82 Fury Warr LF Casual Arena Push (BiS toon)


I am here to call any and all geared 80-84s to arena. I'd like to see more pops, but I am personally LF a good partner. Please be BiS or near BiS (horde, too). I have 2k+ exp and don't really care if you're DPS or Heals. If you're on Illidan and you are very committed, I might be able to help with minor and semi-large enchants, gear, etc.

This Arena push will be just that, a push for 2.2k, but I'm in no rush. I would rather have fun than get all pissed at some game cuz' I lost.

If you have any info regarding yourself, a way to better my toon, or want to play, my btag is: Tsunami#1383, or just send me a message here.

Armory: Nukedrite @ Illidan - Community - World of Warcraft
If you are still interested in doing arenas, I would be down.

I'm a ret pally on Tich (Horde) and am nearing full BiS. Unfortunately it's hard for me to obtain this missing gear because of lacking gold but if you're interested feel free to hmu.


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