45 weapon for DH?


So I found my 45 Havoc twink and my gear was all down scaled. Ran Antorus and got geared and love the dps, but my weapons are 225 and gear is 251. I have the Twinblades glaive but it's ilvl 60. Can I use the relics to up that? Because there seem to be no weapons above 225. 45s seem to be a nice twink so far. My 50 DK is also nice. Not sure which I like better other than 50 raid is a PITA to get to.
The legion artifact weapons are pretty much trash at all levels right now. If you update the relics the ilvl will go up some, but will still be bad, probably under 200. I think they have some sort of ilvl cap that they implemented last xpac, and never updated the ilvls for this xpac when they increased all the ilvls.

Your best bet is to try to get a weapon from the Timewalking raids, those scale to mythic raid ilvl, so should be 251. Other than that you could try a warforged WoD weapon, or a classic epic like https://www.wowhead.com/item=10847/dragons-call?bonus=6712 , both of those should be 230 ilvl, or just a BC socketed weapon like https://www.wowhead.com/item=27846/claw-of-the-watcher

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