85 twinks

Yeah i have been doing some 85 Bgs lately they take about 10-30 minutes at times but i have had a lot of fun playing the BGs,

Was wondering if any one else is out there. And possibly if we can make a sort of BiS armor list for those interested in joining in on the fun. i currently have 2 85s i play a warlock and Rogue both Horde side.

As well if any one wants to do Real Id groups?
an 85 armory thread would be nice it would help new players to the bracket compare gear and figure out what gear to use
I have an 85 ele shaman, this brackets pretty fun only downside is OP hunters and 10+min queue times, Had this one hunter that was critting me for 50k arcane shots. Only other class that comes close to that is rogue burst, however rogues are reliant on eviscerate crits to kill you.
I have an 85 ele shaman, this brackets pretty fun only downside is OP hunters and 10+min queue times, Had this one hunter that was critting me for 50k arcane shots. Only other class that comes close to that is rogue burst, however rogues are reliant on eviscerate crits to kill you.

50k Arcane shots are the least of our worries... with 40% resil it's not uncommon at all to get hit for over 100k by anyone geared properly.. I hit a rogue the other night in jade forest for 180k as fury with dragons roar. I've been crit for well over 150k by boomkins, doing 2v2 my partner got crit for 138k by a lock.

I'd have to say the strongest class in bracket at the moment is shadow priest or ret pally, more than happy to provide video footage and armory links for anyone doubting the damage. :p

But to the OP, we could simply create some chardev characters of each class to show everyone the best in slot gear etc.. It's pretty quick. :)
For me as a disc priest i would say warriors CAN be the hardest class to have on you, harder the rogues and dks. (all with similar gear ofc) it depends on if the warrior knows how to interrupt. But when i think about it, if a shadowpriest or a ret pally takes me down and stun/silence me and i dont have trinket rdy, they can easy oneshot me. and im Bis geared. :) But i think its fun, it separates the good from the bad. On EU servers their are not much healers at all now. i find myself almost 80% of the times the only healer, and in some cases horde have one random healer here and there.

Burst is hard as F#CK to counter as u have to guess when its about to unleash and then vanish gracefully.. ;)
On EU servers their are not much healers at all now. i find myself almost 80% of the times the only healer, and in some cases horde have one random healer here and there
My priest and druid is coming to 85 with raf. So wait for couple weeks and u re not alone :3 But yeah , rets hitting really hard, with cds can easily crit 100-150k 2/3 times in row.
I play my rogue i have to say Hunters have the most BS crits. Mages crit too hard b/c of skillance. For my rogue to get high crits i need to - (have zerker) garrote use trinket (+2k agi), hope for 5 combo points evis (possible 100k crit). Garrote/ bleeds increase damage by 20% then i ignore 100% armor i will have nmaster of sub +10% damage. so total would be 60%+ damage and no armor on target. Of course it is hard to do this since often i won't have zerker and it would be hard to pop trinket since often i get CC'd or i will need to be spamming hemo.

Cptnstabin @ Duskwood - Community - World of Warcraft

I am wondering why some rogues go dual Daggers (besides they are assassination spec) imo Fist of Fate is better i used back stab and compared it to my hemo and i actually hit harder even ambush i got maybe 50k with dagger then i would get like 45k with Fist but i would get a 7-10k white hit normal or crit 14-20k.

But to the OP, we could simply create some chardev characters of each class to show everyone the best in slot gear etc.. It's pretty quick. :)

yeah But 5.4 is about to hit idk it may make certain items once BiS won't be and it'll be back to PvP items (currently Blizz says they are removing PvP resil and it will just be power and 60% will be baseline).

They said the will be nerfing Zom's hat i am sadden since i just got it for 110g lol.
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I play my rogue i have to say Hunters have the most BS crits. Mages crit too hard b/c of skillance. For my rogue to get high crits i need to - (have zerker) garrote use trinket (+2k agi), hope for 5 combo points evis (possible 100k crit). Garrote/ bleeds increase damage by 20% then i ignore 100% armor i will have nmaster of sub +10% damage. so total would be 60%+ damage and no armor on target. Of course it is hard to do this since often i won't have zerker and it would be hard to pop trinket since often i get CC'd or i will need to be spamming hemo.

Cptnstabin @ Duskwood - Community - World of Warcraft

I am wondering why some rogues go dual Daggers (besides they are assassination spec) imo Fist of Fate is better i used back stab and compared it to my hemo and i actually hit harder even ambush i got maybe 50k with dagger then i would get like 45k with Fist but i would get a 7-10k white hit normal or crit 14-20k.

yeah But 5.4 is about to hit idk it may make certain items once BiS won't be and it'll be back to PvP items (currently Blizz says they are removing PvP resil and it will just be power and 60% will be baseline).

They said the will be nerfing Zom's hat i am sadden since i just got it for 110g lol.

Difference is other classes have to set up their burst, ele need flameshock and some time to cast, rogues need to be next to you and keep you stunned/silenced. Hunters just BW and walk up to you spamming 50k arcane shots from a 40 yard range.
I very much doubt BIS is going to change next patch, unless they significantly nerf MOP gear it will still win over pvp gear from a purely stats point of view for best in slot. Imo, get some chardevs up for each class so people have something to reference, worse case scenario is we have to change them if they happen to change in 5.4.

I have noticed hunters topping bgs alot more lately since the hotfix this week, but I still can't say they've bursted me down anything like a ret/spriest has..
I just made an 85' holy pally twink- 1st pally and I have no clue on what reforge priority would be at 85? Any thoughts? thanks!!!
I just made an 85' holy pally twink- 1st pally and I have no clue on what reforge priority would be at 85? Any thoughts? thanks!!!
spirit > crit > mastery
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My priest and druid is coming to 85 with raf. So wait for couple weeks and u re not alone :3 But yeah , rets hitting really hard, with cds can easily crit 100-150k 2/3 times in row.
Can u compare your ret and boomkin? Which one is better to you? Coz i was thinking about makin' an owl, but was not sure if it's damage/survability will satisfy me :3
Can u compare your ret and boomkin? Which one is better to you? Coz i was thinking about makin' an owl, but was not sure if it's damage/survability will satisfy me :3

Playing boomie as main nowdays, and it feels really storng. Have ret also, but druid feels much funner with better mobilyt and cc capac

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