[85-89] Gear & Tips/tricks guide!


Hey! So i'm pretty new to the 85 twinking scene, i've mostly played 2s atm as of the long queues. Just felt like sharing a few tips and tricks!


If you're new to this bracket, you might be thinking. Why not just twink 89? I mean it's a higher level so i'll be better.
That's not completely incorrect but it's not as you might think. Check below for info.

85 - Basic twinking level, since of patch 5.4 MoP enchants and Gems is scaled down as a level 85 which makes your enchants not much from useless.
86 - Best level for pure stats, MoP enchants and Gems are back to the same scaling as 90 and your passive stats arent much worse then 85 making this the best for pure stats.
87 - This is a good level to twink, depending on which class you are. Your passive skills gets scaled down but your MoP enchants still work out, the reason you should twink at 87 would be because of the new spell. This is especially good for classes like hunters, rogues and alot more while it's not as good for maybe warlocks as they get gate which is a great spell but you don't get to use it in the most comps at this state of the bracket as of all the burst comps. It's especially good for rogues and feral druids because of finding 85's easier in stealth. AND NOT TO FORGET! This is almost a MUST if you're an engineer because of the helms like Deadly Retinal Armor and the enchant Synapse Springs
88 - I have yet to find a reason to twink at this bracket. Please reply with a comment for why to twink at this level if you have any reason.
89 - At this state your passive stats are not very great, however you've got a huge acces to new gear. You can easily get around 290k hp unbuffed however your secondary stats like Mastery, Haste and Crit will be ALOT lower.

Conclusion, if you want to be a pure twink i'd say twink at 85. If you want to be the best in terms of stats and damage i'd say go level 87.


Which classes are viable [Updated to 5.4]


Okay, well most classes are pretty viable. However there are some that's more then others.

Not viable classes: Arms/Fury Warrior, Resto/Elemental Shaman, Demonology/Destruction Warlock, Windwalker/Mistweaver Monk

Viable classes: Ret Paladin, BM Hunter, Combat/Assasination Rogue, Discipline Priest, Resto Druid(Wouldnt say is viable until level 87), Frost/Blood Death knight.

Decently viable class(es): Fire/Frost Mage

This is MY opinion.


Stat increase items (flasks, food, potions and more)

Strenght: Flask of Winter's Bite
Spirit: Flask of Falling Leaves
Intellect: Flask of the Warm Sun
Agility: Flask of Spring Blossoms
Stamina: Flask of the Earth

Strenght: Potion of Mogu Power
Intellect: Potion of the Jade Serpent
Agility: Virmen's Bite
Health: Master Healing Potion
Mana: Master Mana Potion
500 All Stats (HARDER TO OBTAIN): Crystal of Instanity
Crystal of insanity can be obtained by looting Eerie Crystals by the cave at Timeless Isle, tutorial of this here: LvL 85 TWINKS MUST SEE THIS IS SO OP [5.4] - YouTube

Agility: Sauteed Carrots
Strenght: Charboiled Tiger Steak
Intellect: Swirling Mist Soup
Spirit: Shrimp Dumplings
Stamina: Wildfowl Roast


This guide is NOT done by me. I simply link you to a WoWhead guide!

Mage, Warlock, Priest
Rogue, Feral, Monk
Caster Druid, Monk
Hunter, Enhancement Shaman
Resto, Ele
Holy Paladin
Plate DPS


Which professions do i use!?


Reply if you want me to add something/Change something!

Peace - Samz
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The Crystal of Insanity buff counts as a flask but disappears on death, so I'm not really sure how useful it is for PvP :p

Unless you die no more than once every 15 minutes, it would be better to just use a normal flask that persists through death and grants twice the amount of offensive stats.
scaling of gear at 85

item level out of BG > item level in a BG
390 > 435
409 > 454
415 > 460
417 > 462
425 > 470
433 > ? next player will have a 433 item to check
442 > 487
450 > 495

weapons do not show any +scaling but from experience leveling in other brackets i believe the scaling is hidden and best at x0 -x1 in the x0-4x bracket and x5-x6 in the x5-x9 brackets

wowhead guide left out the 415 item level items that BS make and are better than some of the items in the guide. they also are made with random stats that provides more customization.

probably the same with cloth, leather, mail crafted items

as for plate helms there are 3 that are zone drops which are 420 level, probably same iwith other classes

i was curious if it is worth getting the 85 PVP gear for the PVP power stats more than anyhting else?
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This is for overall twinking, in arena your stats doesnt get scaled down or up but passively you get different stats from leveling. Since 5.3 PVP Power is basicly a useless stat sadly. I do not know which items in BS you're talking about, mind linking?
The Crystal of Insanity buff counts as a flask but disappears on death, so I'm not really sure how useful it is for PvP :p

Unless you die no more than once every 15 minutes, it would be better to just use a normal flask that persists through death and grants twice the amount of offensive stats.

Yes, i like it while doing stuff that you don't want to waste all that gold for a flask and just want some extra stats without wasting it. Like killing rares, trying to solo warbringer or just dueling :)
This is for overall twinking, in arena your stats doesnt get scaled down or up but passively you get different stats from leveling. Since 5.3 PVP Power is basicly a useless stat sadly. I do not know which items in BS you're talking about, mind linking?

i searched what you said on PVP power/res, and see many other similar comments. sorta amazed after blizz did all the promoting, defending, assuring , etc. of how PVP power will work VS PVE gear prior to MOP and 6 months of MOP.........then gank it.

makes me wonder if lower level players are actually getting what they think they are getting when it comes to PVP power vs a class stat like int, agi, str?

Ghost-Forged Helm - Item - World of Warcraft this and several other items are part of a ghost-forged set.
i searched what you said on PVP power/res, and see many other similar comments. sorta amazed after blizz did all the promoting, defending, assuring , etc. of how PVP power will work VS PVE gear prior to MOP and 6 months of MOP.........then gank it.

makes me wonder if lower level players are actually getting what they think they are getting when it comes to PVP power vs a class stat like int, agi, str?

Ghost-Forged Helm - Item - World of Warcraft this and several other items are part of a ghost-forged set.

The Ghost-Forged set isnt actually BiS sadly, sorry for short reply. On my phone!
The Ghost-Forged set isnt actually BiS sadly, sorry for short reply. On my phone!

never said the set was BIS, but not all AH's are loaded with MOP BOE's, have players that farm them, or have MOP because like me are CATA capped

the 417 blues that crafters make can help to fill slots and do provide more stat customization.

also keep in mind, blizzard has announced they are removing hit, expertise, parry and dodge from the game. if they follow what they have said/done in the past only 90-100 gear will not have these stats, they also will not go back to fix old gear or replace those stats making them weak

they have also they have announced reforging will be gone, alot of the current BIS gear will no longer be BIS if the stats are being made worthless, not sure if those who have gear reforged will be GF'd but you can only reforge one stat and these have alot of what is being ganked come WOD Greatheart Pants - Item - World of Warcraft along with many other pieces on the BIS list
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never said the set was BIS, but not all AH's are loaded with MOP BOE's, have players that farm them, or have MOP because like me are CATA capped

the 417 blues that crafters make can help to fill slots and do provide more stat customization.

also keep in mind, blizzard has announced they are removing hit, expertise, parry and dodge from the game. if they follow what they have said/done in the past only 90-100 gear will not have these stats, they also will not go back to fix old gear or replace those stats making them weak

they have also they have announced reforging will be gone, alot of the current BIS gear will no longer be BIS if the stats are being made worthless, not sure if those who have gear reforged will be GF'd but you can only reforge one stat and these have alot of what is being ganked come WOD Greatheart Pants - Item - World of Warcraft along with many other pieces on the BIS list

If you look at the 80 bracket, there's alot of items from MoP. Same is gonna be with 85 twinking in Warlords of Draenor. Anyways i do NOT believe that Ghost forged will ever become BiS. And yes while it's true not all auction houses has them, the guide isnt "the most common twink items on AH" it's "The best in slot items". Which way you get the item is another question and does not have anything to do with the guide.
Items that have an upgrade possible do not scale up in bg's. For instance the retinal helmet.
Items that have an upgrade possible do not scale up in bg's. For instance the retinal helmet.

Did not know this, however this guide is mostly for arenas tbh :) Good to know for BG twinks!!

On another note! Will post a hunter twink guide video now that i reached rank 1 in 2s. If someone knows another class really good, feel free to make a tutorial guide and be linked in this post. Would be great to have a couple guides for new players!
Did not know this, however this guide is mostly for arenas tbh :) Good to know for BG twinks!!

On another note! Will post a hunter twink guide video now that i reached rank 1 in 2s. If someone knows another class really good, feel free to make a tutorial guide and be linked in this post. Would be great to have a couple guides for new players!

mostly for arenas? flask, food and pots for arena?
the parts that you have written yourself i can see being arena related but allmost all of your links are not even relateable to arena.
if you wanna give some tips you shuld talk a little about stacking offencive vs stacking defencive stats/talents..

IMO ofc..
mostly for arenas? flask, food and pots for arena?
the parts that you have written yourself i can see being arena related but allmost all of your links are not even relateable to arena.
if you wanna give some tips you shuld talk a little about stacking offencive vs stacking defencive stats/talents..

IMO ofc..

The other stuff is just items you can use in duels and so on. The items linked are just items i use and know can be used while dueling and stuff. I use all of this and i never play BGs. I don't want to go into talents/stats because i don't like giving advice on something i have no idea about. I know a couple classes at 85 but not many. If someone knows the classes please post and i'll put in guide. I see this as an arena guide and also BG guide. If you're gonna do BGs you wont be needing to level 87 because people are shit in BGs so there's really nothing hard about twinking in BGs.
seriously FUCK HUNTERS and ROGUES at level 85 in this game. You cant even play arena cos all you meet is lvl 87hunter/dk/hunter/hunter/hunter/rogue/rogue/rogue/rogue/hunter/dk/dk/dkhunter comps at 2k and we run lvl 85 spriest/demo lock.

Every hunter I meet in bgs-makes me want to reach out to their monitor and punch them in the face.

I play spriest and if someone wants to tell me how to counter a semi decent hunter, let me know but even 280k-300k hp hunters close to destroy me 1vs1 unless I literally pop all my cds.

Then don't get me started on rogues, their CDs , CoS and 170k envenoms.....

Arms wars are quite viable with a lute or a spear but pale in comparison to DKs both offensive and defensive cds.

Fire mages have insane control/stuns/interrupts that are like downright ridiculous vs casters.
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another note, and is still in effect

DOES scale up in battlegrounds:
•Lhakaz's Missing Ribspreader - this is the only BoE weapon that does scale up, because rogues need more advantages
•Pool-Stirrer, Fangcracker Battlemace - all the ilvl 420 epics off rare spawns do scale up
•At level 85, these items gain 45 ilvls

DOES NOT scale up in battlegrounds:
•[Sun Lute of the Phoenix King]
•Spear of Xuen
•Mantid Sky Reaver
•Fist of Fate
•Lerah's Ribsmasher
•Staff of Broken Hopes
•Wand of Stultifying Smoke
•Solianti's Insect Smasher

Also note that in battlegrounds MoP gems/enchants scale up, Cata gems/enchants do not

So if you plan to do bgs as a caster,etc find those rares that drop the ilvl 420 epics. Use your blues if you plan to only arena
hmm here is a guide on stuff somewhere if not ill post a guide on gear in he near future but

seriously FUCK HUNTERS and ROGUES at level 85 in this game. You cant get 2.1k arena cos all you meet is lvl 87hunter/dk/hunter/hunter/hunter/rogue/rogue/rogue/rogue/hunter/dk/dk/dkhunter comps at 2k and we run lvl 85 spriest/demo lock.

Every hunter I meet in bgs-makes me want to reach out to their monitor and punch them in the face. And there is nothing you can do about it and hunters cannot be countered at 85 at all. Heck levels 10-85 the hunter class is gay jajaja shoot on the move im a retarded fag but I can top charts me so good.

Non zerker using/ geared hunters do 180k instant KC/60k bite crits on a 370k hp healthpool. 40k-50k arcane shots.Then the retarded pets that can solo ilvl 394 cata geared ppl or keep you incombat and see through spectral guise

I play spriest and if someone wants to tell me how to counter a semi decent hunter, let me know but even 280k-300k hp hunters close to destroy me 1vs1 unless I literally pop all my cds.

Then don't get me started on rogues, their CDs , CoS and 170k envenoms.....

Arms wars are quite viable with a lute or a spear but pale in comparison to DKs both offensive and defensive cds.

Fire mages have insane control/stuns/interrupts that are like downright ridiculous vs casters.

When did SP's ever had a chance vs a hunter before?
Hybrids aren't what they used to be either, less healing, less resil, automatically means a nerf for healers/hybrids.
I suggest respeccing or avoiding bg's alltogether if this frustrates you so much :O
hmm here is a guide on stuff somewhere if not ill post a guide on gear in he near future but

seriously FUCK HUNTERS and ROGUES at level 85 in this game. You cant get 2.1k arena cos all you meet is lvl 87hunter/dk/hunter/hunter/hunter/rogue/rogue/rogue/rogue/hunter/dk/dk/dkhunter comps at 2k and we run lvl 85 spriest/demo lock.

Every hunter I meet in bgs-makes me want to reach out to their monitor and punch them in the face. And there is nothing you can do about it and hunters cannot be countered at 85 at all. Heck levels 10-85 the hunter class is gay jajaja shoot on the move im a retarded fag but I can top charts me so good.

Non zerker using/ geared hunters do 180k instant KC/60k bite crits on a 370k hp healthpool. 40k-50k arcane shots.Then the retarded pets that can solo ilvl 394 cata geared ppl or keep you incombat and see through spectral guise

I play spriest and if someone wants to tell me how to counter a semi decent hunter, let me know but even 280k-300k hp hunters close to destroy me 1vs1 unless I literally pop all my cds.

Then don't get me started on rogues, their CDs , CoS and 170k envenoms.....

Arms wars are quite viable with a lute or a spear but pale in comparison to DKs both offensive and defensive cds.

Fire mages have insane control/stuns/interrupts that are like downright ridiculous vs casters.

+rep for this so much. Hunter/rogue is so tardfriendly classes right now. Just all die please
Hmm I know a ranted a bit but that's just the way it is and that's what pisses me off that there is literally nothing I can do about it but watch my hp pool drain ,die fall over and release spirit. It starts off something like this

Hunters sees me cast as I try to open up on him
-Silencing shot,nope
Sitting in a silence while getting raped by pets, trying to run up to him to psychic horror(30yd range vs 40)
-Hunter then instead runs up to me and scatter/trap while he is regening focus,etc
Still not a single cast pulled off now popping guise oh wait hunter pet sees right through that+hunters mark.... desperately trying to spam flash heal for 20k heals.
-Shale spider stun, nope dead unless feather+dispersion

Or if I try to get away,nope conc shot with 5 sec uptime+he fires on the move.......

I also want to add dks to the hunter/rogue category. 95k oblit in arenas/150k in bgs. Starts off like Psychic scream. Nope lichborne. Void tendrils. Nope glyphed anti magic shell.

Trying to get away and pop spectral guise? Oh wait you are covered in undispelable dots(unless disc/holy) that insta break guise. Nope chillbains+ glyphed death grip/asphixylate.

I been using those Frostweave Nets when dks/rogues pop their CoS/shell works really well but the 35 yard range vs the gap closers/45 yd death grips really limits their potential
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Assuming you're talking about BM hunter's (Shale spider) you could try fakecasting his counter shot.
Perhaps try running LoS or away from a hunter instead at him to fear, just save the fear for his pet after BW or stampede if he's 87.

I'm not saying classes are balanced, healers & shadowpriests got hit hard, but you could adapt to the system. Be supportive and tactical if you can't
face certain classes 1 on 1, or just roll disc (easy way out xD) Won't do much good for bg's though, shitty healing on huge hp pools

Shadowpriests are still pretty nice in arena's with a proper healer/hybrid with you. Ofc double stealth teams will still be hard as fuck
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