39 Mage Gear

Hello, well i have been leveling up my mage to be a 39 for quite sometime now as it hasnt been my #1 prject but i still really want to make a really nice mage. Im really look to make a fire mage as they have decent survivability and blow shit up. My guildy has one and i love to see the crits he does and stuff he pulls off. He is 30 right now but before i level up anymore i wanna start getting an idea for gear. Can i get a few names/links for gearing my 39 mage please?

Also any tips or thoughts are always welcome

well, id first start the revelosh grind for "of the eagle" gloves and also the "of healing" ones. maybe the chest from RFD that has 13 stam 10 int and 14 crit rating. Get pulsating crystalline necklace (quest reawrd), bloodband bracers, and i cant remember if theres anything else you need but im sure somone else will help you with that
umm depends, the healing gives 14 ish maybe more spell power and 10 stam, while fire gloves just give 20 fire damage, depends how your going, if ur going glass cannon then of fire gloves if you want more survive some revo gloves could be better
I wouldn't go for "of firey wrath" if I were you, you will still need to use frost spells, and overall spelldmg is just better! You can still get a high amount of spellpower with just healing gear.
well if you're fire spec you are going to cast scorch/blast wave/fireblast alot. the only other damaging spells you are going to cast, assumably, are rank 1 frost bolt, frost nova, arcane missles (for LoSing situations) and cone of cold. i think that fire gear isn't bad to get.
Zanex said:
http://www.wowhead.com/?item=9517 Is this available for 39 mages? Because I think this seems like a worthy alternative while waiting for SoJ to appear on AH.

green 1h of healing with the offhand of mordresh (5 stam 13 sp) seems best to me. as a mage you're probably going to have a good portion of cookie cutter gear, such as revelosh's gloves of the eagle +sp enchant, death mage's sash, necromancer's leggings, AB boots, etc etc...and stamina really doesn't come too often in high amounts. you're probably going to want stamina and spell power more than anything, so i think that the item you posted, while a good alternative, isn't the best alternative to SoJ.

sp + stam > int > spirit/mp5 > agility > str is the stats importance IMO for a cookie cutter fire mage.
Ok thanks everyone, first off

I checked out your guide.

By of fiery wrath i was talking about revolosh gloves of fiery wrath.

And SOJ shouldnt be a problem as i have a guildy that has one and she will prob give me a decent price on it 400-500g prob

Overall am i better to get a bit of straight sp and try to get alot of straight fire damage stacked or just go for overall straight spell damage.

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