70 rogue BG pvp video

Pro tip of the day: Slow-mo when something amazing, skillful, or clutch happens. Examples of when not to use it.. hitting your blind button, gouging someone.., vanishing... etc. I think I saw one good slow-mo in like 5 minutes of footage where you used it every 4 seconds. Anyway other then the editing, good movie. Always enjoyed your music choices. ;)
I do love slo-mo :) glad you liked it though! I kindof went over the top on the editing because BG PvP bores the shit out of me
rofl you had a clip where you sap and he trinkets and you resap without any fight in it.

not sure if serious...
the fight with him is after the scene where Qtpockets kills a ret paladin, split it up because again, it was boring to me
elocon said:
rofl you had a clip where you sap and he trinkets and you resap without any fight in it.

not sure if serious...

the point of the clip was that a rogue trinkets the sap then gets resaped again DURP!
i was not impressed by the video. rate it 4/10. maybe it is b/c i have a 70 twink rogue and highly rated one too and maybe i'm huge fan of old TBC rogue vids like neilyo since rogue at 70 now r pretty much faceroll like most of classes at this time
challenge said:
i was not impressed by the video. rate it 4/10. maybe it is b/c i have a 70 twink rogue and highly rated one too and maybe i'm huge fan of old TBC rogue vids like neilyo since rogue at 70 now r pretty much faceroll like most of classes at this time

more for entertainment than impressing every random other 70 twink rogue who compares moments in my video to highlights of their own playing in their head :p. I was #3 on my battlegroup in 2s at one point, and have beaten the #1 team so I guess I could claim I'm "a highly rated rogue" ? but sorry for wasting your time, maybe you'll enjoy it next time
challenge it isnt bc, so why would you compare it to one?
challenge said:
i was not impressed by the video. rate it 4/10. maybe it is b/c i have a 70 twink rogue and highly rated one too and maybe i'm huge fan of old TBC rogue vids like neilyo since rogue at 70 now r pretty much faceroll like most of classes at this time

1. You just compared one of the top rogues in the world to a random (no offense) 70 twink video.

2. If you can't reach "High Ratings" with a 70 Rogue, you have mental issues, and even then you should at least hit 2200 in a day or so.

3. The skill cap on rogues even at 85 has decreased dramatically sense bad kids like you for example complained about vanish, blind, etc. and had them fixed so that literally anyone could play the class reasonably well.

4. figured while I'm listing things off about your retarded comment id also take the time to say your terrible.

kthxbai. ;)
Nukka said:
1. You just compared one of the top rogues in the world to a random (no offense) 70 twink video.

2. If you can't reach "High Ratings" with a 70 Rogue, you have mental issues, and even then you should at least hit 2200 in a day or so.

3. The skill cap on rogues even at 85 has decreased dramatically sense bad kids like you for example complained about vanish, blind, etc. and had them fixed so that literally anyone could play the class reasonably well.

4. figured while I'm listing things off about your retarded comment id also take the time to say your terrible.

kthxbai. ;)

you took the dam words right out of my mouth
Nukka said:
1. You just compared one of the top rogues in the world to a random (no offense) 70 twink video.

2. If you can't reach "High Ratings" with a 70 Rogue, you have mental issues, and even then you should at least hit 2200 in a day or so.

3. The skill cap on rogues even at 85 has decreased dramatically sense bad kids like you for example complained about vanish, blind, etc. and had them fixed so that literally anyone could play the class reasonably well.

4. figured while I'm listing things off about your retarded comment id also take the time to say your terrible.

kthxbai. ;)

rofl get wrecked
Hotpockets said:
rofl get wrecked

Remember that post of mine pockets from like a month or two ago when i said i cant wait for more fucking retards to post about meaninless ratings at 70? nothing like seeing it happen ITT

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