83 warrior


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so....i was thinking of taking my warrior to 83 to see if its better or more fun than warrior at 80. came up with a gear list but im too high to figure out how to save my wowhead profile so ill just list it here & you can discuss if interested.

head: redsteel helm

reforged: exp -> mastery

enchanted: 50ap 20crit

gemmed: 54 str 3% crit dmg, 20 str 20 mastery

neck: mountain's mouth

reforged: parry -> crit

shoulders: earthshape pauldrons

reforged dodge -> crit

enchanted: 40ap 15crit

cape: shroud of the dead

enchanted: 65 crit

chest: breastplate of the risen land

enchanted: 20 stats

wrists: terborus's rotating bands

reforged: hit -> crit

enchanted: 50 str

gemmed: 20 str 20 mastery

gloves: fingers of light

reforged: parry -> crit

enchanted: 50 str

waist: belt of the forgemaster

reforged: haste -> mastery

gemmed: 40 str

legs: offline greaves

reforged: exp -> mastery

enchanted: 110ap 45crit

boots: greaves of wu the elder

reforged: hit -> mastery

enchanted: lava walker (mastery & speed increase)

ring 1: galrond's band

ring 2:ring of the darkest day

trinkets: imo its a hard call between right eye of rajh (hit reforged into mastery), mark of khardros, harrison's insignia of panache, and ofc the alch trinket(s) if you go alch - which i most likely would

weapon: wildhammer

reforged: haste -> crit

enchanted: landslide (and another same reforging but with weapon chain)

ranged: thundercall

reforged: parry -> crit

look through that and see if theres any improvements if youre interested i guess. with all that gear, & rajh and str alch trinket (20 str 20 mastery gem), the stats on wowhead says id have 7291 ap, 12.66% crit, 4.19% haste, 6.70% hit, 13 exp, 17.36 mastery, and 74547 unbuffed hp.

i chose 83 b/c going 84 doesnt net you anymore abilities and only one or two pieces of gear + 1 talent pt.

it only gives you a bit more hp (up to 8677 8) but drops your stats severely.....like going down to 9.65% crit, 3.19% haste, 5.11% hit, 11 expertise, 13.22 mastery, and 7300 ap on the nose.

less 2ndary stats than at 80 obviously and no resil. but with colossus smash, rallying cry, piercing howl as arms, victory rushes that heal for obscene amounts, stronger base attacks, etc it could be fun

edit: wowhead profile...hope it works http://www.wowhead.c...79498#inventory

update with chardev stats and few tweaks (epic gems, alch trinket, inscript shoulder chant)

stats: 75k hp, 7900 ap, 4.5% haste, 1.9% hit, 16% crit, 13 expertise, and 25 mastery.
I really want to test a DK at 83, I think a warrior would do just as well. That's basically the gear I'd follow.
i think 81 is good for dks...it was either that or 83 where they have the best scaling. there was one on the official forums
if you copied the profiler it doesnt look too bad. id hide the helm, and the main pieces are all the same blue and style it seems, with like 2 pieces being red. not too bad

plus transmog in 4.3 anyways
Stunggix said:
Yeah, that sounds viable, i just hate it how cata gear looks, warrior s8 & T10 <3

well just w8 for patch 4.3 right?

Edit: nvm falkor already said it...

+1 post count
81 scales best for mastery (for plate, not sure for everyone else, I'm guessing so). 83 is usually a pretty good ability, I wouldn't mind dumping my usually unused UH runes into Necrotic Strike :).
Oliks said:
Remove this.. i missed a part of ur thread ;)

I wrote a question about why u didnt just go 84, but then i saw that u had already answered that in ur thread, so i asked for it to get removed.
idk...prolly less than at 80 since the 2ndary stats are a lot lower and ap is only slightly higher. would all depend on how the base scaling of dmg abilities does i guess

the best part about being higher is the huge hp pool tho which grants big ol victory rushes. so you can 1-2 shot an undergeared person with ~20k just like an 80 would, but then you get like a 20 or 30k victory rush...would be nice with no healer around
join team at 80, dont leave, level, play....at least thats how it was most recently tho i thought they wanted to close those loopholes
redid the entire thing on wowhead profiler (yea im that bored atm) and edited it into OP if anyone wants to check it out

Profiler - Wowhead

put it here too. lemme know if its not working. and any suggestions
Falkor said:
join team at 80, dont leave, level, play....at least thats how it was most recently tho i thought they wanted to close those loopholes

So you can get into arenas with a charr like dat but its not official and they are trying to fix it? In this case ill keep my 80 DK as it is, and experiment with something else :p
Falkor said:
i think 81 is good for dks...it was either that or 83 where they have the best scaling. there was one on the official forums

Yesterday i had a crazy mad conversation with a guy who was twinking 80 warrior. Basically i said that 81 DK was viable, and then couldn't back it up coz i red it from you her on the forums, so this guy told me all kind of crazy mambo-jumbo stuff about mastery and that you cant twink above 80 and bla bla bla.

So can anyone like rly explain to me how you squish out more firepower out of 80+ if scaling eats away all the stats?

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