4.0 ptr is up

Patch 4.0.1 now on Test Realms

Patch 4.0.1 is now available on test realms (=not beta, the regular test realms). People who aren't in the Cataclysm beta yet can now test most of the Cataclysm features, aside from anything requiring leveling.

US PTR Website

EU PTR Website

This is basically the exact same build as Cataclysm Beta, just without all the Cataclysm-only stuff. Old world changes, new quests, etc ... are NOT AVAILABLE, but will be available on live realms for people without the expansion after it's deployed.

Basically, on the test realms:

Classes changes are up, new talent builds, new glyphs (not fully implemented yet), etc ...

Revamped old zones are NOT available

New graphics (textures, water effects) are NOT available

Archaeology is NOT available

Guild leveling is NOT available

Flying in Azeroth is NOT available

New content is NOT available

I think that's enough to answer 95% of the questions about this.

it would be cool if all the eu twinks went to the same realm (I'm currently at brill) so we can test all the changes to classes, one think to hear about them and another to experience it first hand :D
Awesome! I'm downloading it right now!
If anyone could post screenshots of damage and give an impression of the hunter change, I think most people would dig it.

Im kinda interested in how the new skills are, mangle, primal strike, crusader strike.

I tried to download the PTR but my connection was to slow, it would take me like 4 days straight.

Thanks to anyone posting more info.
Where can I download this?!?! O.O
The art of being EU vortalex :D sorting out my 19 twink warlock (Without agm or LFH to test it out now :p)
Even when you get the newest version of the PTR downloaded you won't be able to transfer characters over. There's a huge queue on transfers.
Damn yea its filled I'll be checkin up as often as I can haha

I'm assuming there will be a LOTT of waiting in order to get in
I've got it DL'd and am playing it as we speak. I'm pretty stoked on the mage changes. However, I can confirm (as of NOW) that mage changes are as follows:

Lost abilities:

Slow Fall


Arcane Explosion

Arcane Intellect

Damp/Amp Magic

Frost Armor


Flame Strike

Gained abilities:


Arcane Barrage (if spec'd... definitely loving this atm)

Cone of Cold



Water Ele (if spec'd.. this is another fun addition)

Pyroblast (if spec'd)

Changed spells:

Arcane Missiles are now an spell activated ability.

I'm definitely keen on these changes and it looks like mages are finally seeing a good opportunity to 1v1 efficiently. Working out the best spec atm is kind of a toss up, because there are so many workable variations when spec'ing.

If anyone wants to know anything else, let me know. I may make a quick run through video to show all the mage changes.

***UPDATE***: It seems as though arena's will only be playable on an endgame level.
Firetruckk, to the best of my knowledge arenas and BGs are turned off on Beta, you think the same could be the case here? Don't see why theyd' remove arenas from us, but well.. they've done it before, but seriously.. Adding it.. to remove it... to add it again............... to remove it again? Seems unrealistic.. but it IS Blizzard ;o
lindenkron said:
Firetruckk, to the best of my knowledge arenas and BGs are turned off on Beta, you think the same could be the case here? Don't see why theyd' remove arenas from us, but well.. they've done it before, but seriously.. Adding it.. to remove it... to add it again............... to remove it again? Seems unrealistic.. but it IS Blizzard ;o

Yeah I definitely hope they are just turned off for Beta/PTR... I was able to queue up for a wsg however. I don't know if it was broken or what, but I was able to press the button to queue up, but not for arena.

Anywho, are you copied over onto the PTR yet?

***UPDATE 2***: I'm not going to jump to conclusions, but there is no glyph tab to be found on any of the game menus...
lindenkron said:
"yet" rofl. Im not coming on PTR :)

lol they are there, just i dont know what level the cap is for glyphs. as far as i know, anyone below 19 doesn't have a glyph tab.
Not the glyphs... You misunderstood what I wrote. You asked "Anywho, are you copied over onto the PTR yet?". That's what I commented on.

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