49 Enhance Shaman (First attempt at a real twink)


Lord of the Black Flame
I just recently posted a build for a level 14 Warrior, but my love has and always will be with Shamans. I had one at 19 (who I then leveled to 29) and I would like to try 49. I didn't have a good amount of time to try Enhance when I did. In the 4 years of WoW that I played as a Shaman, I was either Elemental (*HEART* ELEM!!) or Resto (Bleh ...) I never had a chance to soak my feet into the Enhance tree (other than grabbing Insta GW and +Int/Critical Strike bonus)

So here we go: Evatar (49 Enhance Build)

The gear could probably be better and the talents aren't up to date for 3.1, but I tried my best and if I ever do return to retail I would love to try 49's.

I couldn't really find any guides here other than Ribsplitters are OP. IDK what Shaman Chant to slap on my weapons and how that even works while DWing (I prefer carrying a big 2h, to be honest) So any additional help or links to armories or guides would be of help.

Thank you,

I'm not a fan of Mongoose on twinks.

I had it for almost a year on a 49 rogue and prep, cheap shot, hemo, evis was usually enough to end most fights or take people down to 20% or less. It would rarely proc or be useful enough after that type of damage. As such I switched to 20 agi across the board.

I now hit harder and faster. Considering shammies are able to chain more damage across the board faster without stealth/cd's I think the chants could be better. Also, putting one Mongoose is almost worthless. You really need to do both or neither IMHO.
Don't listen to this... ^^^

Mongoose or don't even roll an enhance shaman.

Armory mine for pretty much the best one you'll find: gulguthra on the forgotten coast.

Enhance is a POS spec now though. Prepare to be frustrated as hunters, rogues and paladins tear you a new one. We do jack and sh1t for spell damage now after the mental quickness change (thanks Blizzard! retards) and since the tremor totem "fix" to 3 seconds locks and priest tear us up unless you get lucky too. It's a dead spec.
You should be using Phytoskin Spaulders if you do not have access to BoA shoulders. They will give you a nice amount of crit for the lose of only 4AP. It is a much better option.

You need to drop that Drakeclaw band and get an Aquamarine Signet of the Monkey or Falcon. Preferably Monkey come 3.1. I would also switch out the Eagle Rip for a Monkey rib because once again you don't have mana issues.

You really should use 20 agi over 30 int because you shouldn't have mana issues and the crit from 20 agi is better than the extra 10AP.

You have to use mongoose when it procs you get 120AP and a ton of crit. It really is great.

Edit: I didn't look at your spec until after I was done. You are missing some key items in the tree and have picked up some things that you do not need. I have never used that site before so forgive me if my link does not work but you should be using this spec... http://www.chardev.org/?t=sh,duw39u1il7

There is nothing wrong with the spec. FOTM Shaman's are still made about Mental Quickness change but it was much needed. You should not have any trouble with priest's even with Tremor totem working correctly.

If you have any other questions you can contact me here or on Keal'Thas. Just asking anyone from Juiced if I am on because I have a few guys I am on also my new 39 shaman I spend a lot of time on while I wait for 3.1. As for experience I have been playing a 49 shaman since pre-bc. I have been with the class through all the changes over the years. If someone has not mentioned it already Elemental will be the new FOTM come 3.1.
I wouldn't go so far as to call it a dead spec. It is a tough spec to 1v1 most anything with, however. If you are only going to run solo, going enhance is a challenge.

On the other hand, enhance shaman are great to have with a group or a heal bot. Enhance shaman do massive amounts of sustained damage and pretty much blow through the other sides healers. You will need help to get past a hunters/mages/oomkins/locks initial kiting and a retpalys/prot warriors/rogues up-front burst. Assuming equal gear/skill.

And your off heals are nothing compared to a retpalys. Now, if only more retpalys would use their offheals...

Check out the guide here, and plan for placeholder weapons until you get 2x ribsplitters: http://pwndepot.com/Twink_Guides/p2006_articleid/19
Yesintheface said:
Check out the guide here, and plan for placeholder weapons until you get 2x ribsplitters: http://pwndepot.com/Twink_Guides/p2006_articleid/19

IF you go buy his "guide" do not consider using Flurry Axe, Shatterer, The Rockpounder, or Glowing Brightwood Staff. I still want him to give me the math he used to draw his conclusions on the 2 handed weapons but it is now just a running joke because he couldn't do the math.

Basicly here is how it works to determine WF proc damage...

Weapon Speed*(Weapon DPS + Attack Power DPS + WF DPS) = Proc Damage.

If you need too use a two handed weapon you will need to use... Bloodies Arcanite Reaper, Executioner's Cleaver or Soulkeeper in that order. If you need math i left a way to contact me.
Since a lot of your damage is mana-fueled, +30 int is a great enchant.

They give you almost 1000mana and 66ap

But you can't go wrong with Mongoose either.

What happened with Mental Quickness? did it get switched in the tree with the party ap buff?

RickRude said:
If you need too use a two handed weapon you will need to use... Bloodies Arcanite Reaper, Executioner's Cleaver or Soulkeeper in that order. If you need math i left a way to contact me.

How about all of the above and GBW and Kang just for kicks :). It is a gigglefest pwning face with a GBW when you're mistaken for a caster.

Edit: Btw, RR is right. You will use dual wield for any serious fighting once you get the right weapons. 2h-ers are pretty much for funsies. You rip through clothies just as fast dual wielding.
Juke said:
Since a lot of your damage is mana-fueled, +30 int is a great enchant.

They give you almost 1000mana and 66ap

But you can't go wrong with Mongoose either.

What happened with Mental Quickness? did it get switched in the tree with the party ap buff?


It would be 495 Mana from the enchant. I'd take the crit. Shamanistic Focuse fixed any mana problems bad shamans would have. The talent was put in place due to not being able to down rank. If you are staying out of mana you are doing it wrong.

It was swapped with Static Shock.

Yesintheface said:
How about all of the above and GBW and Kang just for kicks :).

Lol I could see someone like yourself having a Kang since it was sweet back in the day. I used to have one too; However times have changed and the three listed are the new tops.
Here is my problem with Glowing BrightWood...

Base of 700 AP w/o weapon. + GBW w/ Savagery...

(127+191)/2 = 159 Average DPS

(159)/3.1 = 51.3 Base DPS

3.1(51.3 + 57.1 + 8.5) = 362 WF Proc Damage without Elemental Weapons
It would be 495 Mana from the enchant.

I meant DW 30int

regardless, even the best shaman can find a use for more mana ;)
Ya, I'm not sayin GBW is the best. It has nice AP etc and it hits hard enough. I use it for giggles now but I was using it mostly full time before I managed suitable 1Hers. I was misinformed that it was better than the BAR.

Not a big loss I suppose. I really do have one of each. I'm a nut like that. BAR, Kang, GBW, Soulkeeper (not a fan, just too slow), Ribsplitter(tiger), Ribsplitter(monkey).

Now if I could just fit that partridge and pear tree in my weapons bag...

Edit: yeah, Exec cleaver too.
Yesintheface said:
Ya, I'm not sayin GBW is the best. It has nice AP etc and it hits hard enough. I use it for giggles now but I was using it mostly full time before I managed suitable 1Hers. I was misinformed that it was better than the BAR.

Not a big loss I suppose. I really do have one of each. I'm a nut like that. BAR, Kang, GBW, Soulkeeper (not a fan, just too slow), Ribsplitter(tiger), Ribsplitter(monkey).

Now if I could just fit that partridge and pear tree in my weapons bag...

Edit: yeah, Exec cleaver too.

BAR, Exec Cleaver and Soulkeeper all have a 3.8 swing speed, but yes it is way to slow for my needs. Not that slow is a bad thing. Slow = Higher Top end which is what we want. However with Shamans burst I don't want to hit something every 4 seconds. Same reason I am now resto on my 39 shaman.
Yesintheface said:
I was misinformed that it was better than the BAR.

Look how sexy BAR is when you actually do the math...

Base of 700 AP w/o weapon. + BAR w/o enchant...

(139+209)/2 = 174 Average DPS

(174)/3.8 = 45.8 Base DPS

3.8(45.8 + 51.7 + 8.5) = 403 WF Proc Damage without Elemental Weapons

Plus you get 1.45% Crit and 24 Stamina.
Yesintheface said:
Personally, I'm not a big fan of using water shield as enhance though I know a lot do.

You have to use it man. It gives you back 130 mana each time you are hit. It refills you so fast. I am all for using lightning sheild but what is 154 damage when you are already dishing out a ton. I keep up LS until I get to about 30-40% mana then I switch to WS. I like to have that mana handy incase I need to move to my resto set and heal. As you can tell from our pre-mades I don't have a problem with that.
I can always spec 'suicide' (AKA. a strange combo of Elem/Enhance, DWing +30 Int? Soudns good to me :p )

Thank you all for your comments, I will need to sit down and really look all this over. I would almost always have Lighting Shield up if I was enhance and then when I reach half mana, swap to Water Shield. But thats just me.

The reason I would use LS over WS is because of the first spec I posted. IDK how good Static Shock is, but if its any good thats why I would keep LS up more often. If not, it would be pretty much 50/50 when I see fit.

While I am no fan of leaving a talent unfilled I did so anyway. How does this look for a post-3.1 build? I'll redo my gear when I have chance.

If all else fails, Ill try out the different specs and see what I can grab. Maybe even have a gear set/spec for all three trees.

RickRude said:
You have to use it man. It gives you back 130 mana each time you are hit. It refills you so fast. I am all for using lightning sheild but what is 154 damage when you are already dishing out a ton. I keep up LS until I get to about 30-40% mana then I switch to WS. I like to have that mana handy incase I need to move to my resto set and heal. As you can tell from our pre-mades I don't have a problem with that.
Power aura that shizz and switch accordingly.

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