69 DK twink professions?


So I've been planning my DK twink to be 69, doing my research I've decided that blacksmithing and enchanting will be the two best professions (I think).

With enchanting I can get +40 str ring enchant x2 rings = +80 str

and with blacksmithing I can get 3 more gem slots x20 str = +60 str.

I think this trumps the gathering skills and other bonuses (like Jewelcrafting) but I wanted to get some other opinions to make sure i'm not missing anything now rather than after i've spend hours and gold to level these up.


p.s. unfortunatley i'm in a little known non-pvp realm called Shu-halo, otherwise i'd love to play with all you
I`m not sure whether you realise, but I don`t think that anyone is getting any xp-locked games in the 65-69 bracket in either EU or US? If they are then I haven`t realised or seen this yet, but if you plan on mainly pvp`ing on the DK then that may well be worth researching and considering before you take the plunge.

If it is for some fun PvE or just to see what can be achieved with it then by all means go for it.

Also, I think you only get two sockets with Blacksmithing, for bracer and gloves. If you are refering to the belt as well, then that is available to everyone regardless of profession as it is an Eternal Belt Buckle. I don`t think you can get the 40 str ring enchants either as that requires enchanting of 475 and you can`t reach that at level 69 as I believe you would need to be level 75?

Good professions would be engineering and probably blacksmithing so you can tailor the two gem slots to whatever you would need from the respective gear sets for either PvP or PvE. Jewelcrafting is also a possibility as it will provide a few extra stats more than Blacksmithing and hence is also a viable choice.
Ah thank you I forgot 69s aren't having pops yet, I havn't played in the 69s yet.

And I read the enchanting level wrong it was 475 I thought it was 450, Thanks for the info. So I could only get 30 stam enchants or 40 attack power for ring with enchanting.

The highest STR gems without JC are 20 right? So with JC it's 34, and I think you can get 3. So 14 x 3 = 42 extra str

Thank you very much
Yes if you took enchanting you could only get the 30 stamina or 40 ap ring enchants.

You would get a total of 2 extra of most stats if you took JC instead of BS, so it is technically better. However with BS you can put in any hybrid gem that you may need.

If the char is for PvP, I would go Engineering/JC for a DK personally. If you only really intend to PvE, and depending on your role, then BS/JC would probably be best.

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