60 twink warlock?



Has anyone here made a twink warlock yet? Trying to find a few armory links or suggestions for specs.

I'm currently trying affliction but no soulink sucks. I might try out a demo spec soon.
get soul link then go affliction all the way imo.
[char=Bloodscalp]Kegsofbeer[/char] Although he's got stuff you can't get :(

Here's another warlock with currently obtainable gear: [char=Bloodscalp]Shunn[/char].

After being killed by said warlocks many times, their strengths appear to be that Kegsofbeer can dot every living thing and the healing from Syphon Life keeps him up through quite a beating though he can still be bursted down (He's usually upwards of 90 KBs with <8 deaths but his gear helps with that too). Shunn, however, destroys people one at a time with HUGE chaos bolt and conflag crits (I've been hit up to 6k with chaos bolt). However, destruction is incredibly squishy and you need to be crafty- using bushes and objects to hide yourself while you drop bombs on fools. Demonology I've only seen a little bit of, but demon form -> immolate aura thing does some retarded amounts of damage in bottleneck situations.

Oh and welcome to the 60 bracket :) we need more!

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