[70] Looking for guild! - EU



My current twink characters are located on Shattered Hand -EU on the Alliance side. I had a BiS Resto Shaman, a paladin in progress of gearing up and a disc priest with full brutal.

Now I am looking for an active guild that does both PvP and PvE (70 only preferred ofc).

I do not have arena experience above 1800 because on Shattered Hand I couldn't find a permanent partner.
I don't know if Real ID works for guilds, if this is the case this would be awesome. If it is not I am willing to reroll on your server (preferably a server with good 70 twink activity). Help with rerolling would appreciated ofcourse, leveling together for example :)

I'd especially be interested in another shaman ( mainly resto) and a disc/shadow priest, maybe a feral druid aswell.

PM me or whisper me for more info

PS: I'll be coming back to WoW on the 20th of June!

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