How does 6pm est sound? An earlier start time will allow our EU friends to get a few games in.
What faction/toon will everyone be playing? In the past having a list of horde and alliance players has been extremely helpful. It allows people to see faction balance in addition to class/spec representation. Hopefully people rolling new toons take that into consideration. No team needs 5 rogues or warriors.
Please respond with the faction/toon you intend on playing. If you have any thoughts on the start time please speak up.
1. youbeezy - restore shaman
2. Chantale - Combat Rogue
3. Prizm - Enhance Shaman
4. Delayed - Ret Pally
5. Nicozy - Frost Mage
6. Pookums - Ret Pally (most likely)
7. Kurloo - Fury Warrior
8. Wiggz - WindWalker
9. Ochimaru - Fury Warrior
10. Mrcer - Ret/Prot Pally
11. Homerpimpson - Combat Rogue
12. bolt - Combat Rogue
13. Cannabis12 - Rest Shaman
14. [MENTION=26120]Gankerixer[/MENTION] - Disco Priest
1. Venomspitter - Ret Pally (most likely) MM Hunter (not likely)
2. Pookums - HPally (not likely)
3. Chops - Warrior of some fashion
4. Ohyiz - MM Hunter
5. Laurenti - Fire Mage
What faction/toon will everyone be playing? In the past having a list of horde and alliance players has been extremely helpful. It allows people to see faction balance in addition to class/spec representation. Hopefully people rolling new toons take that into consideration. No team needs 5 rogues or warriors.
Please respond with the faction/toon you intend on playing. If you have any thoughts on the start time please speak up.
1. youbeezy - restore shaman
2. Chantale - Combat Rogue
3. Prizm - Enhance Shaman
4. Delayed - Ret Pally
5. Nicozy - Frost Mage
6. Pookums - Ret Pally (most likely)
7. Kurloo - Fury Warrior
8. Wiggz - WindWalker
9. Ochimaru - Fury Warrior
10. Mrcer - Ret/Prot Pally
11. Homerpimpson - Combat Rogue
12. bolt - Combat Rogue
13. Cannabis12 - Rest Shaman
14. [MENTION=26120]Gankerixer[/MENTION] - Disco Priest
1. Venomspitter - Ret Pally (most likely) MM Hunter (not likely)
2. Pookums - HPally (not likely)
3. Chops - Warrior of some fashion
4. Ohyiz - MM Hunter
5. Laurenti - Fire Mage
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