39 enh shammy, ret pally, or arms war

title says it all...im looking to make a shiny new 39 twink, should i go with a enh shammy, ret pally, or arms/prot,fury warr? my toons gonna be on the alli side...PoD is pretty much out of the question so ill be using bonebiter/nightblade...thanks :)
nightblade? really?
Full-out melee Enh shammy doesn't really work. A spellvariant wearing mix of gear does (uses 1H+Shield). This variant focuses on utility, off-healing and situational burst as well as mitigating dmg fairly well (big health-pool).

Ret pally is, sugar-coated: simple. It does work though.

As for warrior I think arms + prot both works best. Fury is probably least represented.

For weapon-choice, please don't go for Nightblade T_T. It is terrible. Lumbering Ogre Axe is probably better then Bonebiter aswell, someone else confirm? You should think about BoA axe if you have it available though.
well looks like nightblade is out of te question but ik bonbiter is better then lumbering ogre axe.....anyone lse got any imput?

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