35 Spell penetration vs 23 haste rating


As the topic says, this is merely about the cloak enchant 35 Spell penetration vs 23 haste rating - is 35 spell penetration even needed?

Seeing I'm playing a shadowpriest my damage is obviously done via shadowspells.

The only ones with shadowresistance would be priests but I honestly don't see too many of them around and if I do, I'm opening with instants and dispels and 95% of the cases, I get the shadow protection off.

I'm playing horde so the 2% shadow resistance won't matter except in duels against other UD's. And I'm actually not quite sure you can mitigate that 2% racial as it's static? Would anyone know?

So my point is - wouldn't 23 haste be better allround as it yields overall better dps (Devouring plague and Vampiric Touch benefits from haste + casts)?

Pro's/Con's appreciated :)
Mage got resistance both as talent (60 resistance)and as Mage Armor (15 resistance) and druid got Mark/Gift of the Wild (20 resistance) and paladins got their resistance aura (60 resistance). My opinion is that spell pentalation is well worth it.

And dont get confused with the UD racial "Shadow Resistance" it's about spell hit and not spell pentalation.
id still say it isnt worth it outside of an arena or duel. in a general bg a pally wont be switching to shadow aura, priest and druid buff is dispellable and oh well about mages
23 haste at 69 is, what, 1.5% haste? Would you rather 1.5% haste or would you rather not have to waste time on early dispels? (not to mention you can't dispel it from pallies, disc priests prolly have dispel resistance, and if mages are arcane you can't dispel their talented resist either)

Me, I'd go spellpen any day.

If you're a 60 twink it's 2.3% haste; even then, in PVP, I don't personally believe that level of haste is worth much.

What I would be comparing it to is the engy cloak enchant, but if you're a 60 my understanding is you can't get that (unless gnome)
you're gonna be dispelling anyways for other buffs so why not. and in a general bg like av, where it isnt a 1v1 situation...who cares?! in an arena...go spell pen. in a bg...haste

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