74 Enhance


So i've decided to bump my 70 resto up to 74 because i happen to have 2 niffelvar's:D.

Anyway im trying to decide if going all the way to 74 is the best idea or sticking at like 72.

Any help would be appreciated
i dont see whats wrong with 71 or 72. better scaling for 2ndary stats
It really comes down to your playstyle. 71 gives you more survivability and sustained damage, while 74 gives you more burst, but less survivability. Either playstyle works fine, so pick your favorite.

Edit: going from 71 to 72 causes approximately a 7% drop in your secondary stats, which (for a fully geared player) comes out to about the equivalent of losing four sockets in your gear. Getting the engineering helm at 72 typically adds 2.5 sockets' worth of stats over the PvP helms, so while the engineering helm is nice, it's not a big reason to go to 72.
I like how no one gave this guy any flack for proposing the EXACT same thing I did, albeit on a rogue!

Go for it...go 72 for the engineering goggles.....74 seems pointless to me.......enjoy :)
Nifflegar said:
I like how no one gave this guy any flack for proposing the EXACT same thing I did, albeit on a rogue!

Nobody gave you any flack about your proposition either, only for the context. In other words, your thread got trolled because you asked why so many weren't taking a specific option (which opened the door to a lot of opinions that had nothing to do with your question), while X9Hill asked about the range of options as a whole. It's a ridiculous difference, I know, but there you go -- people sink their teeth into different questions.

74 is just as legitimate for rogues as it is for enhancement shamans. As are the levels below 74, for both classes.
meh , Enh shamans get blown up at70 or 74 in arenas anyways so its your choice
Heads up, only 70,80,85 will be able to arena at some point, There was a blue awhile ago talking about how only 70 80 and 85 were ever intended to be able to arena and that they would be fixing it.
thats cuz you wnna hear it , Gm's have no clue about this game they just tell you what you want to hear to satisfy you . /clapx

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