70 shaman spec?


So I was wondering what the most viable shaman spec is right now. I've got a shaman at around 60 and I was planning on going 72 or 74 with niffs as enhance but with the change to all brackets, I'm not sure what shaman spec would be best. Is enhance still viable at 70? Does Resto even compete with other healers? Does ele stand a chance against boomys or other casters? Or is shaman not even really worth the time twinkling at 70?

I'm just now getting into this bracket after playing in the 85 bracket so any info is greatly appreciated!
I think Ele shamans have great potential
Elemental is one of the best classes out. Resto is definitely up there with other heals, second to discs in my opinion.
Elemental is one of the best classes out. Resto is definitely up there with other heals, second to discs in my opinion.
If you think Resto is 2nd to disc then you've clearly not played Holy paladin <3 which have become a lot more viable due to no 100% 1shots from prot palas, 1heal insta tops + denounce and harsh words hits like a truck
If you think Resto is 2nd to disc then you've clearly not played Holy paladin <3 which have become a lot more viable due to no 100% 1shots from prot palas, 1heal insta tops + denounce and harsh words hits like a truck

Resto is definitely up there! Can cancel out a lot of stuff from prots, grounding can save you from the initial burst, and the double healing totems can save you from any %. I'll match a Hpally anyday!

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