39 holy pally gear

Hello, I am currently in the process of making a 39 twink holy pally. I have made a 19 twink before so im not new to the business but i would like a change. I was wondering if anyone could give me some gear advice. Money is not an issue for me so i would just like to know the best gear. If you could post gear(BoE, BoP, BoA, Cloth, leather, mail, weps, anything), the enchants to put on, or any other recommendations that would be awesome.

P.S.- if it helps, i will spend alot of time pocket healing 2 twink locks.
yes, im getting the green lens, which one, i dont know yet. Professions are a little iffy on what i want. if you have a recomendation on which ones to get its much appreciated
herbalism is probably the best profession. engineering, JC, or mining are good 2nd professions.

head - green lens of healing

neck - 8 stam/8 spirit/11 sp one, can't remember name

shoulder - revelosh's shoulders of the eagle

back - WSG cloak

chest - 12/12 of the eagle (mail), icemail jerkin, deathchill armor

wrist - revelosh's bracers of healing/eagle

hands - revelosh's gloves of healing/eagle, bonefingers

belt - deathmage sash, 9/9 of the eagle (mail)

pants - 12/12 of the eagle (mail), necromancer's leggings

boots - 9/9 of the eagle (mail), i'm sure there's others but brain is dead

rings - WSG ring, underworld band

there's other gear, but that's a pretty decent list.
Robes of the lich for a holy paladin??? You sure you don't mean robes of magi? Tbh, i'd take whelp armour over all of them. Followed by icemail jerkin - don't gimp your survivability.

and pls search the forum/armory yourself and then ask specific questions. why should all the others do the work for you and post informations you can find in minutes.
Aside from the green lens, avoid wearing leather or mail as much as possible. Armor is key to how well teh class/spec does. You have to sit and take alot more damage because you have to sit still to cast any heals. I cant help but laugh at the retard pallies wearing cloth, we can take them down so much easier, the bit of extra +heal they get doesnt even come close to make up for all the extra damage they take. Which means they have to heal themselves more and others less, and they die more, which means less healing too. Its just not good to sacrifice armor, you can do it for a piece of gear or two tops, but thats it.

Also, mp5 on chants or gear is junk, ignore it, your mana lasts 3x longer than a priests anyway, you dont need it. This also means you dont need to stack a bunch of int. 26-2800 is all i have, and spamming heals non stop, i very very rarely go oom. Compare it to my priest who has 3800 and spends half the fights oom constantly.

With the Flash of light glyph, weapon oil and gear you should average around 480-500 per non-crit flash. And that will be with all mail armor except the green lens. Compare that to sub 200 base flash and you see that a 250% effect flash is quite efficient and very effective.

On a side note, if you find yourself fighting alot of rogues/fury warriors/feral druids, then try out a green whelp armor. You lose a decent amount of stamina tho and intellect and armor, however it procs like mad vs those classes and will protect you from far more damage than you lose stamina/armor wise and the mana loss is no biggie as you really have no mana issues. I switch between it and my eagle chest depending on what im gettin hit by.

You can armory Nakiera of argent dawn to see my gear. You could get the boa shoulders for healing (i use the dps ones from my ret pally for the huge stam bonus, til next patch anyway), and the new buffed boa healing mace will be the best next patch too, but otherwise most of the gear is what you will want to use.
i'll definately agree armor is a very important stat for a holy paladin. but the bonuses revelosh's gloves give are really really good, and i don't like to pass on them.

revelosh's shoulders are also really good stat-wise so the lost armor isn't that bad.

robes of the lich is pretty good, although it is cloth. i prefer to have a mail chest that has similar stats without the crit. i personally like 12/12 of the eagle because i don't like mp5 and spirit is not too useful.

there are definately a lot of non-mail options out there, and while you should get a few of them, i think you need most of your gear to be mail.
The gear im looking at right now is...

head - green lens of healing (+100 HP)

neck - Pulsating Crystalline Shard

shoulder - BoA Mystical Pauldrons of Elements (+30 sta +15 res)

back - WSG cloak Caretakers cape (+120 armor)

chest - Green Whelp Armor (+6 to all stats)

wrist - revelosh's bracers of healing (+15 Spell Power)

hands - revelosh's gloves of healing, (+19 Spell Power)

belt - deathmage sash,

pants - necromancer's leggings (Golden Spell Thread)

boots - 9/9 of the eagle (mail), (Boars speed)

rings - underworld band x 2

main hand - BoA - Devout Aurastone Hammer (Major Healing - +40 spell power)

off hand - The Green Tower (+12 int)

Trinket 1 - Discerning Eye of the Beast

Trinket 2 - Figurine - Jade Owl

Glyphs - I have an idea but not sure yet
Supermonk3y said:
The gear im looking at right now is...

head - green lens of healing (+100 HP)

neck - Pulsating Crystalline Shard

shoulder - BoA Mystical Pauldrons of Elements (+30 sta +15 res)

back - WSG cloak Caretakers cape (+120 armor)

chest - Green Whelp Armor (+6 to all stats)

wrist - revelosh's bracers of healing (+15 Spell Power)

hands - revelosh's gloves of healing, (+19 Spell Power)

belt - deathmage sash,

pants - necromancer's leggings (Golden Spell Thread)

boots - 9/9 of the eagle (mail), (Boars speed)

rings - underworld band x 2

main hand - BoA - Devout Aurastone Hammer (Major Healing - +40 spell power)

off hand - The Green Tower (+12 int)

Trinket 1 - Discerning Eye of the Beast

Trinket 2 - Figurine - Jade Owl

Glyphs - I have an idea but not sure yet

cant get 6 stats on the whelp armor :(, you can get 20 sp to gloves, and wouldnt 18 stam be more beneficial to shield than 12 int?
lets have a look.

rev's of healing 10stam/15sp - 36

bonefingers 9stam/9int/4mp5 - 81

robes of the lich 13stam/10int/14crit - 64

caiptains of the eagle 12stam/12int - 245

deathchill armor 3stam/9int/8mp5 - 270

if going for pure stam>sp>int you NEED cloth. (lich is just too good and the stam/sp mix of revs is unbeatable)

if you want to add armor to your equip bonefingers are better than revs statwise and adding deathchill will make up for some stam-heavy gear in other slots. if going for pure stats + armor (and you think mp5 is a bad stat) -> captains.

imo gettin all 4 chests (including magi) and both gloves is best. if there are not so much hunters/rogues -> lich/revs. if there are is almost nothing really attacking you/crosshealing -> magi/revs. longlasting heals needed with some melee inc -> deathchill/bone. heavy melee attacks ->captains/bone.

no options wanted or lazy?

-> deathchill/bonefingers.


18stam>12int no brainer.

green whelp is a nice addition...was out of my mind.

another neck option if gold is not a prob.

and why 6stats? 150hp...int is not an issue (espacially with some mp5) and spirit is almost useless.

this is my 39 twink Holy Pally i have the Tattered Dreadmist Mantle shoulders with 30 stam 15 resil enchant

Best Holy pally in the 39 Bracket for the Bloodlust battle group

this is the best possible way to gear a Holy pally Furen's Boots can be upgraded and im trying to find one now...

Gearing a holy Pally:

Int --> Stam

Crit --> Spell power

Spell power --> Spirit

i havent yet found anyone in the 39 bracket that can out heal my pally

get the Glyph of Flash of light and the Glyph of Seal of light all up im sitting on about 27-29% Crit with my flash of lights and that means that 60% of my flash of lights mana is refunded every time i crit and i crit alot

my flash of lights are doing 470+ normal and 700-800 Crits

i got some spirit for while not casting regen.

Gearing a holy Pally:

Int --> Stam

Crit --> Spell power

Spell power --> Spirit

i disagree that int > stam. in most situations you should not go OOM. you can never have too much health.

also, sp is a very good stat to get, i don't know if crit is really great to get, although definately robes of the lich is a good piece to get. i'd go with non-crit gloves personally though.

i havent yet found anyone in the 39 bracket that can out heal my pally

this is bad logic for

Best Holy pally in the 39 Bracket for the Bloodlust battle group

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