80 rogue noob PVP


Hey guys,

I have just recently leveled my UD Rogue to 80 and have a few questions, first is it just me or am i going to have to take an ass whooping from all the other 80's for a long time before i get decent gear? And on that note, what is the best way to get good gear? Raiding is time consuming and i do not have alot of it (kids and such). Not sure if i am being clear or not. Simple put, do i just get my ass kicked until i farm enough honor to get decent gear? THX.
yes you will get your ass whooped. in both pvp and pve. altho ur a rogue so in pvp you can pretty much choose your fights (and CloS is fucking gay) and in pve rogues are op, so just get the hit cap and get 10000k dps

just do heroics (new dungeon tool helps, guild runs are better/faster since ur dps)

get triumph badges and buy t9, then pvp. also raid VoA and hope for the rogue pvp gear to drop.
Every arena I have even been in with a rogue on the other team....

Ok lets target the rogue when he comes out.................................THERE HE IS, GET HIM...<4sec later>....OK rogue is dead

my point is that if you have BiS gear you are gona get rocked in pvp as a rogue if you are a random hero and don't use your D CDs right (perfect).

Edit: just play arena games to buld your pvp set imo. 5s is the best worth the most points. You can get a full set of last seasons gear in about 3weeks and run VoA everytime you can.
I love BGing in PvE gear as a HFB/Mut, or Subtlety, but in Arenas, you really want to get PvP gear through the likes of VoA or Honor Points. While Sub and Combat builds have viable uses in Arena, they require a great deal more skill than Mutilate-Prep at higher brackets. The Sub and Combat builds are more or less used just to catch an opposing team off guard by throwing a rogue style they aren't accustomed to dealing with. I mean, lets face it, if a Team tries to treat you as a Mutilate Rogue and the healer splits away... it creates a beautiful opportunity to pop Killing Spree.

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