2h spellhance theory craft.


New Member
Hello all, I am very new to twinking and this is all very exciting for me. I have a really cool theory craft that could possibly work!

Okay, for this 2 handed enhance theory craft, I have a few questions that some of you may have an answer to.
We all know that using 2 handers on enhance shamans is not a thing, and probably never will be. One thing I've noticed is that elemental shamans get an ability called Primal Strike.

With Primal Strike being their only melee ability this raised some thought about there possibly being a way to 2h spellhance. My thought process on this is to build as much Mastery/Haste/versatility.
Mastery being that it increases all Melee/Elemental Damage. Haste for DoT ticking speed, and ofc versatility for extra damage.

Mastery gives Elemental Shamans the chance to get a second Lava burst off of the first one, haste procs our DoT ticking speed which would be great for our passive Lava Surge which would give us free lava burst. These two stats go hand in hand, maybe you guys know better than I do.

My question to any of you out there who have great knowledge of the game. Is there any trinkets we could farm/make that would give us an extra attack? We already have SkyFury which increases our mastery by 2% and it gives us a 20% chance to instantly strike a target.

Is it possible to switch between the specs like go Enhance for example put on WF weapon then switch to elemental? Would that work?

Do any of you have any gear ideas of what to mainly go for? Or should I just mix and match some of the gear that I see on the armory?

My idea of the rotation would be Fire Elemental > Flame Shock, Frost Shock to close the gap > Primal Strike spam > Free Lava burst from Flame Shock > Weave in Lightning Bolt/Lava Burst.

This may be a lot to read, and I appreciate any of you that help me with this idea!
But there are people claiming it doesn't work anymore:
I've tested this on a lvl 30 rogue naked with no haste and a 2.6 sword from the vendor. After 200 melee hits, all hits were spaced out 2.6 as weapon tooltip indicates. The text for "gained an extra attack" doesn't appear. This trinket is broken and no longer works in 9.0.1.

unfortunately that is all I know of aside from 1h weapons like :

Guess a TBC socket strength/agil weapon for higher physical damage with INT gems may be best?

Or just going int weapon for bigger frost shocks and lb's.

You can't use windfury and switch to resto/ele. Buff stays on, but windfury doesn't proc without the talent.

Wouldn't just focusing on Mastery/haste be better than trying to fit vers in there? Haste will increase your auto attack speed as well. Hard to get secondary stats these days and vers would just steal from more mastery procs and faster flame shock dots and auto attack.

I assume you're just doing this for looks; to be swinging a big 2 hander? Frost shock does more damage than primal strike and it's spamable. Mine hits for 200-300 (crit over 600) every gcd where as primal strike only hits for 20(crit 40) with this caster staff every gcd, maybe slightly more with a melee 2h, but no where near frost shock.

Shame Storm strike doesn't work for 2h's anymore :/ This would work fine as enhance if it did.
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Is it possible to switch between the specs like go Enhance for example put on WF weapon then switch to elemental? Would that work?
No, unless there is some tom foolery I dont know about.
Do any of you have any gear ideas of what to mainly go for?
Well you would need to stack a lot of mastery to get primal strikes damage to not be complete poo. Just an example using my 20 shaman
190 int
55% mastery
primal strike hits for 25.
From what I understand as elemental primal strike scales with int/sp/mastery. I could def stack higher mastery though but keep in mind at 55% mastery my ele and physical damage is only increased by 16%.

I would have to sit down and do a bunch of testing this was a quick look from me out of curiosity. But it doesnt look super promising.
like 49 mastery on a shaman gives 35% mastery of ele but thats only a 10.5% increase in damage. 40 vers is giving me 8% damage for a comparison.

Where as my ranged only enh shaman gets 37.6% increased elemental damage from the same amount of mastery.
Guess a TBC socket strength/agil weapon for higher physical damage with INT gems may be best?
Just testing with a naked lvl 20 and heirlooms the agi 2handed heirloom with 15-21 wd beats staff of jordan (7-10 wd 30int) so yeah I would go for a triple socket weapon or a staff of the one true bramble king ( praying for upgrade) or an epic agi staff from mop rares.

I will def look into it more it could make for a fun little meme build but I am not confident in its power.
Hello, the whole point of spellhance is to play enhance without being in melee, it is a possible build if you play with a 2 hander and go full mastery. You spec into ele blast and lava burst. You just stand back and do lighting bolt + ele blast. Your burst is ele blast + frost shock. With the right on use trinket you can probably do 2k non crit burst. Its underwhelming compare to everything else but thats the best spellhance will be. If you want to play ele sham in melee, you want to build full haste, play with a normal int staff or 1 hander/shield and play with icefury. Haste will give you the most proc possible and icefury will be your burst. With the right on use trinket you can burst about 3k with icefury->lavaburst proc-> frost shock.
Well damn. I appreciate all of you who gave me some insight. Praying one day it will become a thing again, probably wont though! Thank you.
Sadly, despite what mastery says about physical damage, it doesnt apply to primal strike. I have a timewalking shaman with over 240% mastery, and primal strike still does 25 damage. Even int doesnt make it stronger appearently

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