I have no idea either apologies! But you can ask around in our discord if you need assistance! https://discord.gg/guildgoldentwinkiesI just opened the portal in live side naxx on my lvl 20 ftp pally doing a timewalking run and started the 5 min timer. Theoretically I could have opened up old nax if the group had a couple of twinks (eg lvl 11 fury wars) who could split up and nuke zigurats and burn rivendare before the 5 mins was up.
It might only attune one person at a time though when clicking the pop up to kill tunnel mob after downing rivendare. dunno, couldnt find out.
thank you babes!! youre an amazing core part of our community!I've been a core member of GT for over a year now, and can vouch for the fact that the GM is fun, the guildies are fun, and the events are fun! They're all super friendly and helpful, so if you enjoy twinking come hang out and game with us ;D-/-<