70s vs 71s or 72s and a couple other bracket questions?

My first question is it it worth to lvl for the axes and whatever you get at 72 i forgot. Can you still arena? are you looked on poorly by the community? Also how are monks, DKs and Ele/Enh Shammies at the level. Also what is most OP. Thanks for the help.
is it it worth to lvl for the axes and whatever you get at 72 i forgot.

Depends on the class. Paladins for example, don't benefit much from it at all besides the axe itself being a decent 'stat stick'. Crusader Strike, but that's not really showing off the weapon's potential. Unlike a Rogue though, whom would greatly benefit from all of the statistics ( Weapon damage in particular )

Nifflevar Bearded Axe - Item - World of Warcraft

And I assume the other piece you mentioned were the Engineering goggles, and my suggestion? If you already leveled out of the arena bracket, might as well grab another potential BiS item ( Especially since it can be reforged. ). I'd be cautious leveling beyond though, I've heard Battlegrounds will not scale your gear after reaching its cap.

( Probably not all of them, but a handful. )
Armored Titanium Goggles - Item - World of Warcraft
Visage Liquification Goggles - Item - World of Warcraft
Charged Titanium Specs - Item - World of Warcraft
Truesight Ice Blinders - Item - World of Warcraft
Unbreakable Healing Amplifiers - Item - World of Warcraft
Greensight Gogs - Item - World of Warcraft

Can you still arena? are you looked on poorly by the community?

No, you can no longer arena above 70 as of patch 5.3. Anything above the intended level will be kicked out of all teams once you pass 70. If you do level, yer stuck to battlegrounds unless you do arena wargames. And frowned upon? Not in my experience, although I'm sure people will be upset if they die abilities such as Avenging Wrath, just like back in Cataclysm it was a pretty large clutch ( Lesser now in comparison. ) So don't be surprised if you get some hate. :p

Also how are monks, DKs and Ele/Enh Shammies at the level. Also what is most OP

Can't speak for all of them with assurance besides from what I've seen myself.

Monks are decent, they can pull off quite a bit of healing ( Second to disc ). Squishy, but nothing one can adjust to. Very mobile.

DKs, I see all specs. Although I assume most of them have hardly any idea of what they're doing besides trying to get a Death Siphon off, it being a rather hard hitting ability.

Enhancement, no. Elemental is -very- bursty, I've seen plenty of globals all around since 5.3 came live.

Most OP? Humph~

Priest, Paladin, Rogue, Ele Sham, imo
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No, you can no longer arena above 70 as of patch 5.3. Anything above the intended level will be kicked out of all teams once you pass 70. If you do level, yer stuck to battlegrounds unless you do arena wargames.
on ptr i can queue arena with lvl 71.

but its little bit buggy like 5.1 with xp on, we will see.
My first question is it it worth to lvl for the axes and whatever you get at 72 i forgot. Can you still arena? are you looked on poorly by the community? Also how are monks, DKs and Ele/Enh Shammies at the level. Also what is most OP. Thanks for the help.

74 dk is pointless. UH at 70 with apolyon is much better.
Enhance. You won't have fun as a 70 enhance. its like 70 warrior from cata(survivability wise) but with less damage. 70 cata warrior = charge and if u don't die instantly mid charge you get 1 MS off and then die.

Monk is OP as fuck, chi sphere = full heal. spam that shit.

70 dk is boring but not a bad option. Spam Death Siphon to 2 shot anyone.

"are you looked on poorly by the community?" if anyone looked down upon a 71 dk, 72 ret, 74 hunter(like people did in cata), they are retarded. straight A retarded. 70 mage shattered for 20k and 1 shot anyone. 70 rog with or with/out springs did sdance and killed anyone with ease. 70 rog/70 mage/70 spriest where the most skilless classes/level combos people played in 70s in cata. I wish my 71 dk could back to back someone for 10k hits over and over and over. I wish my 74 bm hunter hit a 16k+ kill command. Sorry. The most i hit with a KC was on a rabbit in elwynn with everyone proc'd/used and it was for 13k. (a fucken critter(0 armor)). This was all back in cata. The people who care about level and just backpeddling rogues and mages that can't toss on 2% more hit with 1 20 hit gem because they MUST stack straigh int(because they are retarded). If someone mentions level to you and qqs at you. Just call them a dumb faggot and dont pay anymore attention to them. Fuck, even the perenolde retards like Nirvana cried about 71 niff dk and than went 71 when he finally got it in his thick head that 70 dk with brutal weps/apolyon sucked huge dick in cata.
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