70 Monk?


I was thinking of making 70 i did once have a 70 balance druid but found it quite boring :/.. So i made my way towards 90. When i think about it now i wish i didn't leave the 70 bracket, but the character isn't 70 anymore so bah... I enjoy the class monk, i have a level 90 monk and i was wondering would it make sense to make a 70 monk?.... But i wasn't sure because they don't get pvp gear etc?... So i thought why wouldnt i post it on Twinkinfo.com and see what they have to say :)!
I don't like monks at 70, I find their healing unreliable and they seem squishy + their dmg is pretty poor. However I only say that because there are not many monks around at 70, they can be quite annoying at times but overall I would pick every other healer before I pick a monk =)

never played one myself so don't really know much al I know is that they don't seem to pose a threat like other classes.
Monks can be very strong as mistweaver, you can top someone in one gcd and have some of the best burst healing in the bracket, as well as a 50k absorb thats undispellable for those "oh shiet" moments. They also have very strong CC and decent assist damage with crackling jade lightning.

However, we are very vulnerable to switches since we can only do our biggest heals whilst channeling soothing mist, which requires 1 gcd to start.

Windwalker is semi-viable but just lacks the sustained pressure to be a strong arena class, though they have nice CC and self-healing.

My monk's armory: Meatx @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft

Hope this helps ^^ Overall monk is kinda fun to play, so its worth rolling one if you like the class, just dont expect to be oneshottin
Here is my 70 twink Pandaposer @ Vek'nilash - Community - World of Warcraft I'm 98 percent sure he is bis. Both sets "I switch them out a lot for duels so idk when you'll see him"
MW. I absolutely love. Pro's. If focused you spam healing orbs at ur feet and they can't touch you, they have great mobility and control, they have bubble for the omg everything is bursting the fuck out of me. When stunned u gain like 80 percent dodge, so rogues usually miss their entire opening aoe heals are decent with renewingmist, uplift, and w/e that brew is that refreshes mist. "sorry slipping my mind" and spinning crane kick. Cons, you are channeling a lot and are easily kicked or locked out, and to get a good huge heal u have to wait for global.
WW. Pros control, mobility, touch of karma, and heals that insane.
Cons. You can't really touch a full resil stacked healer even with maxed pvp power, ur burst takes awhile to build up, fof feels a bit clunky and people usually lag out of it or somehow while stunned jump out of, and you are squishy as fuck.
Brew master. This set isn't complete yet, however it's only viable for fc. Pros, mobility, survivability you keep ur op healing orbs, and you gain guard which absorbs around 20k with a 40 second cd I believe, and you can slow and kite like a pro.
Cons your not a warrior.
Hope this helps :)

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