29 Twinking Central BG (US)


As many of you already know, 3.2 has been killing q times in most brackets all over the twinking community, and 29s are no exception. Even in reckoning, which is the most active bg for 29s, we've had a few good games yesterday (although, I expect a ton more on the weekend like usual), but its still not up to what it could/should be just yet. Regardless, if even reckoning is a bit slow on the Q times, I shudder to think what the other BGs are looking like.

We need to band together as 29s (much like 49s did with ruin) and save our bracket before too many people switch out to another bracket, or just get fed up and play 80. Obviously, reckoning would be a great choice for 29's, since we've already had 3 FULL GUILDS xfer over, and allegedly have 1 more on the way. We've been doing 10v10's on sundays every week, we do big partials on wed, and small partials throughout the week, so there is already a built in player base to keep q's solid. With a few more xfers, we could go from being solid, to being great.

If you want to xfer over your whole guild, and stay as a group, fantastic, we could use more guilds for 10v10s. If you want to xfer, and join up with an established guild that already does 10v10s, come talk to me on skywall (or any gs officers) or for alliance, I'd suggest talking to hook from sesame street on windrunner.

If we stick together, and make this work, 29 twinking could be better than ever, with more competition than we've ever seen in 1 bg. Otherwise, 29's could very well die out in most bgs. Let's not let that happen. Start talking to your guildies, and see about making the switch. If you love 29's and you like to 10v10, then reckoning is the place for you!

Hope to see some new faces soon =)

Also, If you are interested in coming to reckoning, but cant afford the xfer fee, come talk to me on skywall about possibly getting funded a new twink to play with us. (please only apply if you're good...no keyboard turners)
Hmmm I'm thinking about xfering/starting a new twink on skywall. Hell it took me so long to get this gear though. I got a 9/9 tiger helm the other day ;P
Kermittheorc said:
Hmmm I'm thinking about xfering/starting a new twink on skywall. Hell it took me so long to get this gear though. I got a 9/9 tiger helm the other day ;P

Grats on the helm! It would be fun to be double ambushing ppl. It's like an ambush vanish ambush, but without blowing a cd =P

Let me know if you decide to xfer, and I'll toss you a ginvite to glass. We can go pwn it up. We've been getting great games all night so far =)
i think you guys are overreacting a bit.

Many twinks may simply not have yet even logged in and/or visited the XP turn off NPC yet.

I would give it 1 week post 3.2, at least until the weekend.
pairofsocks said:
Yeah my friend plays 49s and he says queues were rolling just about an hour after server came up.

29s however, lawl

Overpopulating a single Battlegroup with all twink brackets is better than splitting up.
Yea no joke. Particularly if we suceed in getting Blizzard to knock off the 20-minute WSG timer... long games = long queues.
If I were to switch my pally over what realm would I want to be on? Which realm has the best guilds, for 29 twinks
ScatMan103 said:
If I were to switch my pally over what realm would I want to be on? Which realm has the best guilds, for 29 twinks

Skywall for horde. Windrunner for ally
thanks, ill look into it, if i do im definitely stockin twink up with 1k gold before i transfer
ScatMan103 said:
thanks, ill look into it, if i do im definitely stockin twink up with 1k gold before i transfer

talk to any officer in glass shooter ftl on skywall horde, and they should be able to toss you an inv
Twentynine, I'd be interested in starting a twink on your server, I'd basically level a dk to 80 and get BoAs. Currently I have a 29 ally rogue and Vindi hasn't had a game since patch : /
Reckoning seems to be the place to be for 29s since the patch

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