - Alliance - Felbreeze
(99) US - Tichondrius - Horde - Satanya
(99) EU - Ragnaros - Horde - Phura

- Demonology -
(91) US - Stormreaver - Horde - Soulspec


- Protection -
(99) US - Moon Guard - Alliance - Defector
(92) US - Magtheridon - Alliance - Grimrage

- Arms -

(99) US - Frostmourne - Alliance -
(99) US - Lethon - Horde - Bubz
(98) US - Lightning's Blade - Horde - Kentt
(99) US - Tichondrius - Alliance - Kriemhildr
(99) US - Moon Guard - Alliance - Rulitan
(99) US - Velen - Horde - Scythio
(99) US - Doomhammer - Alliance -

- Fury -
(99) EU - Argent Dawn - Alliance - Tysari
(92) US - Garithos - Alliance -

(99) EU - Kazzak - Horde - Zemerin
(99) US - Area 52 - Horde - Atil
(94) US - Emerald Dream - Horde - Badaxe
(99) US - Ragnaros - Horde - Izurion
(99) US - The Forgotten Coast - Alliance - Laundry
(99) US - Windrunner - Alliance - Shieldslam

(99) US - Ner'zhul - Alliance - Wroth
(99) US - Sisters of Elune - Horde - Moriatwo
(91) US - Altar of Storms - Horde - Scantwo
(92) EU - Ragnaros - Horde - Deepenough
(99) US - Mok'Nathal - Alliance - Disrespect
(99) EU - Doomhammer - Alliance - Corrupted
(96) EU - Moonglade - Alliance - Tokkers

Post your armory and I will try to add it as soon as I can!
People will most likely be swapping in and out of spec's so there is a possibility one of the characters listed is in an off-spec!

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I have a ton of 90s. What's better, a 90 or a 99 in this bracket?
91-99 have access to the crafted gear, and anything 98-99 has access to quest gear that has a chance of being anywhere from 600 ilvl to ~630 ilvl. All gear scales to 590 in these battlegrounds but anything above 590 won't scale down.
I have a ton of 90s. What's better, a 90 or a 99 in this bracket?
doesnt matter if you stack bonus armor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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