59 PVP video(s)

So, I'm probably never going to finish the editing I started, since twink PVP has pretty much died for me and thus my interest in the video, might as well post what I've got for anyone curious what it was like in the bad old days :)

YouTube - TheIansanity's Channel

Several random clips where I was trying to learn how youtube rendering works and such, plus the long(er) video I was actually trying to work on as a PVP vid. No audio. Very rough. Make of it what you will.
wish you had more stuff, especially from pre 4.0, etc

but even though you were facin mainly scrubs lvling up its still pretty apparent youre a skilled mage. hopefully the bracket gets some life and you can keep makin sweet vids. i liked the over all editing, and the lil in between clips of you emoting. no sound isnt necesarily bad since we the viewer can play our own anyways
Falkor said:
wish you had more stuff, especially from pre 4.0, etc

but even though you were facin mainly scrubs lvling up its still pretty apparent youre a skilled mage. hopefully the bracket gets some life and you can keep makin sweet vids. i liked the over all editing, and the lil in between clips of you emoting. no sound isnt necesarily bad since we the viewer can play our own anyways

Yeah, most folks I faced were definetly scrubs, the fun comes from taking on several at once. Also, as you might be able to tell, much of the time my 'net connection is... poor, so I've got that added challenge. I've run into a few decent players, but I don't think I caught any of 'em on fraps. (aside from another, horde, 59 twink getting zerged by about 5 alliance)

I'm still kicking myself for not just recording the entire time I was in WSG- I missed so many awesome fights because I didn't remember to hit "record" when the action started. Even at full resolution, I had the HD space. I do have more clips, almost all of my mage, but most of the ones worth watching went into the fullsize vid. My older stuff that has a bit of paladin action was all back when I thought recording at half size was a good idea. Looks like crap once it gets to youtube :p
Bind iceblock >< You died vs the spriest and in the mosh pit at 7:00ish because you were fumbling around trying to click it. In your 9 minute video, that is.
Chanka said:
Bind iceblock >< You died vs the spriest and in the mosh pit at 7:00ish because you were fumbling around trying to click it. In your 9 minute video, that is.

It IS bound. I just don't remember what too >.>. I don't really do arenas (pretty frustrating with my ping) so I don't have the muscle memory for the keybinds on my long CD's (hard to practice using 5min cd's :-/) Also, vs the Spriest/frostmage, it was on CD and I was pretty much fucked anyway, however, I'm not claiming to be a great player, that's why I put stuff like that in >.> there were a lot of things I could have done better, in a lot of fights, that one just showcases a few.

Also, in the mosh pit, yeah, I actually nailed it when I decided I needed to, my latency just doesn't agree with me. The REAL fumbling going on there was me utterly failing to pick up the flag. Thus the "gratz on fail" clapping at the end of that clip.
You should probably use a bind for switching targets (tab?). It's okay to click a target every now and then if ther's like a shaman in between totems or whatever but in general tabbing is so much smoother. Didnt rly watch the whole thing cause i never played 59's tho.
Sparhawk said:
It IS bound. I just don't remember what too >.>. I don't really do arenas (pretty frustrating with my ping) so I don't have the muscle memory for the keybinds on my long CD's (hard to practice using 5min cd's :-/) Also, vs the Spriest/frostmage, it was on CD and I was pretty much fucked anyway, however, I'm not claiming to be a great player, that's why I put stuff like that in >.> there were a lot of things I could have done better, in a lot of fights, that one just showcases a few.

Also, in the mosh pit, yeah, I actually nailed it when I decided I needed to, my latency just doesn't agree with me. The REAL fumbling going on there was me utterly failing to pick up the flag. Thus the "gratz on fail" clapping at the end of that clip.

Look at 7:15. You were trying to click iceblock and you misclicked and hit arcane brilliance. That was what I was referring to.

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