I haven't played SoD since I hit 40, but after watching Arkaviun streaming on YT and some of his other videos, I decided to jump back in. SoD is now pretty easy to level and gear and you can buy an invasion boost which does a level in 6-10 minutes at the price of 40-50g. Also you can buy all Runes for 1 copper in the starting zone. In 2 weeks (not playtime) I am mostly geared, got my 6 piece and 2 piece along with some other things I bought on the AH. And this pally gear can 1 shot peeps, although it can be a little RNG.
The set bonuses include:
You can seal twist with Seal of Command and Seal of Martyrdom keeping them both for 6 seconds, shortest duration gets the 6 seconds
Judgement does not consume Seals
Judgement does 20% more damage
And the shoulder chant Templar > Crusader Strike also casts Judgement
So in essence, you can HoJ someone for 12 seconds, Cast Avenging Wrath if you choose, Crusader Strike them which can proc Judges with 2 Seals, Judge them for another possible 2 Seal Strike, meanwhile getting a 2-4 melee strikes which can also proc the 2 seals.
There are variations on what you can do, but sometimes the first hit will 1 shot em and a 1,2 and or 3k crit. I never played melee much in pvp, so I have a lot to learn on how to play this guy efficiently.
You can get the tiered sets by running 55+ dungeons. Kill a boss and get the Tarnished Undermine Tokens which they call Reals. I needed about 170 to get the 8 pieces. Mostly ran Strat and Scholo once per day since it's can be done once per boss per day. Then turn the Reals in to Pix in Booty Bay. Then you need to get MC (6 set) and BWL (2 set) attuned get to the Quartermaster which wasn't that hard and gives you Reals. MC is pretty decent for gear and Reals too. Also have to do some Argent Dawn quests to get the shoulder set bonus chant. Also buy the Libram on Plenty from Pix for Reals as it gives you 10% more mana with Crusader Strike.
I am also ready for Naxx. Got my 7 rank seal and 4 sanctified pieces. I REALLY want the Might of Menethil mace which does 50% more damage than my BOE and has a AOE stun chance. And I did hear that horde might get paladins and ally shamans.
Here is Arkaviun's armory >
And here is what you can do when you know what you are doing >
The set bonuses include:
You can seal twist with Seal of Command and Seal of Martyrdom keeping them both for 6 seconds, shortest duration gets the 6 seconds
Judgement does not consume Seals
Judgement does 20% more damage
And the shoulder chant Templar > Crusader Strike also casts Judgement
So in essence, you can HoJ someone for 12 seconds, Cast Avenging Wrath if you choose, Crusader Strike them which can proc Judges with 2 Seals, Judge them for another possible 2 Seal Strike, meanwhile getting a 2-4 melee strikes which can also proc the 2 seals.
There are variations on what you can do, but sometimes the first hit will 1 shot em and a 1,2 and or 3k crit. I never played melee much in pvp, so I have a lot to learn on how to play this guy efficiently.
You can get the tiered sets by running 55+ dungeons. Kill a boss and get the Tarnished Undermine Tokens which they call Reals. I needed about 170 to get the 8 pieces. Mostly ran Strat and Scholo once per day since it's can be done once per boss per day. Then turn the Reals in to Pix in Booty Bay. Then you need to get MC (6 set) and BWL (2 set) attuned get to the Quartermaster which wasn't that hard and gives you Reals. MC is pretty decent for gear and Reals too. Also have to do some Argent Dawn quests to get the shoulder set bonus chant. Also buy the Libram on Plenty from Pix for Reals as it gives you 10% more mana with Crusader Strike.
I am also ready for Naxx. Got my 7 rank seal and 4 sanctified pieces. I REALLY want the Might of Menethil mace which does 50% more damage than my BOE and has a AOE stun chance. And I did hear that horde might get paladins and ally shamans.
Here is Arkaviun's armory >
And here is what you can do when you know what you are doing >