29 Twink hunter

Ok so i am new to this site but have been twinking sense prebc and i had a few questions for you guys.

First off is it still possible to get the stv chest,bow and still be able to get the raz racing grips at 29.

This is my current gear im thinking when completed.


Neck-bg or hit neck




Bracers-Gallian cuffs(26 ap) or babaric(9stam)

Gloves-Raz racing grips(15 hit or agi)



Boots-bg (5 hit or 7 stam)


Ring2-7/7 gnomer


Trink-agm or haste from boa

Weapon 1-Boa sword (15 agi)

Weapon 2-Either 35+ axe(30 int) or Butcher(15 agi)

Tell me what you guys think. Thanks
"First off is it still possible to get the stv chest,bow and still be able to get the raz racing grips at 29. "

Yes, but you are going to need a high level to run you through the quests, and remain dead most of the time to get credit for kills but not exp.
Yes, you want to avoid exp at all possible places.

Heres a few tips that might help out...

1) Explore all the areas you need before level 23.

2) Alot of the exp is gotten from quests, but theres still quite alot of exp possible from mob kills so kill your self and run around with a high level.

3) Don't let any rest accumlate at 25+, once you reach 25 make sure your going for your items.
Ya thats what i figured i am just going to die to get the quest mobs but what do you guys think for a marks hunter im not sure if butcher 15 agi or the axe with 30 int would be better also should i use bg neck with 15 hit on gloves and 5 on boots or the hit neck with 15 agi on gloves also are the barbaric bracers a more viable choice over gallian now
Use the axe with 30 int over butcher with 15 agi. The axe gives more AP(30 w/ careful aim, which is a must) + a bigger mana pool. Thats the main thing hunters overlook at 29, mana. You want a decent amount, depending on your playstyle.

This next part is my opinion, but try 26 ap on gloves, 7 stam to boots, and the wsg neck. If you notice yourself missing once in a while, swap the 26 ap on gloves for 15 hit. That, or spec 1 or 2 points into focused aim and you should be fine. Personally, I'd go for gallan cuffs w/ 24 ap for the bracers.
well the fact that i am going to be so close to lvling from the stv chest bow and the raz gloves i dont think im going to be able to go for the axe but if i could i would def snatch it

so far for my twink in the past two days i have ran sm about 60 times no ring got 6 of the agm trinks got herb up eng up got my 9/9 helm butcher and barbaric bracers so im in good shape :)
Hi guys, I've had a lot of success with this slightly unconventional build for my hunter

Head - Electromagnetic gigaflux (although whispering headress gives you one more int)

Shoulders - Berryline's

Neck - PvP

Chest - Raptor hunters tunic + 6 stats

Back - Parachute cloak + 12 ag

Waist - Defilers attack power pvp

Legs - Triprunners

Wrist - gallan cuffs + att power

Hands - Razzerics +26 attpower

Feet - Pvp +stam

Weapon 1 - Thorn spike +15 ag

Weapon 2 - Thorn Spike + 15ag

Ranged - Master Hunters Rifle

With this build your interlect will never run out and combined with 3/3 improved hunters mark, 3/3 carefull aim and a blessing of might your ranged att power will be over 500 on your selected target.
Not exactly, spirit does help with mana regen, but the main thing is stacking up a bit of interlect so that you get more att power when utilising the 3/3 carefull aim talent
Viagra,Cialis,Levitra,Kamagra ou Propecia ????


Je commande toujour sur le meme site !!!

Voisi "ma pharmacie" PHARMA ON-LINE

Aucune problem avec cette pharmacie ! (mois chere,a mon avis)

Toujour livraise comme il faut !

En plus

tres bon prix ! ! !


Viagra Soft-0.79

Viagra Brand-3.64ˆ


Cialis Soft-1.25

Cialis Brand-7.04


Levitra Brand-7.33ˆ

Kamagra Brand-2.10ˆ


Et je trouve que cette prix,vraiment pas chere ! ! !

A bientot ! ! !
Instead of Razzerics, your going to want to get the random instance hands and necklace now.
Viagra,Cialis,Levitra,Kamagra ou Propecia ????

Salut a tous!

J'achet toujour sur le meme site !!!

Voila "ma pharmacie" pharmacie.s-m2.com

Aucune problem avec cette pharmacie ! (mois chere,a mon avis)

Toujour livraise comme il faut !

En plus

les prix tres simpa ! ! !

Viagra-0.81ˆ Viagra-0.81ˆ

Viagra Soft-0.83ˆ Viagra Soft-0.83ˆ

Viagra Brand-3.44ˆ Viagra Brand-3.44ˆ

Cialis-0.88ˆ Cialis-0.88ˆ

Cialis Soft-1.32ˆ Cialis Soft-1.32ˆ

Cialis Brand-7.43ˆ Cialis Brand-7.43ˆ

Levitra-1.63ˆ Levitra-1.63ˆ

Levitra Brand-7.73ˆ Levitra Brand-7.73ˆ

Kamagra Brand-2.22ˆ Kamagra Brand-2.22ˆ

Propecia-0.43ˆ Propecia-0.43ˆ

Et je trouve que cette prix,vraiment pas chere ! ! !

A bientot ! ! !

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