60 feral druid twink

So thinking of rolling a 60 twink on a vanilla account and I'm really interested in a feral druid twink.

Can anyone confirm their effectiveness?

Any good 1v1 and/or in AV?

And I guess gear should aim towards ALOT of stam and AP right?

Thanks in advance.
They can be effective and they work good in AV and 1v1's (dunno about what anticlasses they got).

Know a 60 tauren druid on Blackout EU but I cant find him (His chardev's that I saved since I was thinking of making a F druid myself, but never did). I know he had 450 herbalism that is helpful but 450 herbalism is still posibble to get but it's just to time consuming soo I whould almost call it grandfathered soo I guess that's quite a lose compared to that druid. I whould gear about the same as him but maybe have a Goblin Rocket Launcher/Gnomish Poultryizer instead of Bladefist's Breadth.
Ah sorry for the slow reply, was not home for last couple of days.

Hm, I'm debating whether or not I should drop Berserk + other feral points for Furor, is it worth it? Opinions anyone?

And if anybody has seen a feral druid at 60 or played one, can anyone confirm their effectiveness if twinked?

Thanks for the reply by the way =]
Hi Cheese.

I have a 60 twink druid and have sets/tried all specs. I have to say of all the 3 specs I found feral to be the weakest of them all. You can get pretty impressive stats on them if you gear correctly (had almost 2000 AP and 40% crit in cat form), but they lack sustained dps for my liking and don`t really hit that hard overall. For example, on a level 60 target dummy i was doing about 600 sustained dps as feral, where as in moonkin set with about 900 spellpower was easily holding 1300 sustained dps with it peaking up to about 1800 with all trinkets and starfall etc..

Although feral has its advantages and can be fun to play, boomkin will hit far harder and will waste things far quicker. Don`t even get me started on playing as well geared resto, with engi gear and 850+ healing you are nearly unkillable even versus twink ret pallies :p

I now play as Balance/Resto and my feral kit stays collecting dust in my bags.

Just my two cents worth.
Ah I see, that is quite unfortunate. Thanks alot for your reply it has greatly helped me decide what class to role.

What/who do you have troubles with as a boomkin druid?
prolly finding proper gear. the tier sets werent designed to maximize boomkin so youll have to find offset cloth gear most likely. at least moonkins shouldnt have too much trouble in raids since they use nature and arcane spells where as mc and bwl screw over fire and stuff. unfortunately druids are always the most effected by blizzard tuning around end game. without savage roar you just wont be as great as another melee dps. moonkin should still preform well since you have eclipse and other core talents. and resto is always strong

if you were dead set on feral you could prolly tank decently, and even better after cata. but for pvp i would stay away from feral unless youre dead set on it. just not that great for 1v1, but in a group setting they can do pretty well, especially with a rogue they have good synergy
skipping primal gore is an epic fail for pve, even if it means giving up berserk. for pvp berserk may outweigh primal gore since rip is more a pve finisher, and in pvp you'll most likely be using ferocious bite as a quick finisher.

either way, not sure he needs to go out of his way to 'stack' crit considering agi is the best stat to stack, and since ferals get 5% free from LotP, you should be swimming in crit if 60 is anything like 80. i say agi is the best b/c im not sure you could get enough ArP to be worthwhile and agi gives crit dodge armor and ap all in one scaling package.

also, the idol to get is idol of the wild from a hellfire quest. increases mangle damage whereas the one you have on chardev does absolutely nothing for a cat. other than that, looks pretty good although im not too familiar with BiS leather gear for this bracket. also consider berserking instead of massacre. personal preference on proc vs static, so up to you

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