70 twink 4.0.3 pvp video



This is a video of some basic pvp clips since the release of 4.0.3.

Enhancement Shamans arn't the most op or op at all. if you think enhance is op, Most the people i killed in a few seconds during this video were under-geared and most classes with the same gear(brutal/sunwell items) have the edge when fighting me 1v1 now.

Edit:Reuploaded the video in HD quality.
Pretty good.

Don't see many enhance shammies since 4.0. Glad to see some pvp from a different perspective.
What editing software do you use?

and have you ever considered branching out a bit with the editing?
Do you play on EU or US? because the BG's here in EU are unavailable

Edit: sorry for being off-topic that much! nice movie i liked it =)
I remember healing that fight at LM on my shaman. It's always so depressing when I heal DPS and they can't even put a dent in the opponent.
All I have to say is im lucky im making my new 70 twink on horde.

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