70-74, is it worth it?


70-74, is it worth it?

I come from the lower brackets, and I am getting very bored with low level twinking. Endgame PvP is okay, but it doesn't cut the bill for me. I've been researching a bit, and thought, "Hey, why not give 70 a try." since there are an abundant amount of 70s on Moon Guard, atleast on Alliance.

Should I roll 70, or 74? (I assume 70, since it seems to be the prime level of this bracket, and I don't want to be unfair). Which classes are horribly UP? Which classes are balanced (I'll go for the balanced classes)? Which classes are FOTM?

Is the bracket active? Last time I checked, months ago, it was one of the most active twink brackets in the entire MMO scene.

Is getting BiS a large pain in the ass? -Asks more questions.-

How much honor will I need to afford all of the BiS honor gear?
70-74, is it worth it?
I still enjoy the bracket, so yea I think so.
The wast majority rolls 70, a few classes are alot better at 72 / 74 but people mostly roll 70 regardless.
Disc/shadow priests are the fotm. Any hybrid has sic healing atm.
So ret/balance/elemental/sp/ect are all really strong.
Dks are the only class I can think off as very underpowered right now, several key abilities have been moved to a higher level.

The bracket is still alive, but it has been rather dormant lately due to well mop.
Had several 5,10,30 min queues today (from midday -> 12ish).
I think the bracket should start picking up again when arena opens, and most people have tasted mop.

It can take quite awhile getting bis, say 2-3 bt/hyjal/swp runs and you should be getting rather close to it (if you are lucky).
But its not too bad, just start a pug once a week (on an active realm thats np atall).
Pve items are used rather heavily as you can obtain higher values of everything compared to using full pvp gear.
How much honor gear that is bis varies with class/spec. If you just want something to start out with getting a full honor set would cost about 2.2k give or take. I would not do so tho; much better to save the honor and use it to get the wotlk jp gems (dalaran), then you only need to buy the enchants.
On my hunter I currently only use 4 honor items (trink excluded), and I can debate-ably drop one of them for 40 pvp power.
Whereas on my resto sham I only needed a handful of pve items.
Roll a 70 so you can do arenas. They're a lot of fun as well as BGs. Hopefully ques get a little better after mop and they fix our broke ass healing. Best in slot gear can take some real dedication. I see a lot of friends want to twink with me, get to 70 buy the glad gear and are disappointed that they aren't pwning noobs left and right. Best in slot items, gems, enchants, and professions will make a big difference. If you don't want to commit that much too it than I wouldn't bother.
Doesnt really matter,Unless you plan on doing arenas. What ever you enjoy the most. Although if your planning on joining a hardcore 70 guild dont bother. They take that level difference up the ass.
Had my share of fun in the 70s, probably won't ever go back to it tho (unless I level a monk and stop at 70 to check it out), but it's a good experience definitly (at least throughtout cataclysm, dunno this expansion)
From a EU perspective, sure imo its worth it, people say the bracket is dieing but in all honestly its never going to die, its simply just quiet at the moment because of Mists.

Roll 70, the way stats works you are kind of gimping yourself going for 74. And being 70 you are automatically a cool dude and not a 74 aids bro.

Balanced classes at the moment, hunters, warlock, feral druid, they are in a nice spot. Shadow Priests, Healers and hybrid healers are all disgustingly OP and mages and just mages...

70 is one of the most active brackets but of course its going to take a hit for a new expansion, saying that I still did get a queue last night after 20 minutes, on release night...

Getting BIS is a pain in the ass, I wont argue that, I'm still not BiS as a rogue and I've been going at it for a couple years now. Getting gear good enough to be a decent opponent in bgs/arena is hella easy and can be done in a couple weeks or a few months if you are slack. Join Sunwells, Black Temple and Mount Hyjal on a weekly basis and you will be geared well in no time, in the mean time you can farm the entire pvp set in a matter of days.

From a EU perspective, sure imo its worth it, people say the bracket is dieing but in all honestly its never going to die, its simply just quiet at the moment because of Mists.

Roll 70, the way stats works you are kind of gimping yourself going for 74. And being 70 you are automatically a cool dude and not a 74 aids bro.

Balanced classes at the moment, hunters, warlock, feral druid, they are in a nice spot. Shadow Priests, Healers and hybrid healers are all disgustingly OP and mages and just mages...

70 is one of the most active brackets but of course its going to take a hit for a new expansion, saying that I still did get a queue last night after 20 minutes, on release night...

Getting BIS is a pain in the ass, I wont argue that, I'm still not BiS as a rogue and I've been going at it for a couple years now. Getting gear good enough to be a decent opponent in bgs/arena is hella easy and can be done in a couple weeks or a few months if you are slack. Join Sunwells, Black Temple and Mount Hyjal on a weekly basis and you will be geared well in no time, in the mean time you can farm the entire pvp set in a matter of days.


Getting BiS just proves the exclusivity and dedication it takes to be succesful in the bgs. Its part of the 70 experience. You dont want random noobs walking around with warglaives do you?
When did glaives become bis? Hmm, never. It did help with the population of swagqt rogues lingering about spamming hemo thinking they are the best fucking dawg ever. Aesthetically speaking they look cool as fuck, but 95% of the time glaive rogues are ez meat free HK kk thx bai.
When did glaives become bis? Hmm, never. It did help with the population of swagqt rogues lingering about spamming hemo thinking they are the best fucking dawg ever. Aesthetically speaking they look cool as fuck, but 95% of the time glaive rogues are ez meat free HK kk thx bai.

uhm.. awkward, well.. it was actually a sarcastic rhetorical question with a bit of bichty thrown in there for shits and gigs encasing an under-lieing dig @ said twinker... But y'know, i guess your answer would do.
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uhm.. awkward, well.. it was actually a sarcastic rhetorical question with a bit of bichty thrown in there for shits and gigs encasing an under-lieing dig @ said twinker... But y'know, i guess your answer would do.

I should have held back a bit, my apologies, think i'm on my man period.

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