39 Twink Questions.

Hey guys, I am REALLY interested in making a 39 twink. I have only ever played 19's and it would be nice for a bit of a change. I have a few questions about 39 twinking, if you wouldnt mind answering.

I assume, With the introduction of Exp-off Bg's You have all grouped to a certain Battlegroup to get more constant games just like the 19 Community did to RUIN. Where would that be if that is infact the case?

What Battleground is the most popular? And do you guys Arena Often?

What time are the games most often popping?

What Classes are fun to play at the 39 Bracket?, What is there Too many of ( So I know what NOT to make) and what is Too OP ( Also , So I know what NOT to make).

I have access to EVERY piece of BOA there is, So that shouldn't be a problem, if infact they are even BiS at this bracket, I dont know.
Blackout EU 39 is the new home for 39 twinks in europe. It used to be Cyclone, with the old alliance on Silvermoon, and horde predominantly on ravencrest. Now we have both alliance and horde on Draenor, Blackout, which I think makes for a better community - we can engage in world PvP and gurubashi related fun!

We have a group of people who have been through several brackets together and have returned to 39 - it gives the ideal burst ratio, and all classes aside from Holy Paladins and none prot warriors have the ´bread and butter´ of their class.

In battlegrounds, every class has its usefulness, and EU 39 in the past has been known for some highly tactical and heated games.

In arena the overall effectiveness of the classes would be (in the hands of a competent player):

1. Sub Rogue - the most complete class, modest damage, tough CC and very hard to kill when geared.

2. Disc Priest - the healer with the most utility and one of the hardest to burst without a dispeller.

3. SL Warlock - ridiculous self healing, impossible to burst and lots of CC.

4. Hunter - very, very high damage, and tricky to stay on, lots of CC and pressure with MS and SS build.

5. Frost Mage - high CC, hard to kill for some melee - slightly fragile, lots of pressure when co-ordinated, and 2 free resets with healer.

6. Resto Shaman - tough to burst, if you know how to position correctly effective healer and obviously purge and shock, poor CC though and apart from the strong go-to heal can struggle to keep team mates up under pressure.

7. Resto Druid - even with hots and ok utility are way too easy to burst - hence why people taking feral spec with healing gear.

8. Holy Paladin - You are useful for bubble and HoF only. You can make no pressure and you won´t get off a heal.

9. Warrior - All warriors are junk, apart from maybe a well played S+B Prot Warrior. Too easily locked down, and too easily burstable for the sake of some reasonable burst.

My vote is on you making a good MS-SS hunter.

we are on nightfall battlegroup. Games tend to be from mid afternoon till past midnight usually, and thats everyday. Bracket is fairly balanced, I do however know that people say not to roll the following, "hunters" other classes that are played quite heavily include disc priests, and rogues, so you see few warlocks in comparison due to the massive amount of dispelling going on by priests. If your into rolling a healing class with utility, i'd recomend a shaman or paladin. There are a fair amount of druids around, but frankly, there pretty lackluster in comparison to many other classes. Just my overall sense of the bracket.
Great! Alright dude, what you're gonna wanna do is come on to Kel'Thuzad Alliance when the realms come up (Anyone know when???) And let's have a talk ingame! Would be awesome to get some more guys to our guild, and most of the BoA's are not BiS afaik, considering the limit on enchants and overall dps etc ... Thanks :)
Dont roll a hunter.

Some really fun classes to play are:

Paladins(Holy or Ret)


Warlocks(Affliction, duh)

Mages(Arcane used to be the Anti against DoT Users, but most ppl go fire for the burst or frost for the lawls)

Those are simple classes to play, any other class can be a little bit harder to play, but if ur good at em then they can be equally fun.

I say go healadin(only cauz i luv playin em<3)
Mrcer said:
Dont roll a hunter.

^ I Concur.

Roll something like...

Resto Shaman, or any sort of Shaman,


Warrior (Prot-Like-Me-Bro)



Maybe Mage

:) and come KT Alliance ffs! (At least for a chat...)
Yaya I'm glad we can agree :)

I never had the opporotunity to play a Shaman. But I kno I hated to have a mana fight against an elemental shaman vs my healadin(their burst dmg are good)

I've played a druid, rogue, and healadin.

Druids are (Imo) hard to play if u arent feral, feral imo was easy for me to play around with. but if ur good at running around and DoT'ing / HoT Spam, then this is the class for you :D

Rogues are just fun fun fun to mess around with, stunlockin is fun fun fun. but dont get overconfident, RvR is also known as Rager Vs Rager, the loser always rage quits :p (maybe thats just me lawls).

Healadins are OP imo, easy 50% reduced dmg from melee(if ur spec'd for it), best mana control(good vs other mana users), tons of survival abilities, and lets not forget the cherry on top...they have amazing heals. The only downside to healadins imo is they dont have good Mana recovery anymore(since the nerf on healadins) and they have to stand and heal, rather than running and healing, so it makes them an easy target.

Thats the jift.

PS: Dont roll Huntard.

Hunter is one of the strongest classes for a wealth of arena setups in 2s, 3s and 5s. A good hunter will make enormous pressure, ample cc and will be very hard to burst down.

In wsg they are monsters with a paladin - two hunters can close down wsg midfield.

Druids are good wsg healers if they are protected, but are easily burstable in arena, hence why so many druids taking a feral spec with healing gear, to cope with damage.

Rogue v Rogue is an art :p Rogues are the most complete class in 39 in relation to their 80 skillbase, a high stamina rogue with agm and lifeblood + belt will be very hard to kill, make a lot of pressure and of course a lot of control.

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