3 New 49 Mages (A)

So me and some friends have 3 47 mages around and im gunna see if about the guild Myst(Maelstrom, Shadowburn BG). Going 49 anyway. If anyone has some guides on mage gear, relativley easier to get, since we need 3 of each. Probably PoM pyro (3x pyro wee) but could be 3 seperate specs.

And if anyone knows about FC mages at 49 reply please.
FC mage at 49 should be either 7/0/33 or 32/0/8, or some variant of those two specs IMO.

perhaps you could get blazing speed but i think that going deep into arcane or frost provides more benefits.
Frost is the big winner, pretty much hands down in this bracket.

Mages are pretty easy to gear, most of their stuff will come from BRD, ST, and Mara. I'll toss together a profile later today without BoA stuff.
Armory my mage, Morqueatus Kilrogg-US with the exception of blue ring from BRD with + Hit and slightly improved cloak from Hakkar in ST he is finished. If your looking for non BoA items the Shoulders from High Interrogator Gerstahn from BRD would be equivalent.

All mage specs can be viable Flag Carriers i just believe Frost spec truly aids in Solo FC Survivability. Engineering has also been a huge advantage while FC'ing.

Disregard my armory Talent allocation as it is incorrect. I would detract Frost Channeling, Frost Warding and Precision. In their place max out Winters Chill and Artic Winds.
For running flags, Frost gives you the most options (in that you can play this spec and be utterly horrible, but as long as you know where your Ice Barrier, Nova and Blink buttons are, you shouldn't have any problems)

PoM/pyro doesn't really shine at 49...
mages with blazing speed are always annoying if no one lays down judgment of justice or anything....they just fly across the map!
Im talking Pure FC. No dmg/crit at all.

It would be like Spirit=1 Stam=1 Int=1 Sp=0.1 Crit=0.1 Hit =2

Since no dmg, ill have +15 hit on gloves, combined with the New Highpowered Flash Light thats hit cap.

Ive got on wow digger and added up the stats so far it comes out with:

2500 HP(Possibly change gear for 3k Hp)

6500 MP(5200 with 3k Hp)

190 Mp5 (With Mage Armor)

70 SP with the crazy OP shoulders.

Im thinking the 32/0/8 spec and change to Frost Armor depending on the amount of melee classes in the BG at the time.

Thanks for all the imput!
Hmmm, some interesting spec suggestions for mage FCs at 49! I've pretty much tried them all, but hands down, my favorite and most successful spec as a dedicated mage flagrunner is 0/27/13

My mage, Naddia, is old and has 88XP till I hit 50, but you can get an idea of what gear I've been using (ack, didn't log out in my full FC wear).

I've clocked in 60k HKs as a dedicated flagrunner and have been very successful. A "Naddia has picked up the Horde Flag" message is one that has surely made many a horde a sad-panda indeed. The changes to the leg enchants have taken it's toll (no longer 4khp!), but a mage running flags is still very viable.

You have great mobility, and the ability to apply and remove snares like no one else... you ARE the CC king of the 49s, and crowd control spells certain victory for a game like WSG. Live and embrace your bubble (I use my mana bubble like an ice mage would use their barrier), and blazing speed will ALWAYs proc if you've got some focus fire on you. Everyman for Himself, the Insignia, and the Icy Veins glyph also provide you with ample snare removals at your disposal.

Essentially, you'll be casting mainly CC spells as the runner. Polymorph and Rank 1 frost is practically all I cast on Naddia during a bout of WSG. I can't harp on the benefits of Rank 1 frost enough, it's a speedy 1 second cast, and with permafrost and frostbite talents it's just cruel. You've, also got 2 instant snares to use on the fly, frost nova and blast wave (3, I suppose, if you lump the Cone of Cold into the mix)... Impact is phenomenal for the SPIN and stun effects while on the run. Blazing speed procs aplenty, especially if you have a hunter on your tail. Grab Deadman's Hand and you'll leave a trail of frozen targets littered across the battlefield. I like to drop one point in Blizzard too, as I also do a fair share of escorting... it's like having a long range frost nova at your disposal, and situationally, it comes in handy more than you'd think!

The spec is also great against rogues and other melee types, I can't tell you how often frostbite and blazing speed procced together when being jumped upon. Blazing speed, IMO, is a must have if you're serious about being a mage FC; with no internal cooldown, and being the source of ire, it'll keep you zooming along at breakneck speeds!

Overall, if you're stuck with flag on your back, you'll be doing plenty of kiting, snaring your opponents and running around your base, staying close to the pedestal for the imminent return. No one says you HAVE to fight in WSG, so don't be shy to abuse your sheep! Poly and move on... enough sheeping and you'll find opponents outright avoid you instead of getting into range to mess with your affairs. You're a flagrunner... let the DPS specialists do their thing, so you can do yours!

Hope this is enough food for thought, and enjoy!

Oooh, another thought, save your blinks! All too often I see mage flagrunners making the mistake of blinking across the field to get across faster, only to be jumped by rogues at the bottleneck points and left with no escape routes! Use discretionary prudence!
at 39, arcane is typically better for flag carrying than fire and frost. i dunno if 27/0/13 is better than 0/27/13, but logically it makes sense to me that it is better, especially if you're going to try to kite rather than kill.
Hmmm, I've tried the arcane/ice combo for runnning flag, and didn't like it, but it could also just be my playing style.

I tend to solo queue predominantly on Naddia, so I don't think I could make it without blazing speed, blast wave, impact, and whatnot of that ilk. With a little support on the ground, perhaps it could work.

Hmmm, arcane tree's changed a lot since I last specced, perhaps I'll give it a whirl tonight to give it a go! I still contend blazing speed's where it's at for potential mage runners, but I'll make do without my crutch!
when you have tons of spell resist, PoM, 36 yard polys, more armor than a leather wearer, a low mana costing blink, less damage taken, more int, imp cs, and 1:1 mana shield, it's usually better than the fire talents if you're trying to kite rather than kill while FCing.

also, i solo queue all the time on my 39 arcane FC mage.
Hm well the only thing thats making me avoid fire is the fact that after the Debuff hits Blazing Speeds is Nullified.
2ndchance said:
Hm well the only thing thats making me avoid fire is the fact that after the Debuff hits Blazing Speeds is Nullified.

it's not nullified; you'll still break out of snares.
Druiddroid said:
when you have tons of spell resist, PoM, 36 yard polys, more armor than a leather wearer, a low mana costing blink, less damage taken, more int, imp cs, and 1:1 mana shield, it's usually better than the fire talents if you're trying to kite rather than kill while FCing.

also, i solo queue all the time on my 39 arcane FC mage.

Hmmm, on paper is seems great, but I didn't rise like a star while on the arcane train. I will however spec it tonight... I do recall abusing the POM-sheep combo quite a fair bit. I miss when cold snap was 11 points down in the ice tree; two frost novas equaled a free flag. Icy Veins just doesn't have the same kick, though I do use it to get off those quick polymorphs, or if I'm forced to fight, scorch spam works like a charm!

Usually my kiting involves casting a rank 1 frostbolt over my shoulder and then ambling away to safety.
Naddia49 said:
Hmmm, on paper is seems great, but I didn't rise like a star while on the arcane train. I will however spec it tonight... I do recall abusing the POM-sheep combo quite a fair bit. I miss when cold snap was 11 points down in the ice tree; two frost novas equaled a free flag. Icy Veins just doesn't have the same kick, though I do use it to get off those quick polymorphs, or if I'm forced to fight, scorch spam works like a charm!

Usually my kiting involves casting a rank 1 frostbolt over my shoulder and then ambling away to safety.

well TBH i rarely use frostbolt. for CC i tend to use CoC, FN, and poly. otherwise i'm spamming mana shield and using blink/CS/wards/remove curse/trinket when needed.

on paper it looks good, and in game it's awsome if you can control the amount of DPS on you. once you start getting bursted past the point of how quickly you can keep up mana shield, things turn bad.

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