49 Shadow Priest Thoughts


First off, I have to say, Dual Spec is the most amazing thing ever. :D

Second: Playing Disc for a few days has improved my Spriest play by 1000%. Many of the sites I have read just recommended stacking SP and melting faces. While the DPS of a shadow is very nice, most Spriests I've come across lack SURVIVABILITY, and focus too much on pew, pew, pew! Survivability and respectable dmg (should) win out over insane pure dmg. I find 250+ to be the magic number for SP while maintaining the ability to still rack up the Killing blows. They also gain a slow (mind flay) and a silence that makes them extremely dangerous. With 250+ SP, PWS absorbs 850-900+, and when glyphed, provides around 1100-1200 effective hit points. This is in addition to my 3.1k health (self-buffed).

They are also viable healers in emergency situations. I had an interesting score board in WSG today with 25 killing blows, 3 deaths, 1 flag cap, 3rd overall in dmg, AND 3rd overall in healing (spot healing + bandage spamming teammates). Yes, I'm amazed to find that a Spriest can be VERSATILE if he has a decent team.

Also, Swiftness potions are absolutely amazing for shadow priests. If you really want to piss off the other team, dot them up, pop a swiftness, and spam dispell/bubble (and in my case: Lifeblood + Stone skin) as they chase you endlessly towards your allies. Fear anything that overwhelms you.

Anyone else have insights about this wonderful portion of the Priest class?

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best shadow priest i've ever played against. a beast solo, and with a grp its just not even fun.

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