70 bracket dying slowly


The 1st few weeks of the battlegroup merge BGs popped almost instant-5min for the 70 bracket. BG ques started getting slower to around 7-10min and 4+ BGs at a time. Now BG ques are so slow it takes 20-30-40-50mins to get a queue pop and 1 BG at a time. What we need to do is start making new guilds with dedicated twinks, even if the twinks aren't dedicated or geared still bring them into BGs and influence them to queue up for randoms.

I think most the new people are getting bored with 70s because of the fact that they might get owned in seconds because there's original twinks demolishing noobs, i globalled a 9k hp warrior which is sad today over 4 times in a row.

So get your friends to queue or find some people and make a guild to do premades and shit.
is that really the main reason?

Because if so i can probably get about 20 people to go horde with me. I know its not much but its a start.

I am actually debating on leveling my twink because of the lack of queues. But if i go horde and theese queues pop ill stay horde lol
Earlier today I qued for random BG, waited about 15 min until que popped, then 2nd BG it took 40 min and after that I was in que for 1 hour and 40 min before I decided to log. :(
It better not be dieing...in a few weeks I'll be joining it. I'll be that healer that you wish was on your team or that you love.
lack of players isn't the problem, we played 2 rated battlegrounds against retro 15 vs 15 AB and Eots,(we won both) then qued regular games all night que times were about 10-15 min
It would seem the que system is still slightly bugged where its taking longer to gather the 70s to place them in Bgs. Because I know me and my guild que 10 at a time usually.
Blizzard really needs to work on how their queue system fetches players. It's very inefficient.
Mulciber said:
It would seem the que system is still slightly bugged where its taking longer to gather the 70s to place them in Bgs. Because I know me and my guild que 10 at a time usually.
don't que in big grps stick to 2-3 because otherwise other horde have to wait and it changes the rotations up.
Kruul said:
don't que in big grps stick to 2-3 because otherwise other horde have to wait and it changes the rotations up.

I'm pretty sure he means that he has 10 people queing at a time individually, not together. Also you can't run 10 man premades unless it is rated BG I think.
i did several BGs today and cycled three 70's thru them. i que random passively, while doing dailies and farming for eng mats. got the following

3 AVs



2 AB

game were pretty even each time, including the 3 AVs i was in, only one was mismatched...38 vs 40, which was still good.

i have mentioned in another posts concerning the BG selection and queing system blizzard is using. i don't mind AV, but imo it creates long que when the system decides next random is AV no matter what and puts players in a huge holding system.

each AV has the players to roll 1 WSG, 1 AB, and 1 EOTS

faction imbalance? not really seeing it. there are times when alliance has stronger players/combos and times when horde does. goes in cycles
Late Sunday night/early Monday morning, my alliance shaman had only 10-minute waits between the 7 random XP-off BGs I played. If we were short Horde, I would have expected much longer waits.

I'm inclined to agree with others here in that the queue problems do not stem from a lack of people.
the reason (at least me and my mate) are getting bored to 70 twinks, is because we grinded instances for our gear. BT every week, ZA and other shit.. we got full epics and we were the ownage.

then the patch came, where noobs could grind brutals wayy too easy. just before that i had grinded marks and honor by world pvp to get a few off pieces.
Partajezuz said:
the reason (at least me and my mate) are getting bored to 70 twinks, is because we grinded instances for our gear. BT every week, ZA and other shit.. we got full epics and we were the ownage.

then the patch came, where noobs could grind brutals wayy too easy. just before that i had grinded marks and honor by world pvp to get a few off pieces.

Soooooooo you wanted to smash under-geared players? If you want to have more fun queue arenas.
The 70 bracket isn't dieing and never will, the 70 bracket has become so much more active as people have already got bored of cataclysm and turned totinking 70. Stop putting out posts saying the bracket is dieing hen it is actually growing, kthxbye.
Mulciber said:
It would seem the que system is still slightly bugged where its taking longer to gather the 70s to place them in Bgs. Because I know me and my guild que 10 at a time usually.



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