80 or 85? Which is more active?


I'm making an 80 or 85 twink. For the sole purpose of pvp battleground activity, which bracket is more active in pvp? Also, which would you recommend for a druid and why would be nice to know as well.

thanks ahead for any help with this!
You should go 85 for sure, it is way more active (in my experience) and 80's such a mess and way too long BG ques imo.
This is for the US bracket btw, so does your post apply to US or is that for EU?
druids are verry strong in 85, but play well you must =P
Alright, if I take my druid to 85, any spec suggestions? I see 85 druids of all specs looking at wow armory profiles. Also, any other classes I should consider? I have multiple classes in the 71-79 range I will be leveling up and can easily stop and twink at 85. Thanks for the help so far!
Is the 85 bracket different if you are xp off or Cata capped? Meaning do Cata 85s play with xp off, or do they que into the under geared leveling MoP players?

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