29 rogue spec..?


I am needing some help with a 29 twink rogue spec. I just recently came back to my 29 rogue to clean the dust off of him so to speak but I was wondering what the main 29 rogue spec is now? Is it still backstab/ambush? Is it combat? what all seems to work at this level bracket and what will work even better or be better come 3.2 patch.

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Why 14/0/4 over the other specs? Just curious
If you're wanting to spec bleed kite, you can follow Lloydgank's 7/0/13 swords build...or go with an 11/0/9 dagger build (which I personally prefer).
I currently roll swords 0/20/0 full combat with my rogue. It's fun to play because of the 2min CD evasion and Sprint, and you can get some pretty huge Sinister strikes. Additionally, you can take people more head on, and when you're snared you don't have trouble like needing to be behind the enemy. Since you're hitting with a 2.7-2.8 weapon, crusader procs pretty often, and 100 health can make a difference (it often procs more than 2 times in a single fight). Also, this spec pretty much owns ambush rogues.

Even though I like it, I know it's not the best spec for the bracket. When I get my torturing poker, I'll probably go 16/0/4 backstabs. With Lethality and opportunity, you'll be doing very high Backstabs, with Vigor you'll have a nice burst, and since your spammable ability has an extra 30% crit chance, yours will be a decent sustained dps.

I despise 2/0/18 (or 0/2/18) A LOT. Atleast from my experience, those are the typical ambush KB whores everyone looks down upon. Yeah, you'll be hitting FCs down to 50% in a hit, and oneshotting many casuals, but that's it. After the ambush, your dps feels very gimped. Your survivability is pretty good because you have Vanish on a 2min CD (and ghostly strike), but there are too many DoTs and barely any way to get them off in this bracket.

These rogues play annoyingly cowardish, at least from my experience. Always gouge/sapping and running, avoiding direct combat, and instead waiting for you to be in trouble to fall down on you and ambush your remaining HP.

My current rogue feels like a fury warr wannabe. The ambush ones feel like razor-beaked chickens. The 16/0/4 ones feel like the superior middle term.

just my 2 cents
Zyrkonos said:
I currently roll swords 0/20/0 full combat with my rogue. It's fun to play because of the 2min CD evasion and Sprint, and you can get some pretty huge Sinister strikes. Additionally, you can take people more head on, and when you're snared you don't have trouble like needing to be behind the enemy. Since you're hitting with a 2.7-2.8 weapon, crusader procs pretty often, and 100 health can make a difference (it often procs more than 2 times in a single fight). Also, this spec pretty much owns ambush rogues.

Even though I like it, I know it's not the best spec for the bracket. When I get my torturing poker, I'll probably go 16/0/4 backstabs. With Lethality and opportunity, you'll be doing very high Backstabs, with Vigor you'll have a nice burst, and since your spammable ability has an extra 30% crit chance, yours will be a decent sustained dps.

I despise 2/0/18 (or 0/2/18) A LOT. Atleast from my experience, those are the typical ambush KB whores everyone looks down upon. Yeah, you'll be hitting FCs down to 50% in a hit, and oneshotting many casuals, but that's it. After the ambush, your dps feels very gimped. Your survivability is pretty good because you have Vanish on a 2min CD (and ghostly strike), but there are too many DoTs and barely any way to get them off in this bracket.

These rogues play annoyingly cowardish, at least from my experience. Always gouge/sapping and running, avoiding direct combat, and instead waiting for you to be in trouble to fall down on you and ambush your remaining HP.

My current rogue feels like a fury warr wannabe. The ambush ones feel like razor-beaked chickens. The 16/0/4 ones feel like the superior middle term.

just my 2 cents

So you're saying 0/2/18 does work well but it's uncool? Duly noted. I on the other hand find backstab rogues who circle you like a vulture all of the time incredibly lame. Because of that you usually have a hard time hitting them which is annoyingly cowardish, too. Doesn't really make sense because it's how the class works? Right!

For me a subtlety build reflects what rogues are about. If i want to fight head on i'll log on my warrior. Fact is that ambush rogues can turn games by killing FCs even when the other team is heavily turtling. Only a balance druid can do similar burst on an FC without getting noticed too soon.

But you can of course play how ever you feel like. A nice sword/combat or sword/assass build is surely fun to play, too. I don't see any of those builds as superior or inferior it all depends on how you want to play. I for one have always been ambush specced (tried the other builds of course) for over 18 months now and i love it.
yeah, tbh I also feel like 0/2/18 rogues are the most accurate depiction of what a rogue should be. If I was a RPer, I would definetly roll that spec ^^. But I enjoy more wrecking my opponents in an open battle, not quite charging mindlessly like a warr, but never avoiding a fight in any way. It's not the stealth-exploiting playstyle that pisses me off, it's the run-away-when-I'm-not-doing-so-well thing.

If I'm hurt and an enemy jumps me, and evasion and vanish are on CD, I hope for a SS/BS crit and a Crusader proc to keep me up just a lil' longer so I can hurt him as much as possible before he takes me down. The 0/2/18 rogues I'm used to fighting would simply gouge-sprint away, and come back when you're in the middle of another fight to ambush and /flex you. THAT pisses me off. And they do it too often for my taste.

Then again, I do understand why would someone choose that playstyle, and I respect that choice. Just don't expect me to "admire your prowess" :p. Besides, I've always liked Cheap Shot much more than Ambush ^^!
skniwtgnidnuf said:
Ambush is very gimmicky, and isnt nearly as powerful overall as 16/0/4 backstabs.

You miss your opener you're screwed. Hell even if you dont crit your opener you're screwed.

Dont get me wrong, I love playing ambushes. Its easily my fav spec for "fun factor" (especially since I have the #1 ap set in the world), but its towards the bottom of the list in usefulness.

Get enough +hit and you won't miss your opener anymore. And if you don't crit then vanish. And the long sapping range is great to split up little groups that pass midfield. Either that or you totally stop them because they start to run around like chicken AOEing to get you.

It is a more "secret agent" way to play. But as i said, if i wanted to fight head on, i'd log my warrior.
Ambush spec is the worst rogue spec. They have no sustained DPS and pretty much are useless after they unstealth. Any decent geared twink will survive two ambushes and with a healer, the first ambush is completelly voided.

Sword rogues are more like fury warriors, OK damage, but lack of enough burst to really hurt someone really fast.

Backstab rogues are the ones to be feared of, yea they move a bit slow in stealth, but they are like death star moving so slowly yet so deadly. They have the burst and sustained DPS if played correctly (no keyturners).
Ok, so i"m seeing the extreme hated for ambush rogues which i am currently rolling, and to be truthful i"m not satisfied with my current overall dmage, i mean burst, yeah got it i got a 1049 ambush crit the other day, but overall i wanna pick up my sustained damage, can someone link me a build cause numbes give me an idea, bt i would like to see a spec that i can actually use, als if someone could check out my gear and tell me about any ways to improve i would be appreative.


this is the 16/0/4 spec I (and any other rogue) reccomend for sustained dps along with enough burst to scare people.


With this build you'd be looking at cheapshot/ambush openers followed by backstabs up to a killer eviscerate. You can switch glyph and talents focused on eviscerate and change them to garrote ones. That is, blood spatter and glyph of garrote. Tbh that would be some killer garrote ticks (total of +70% dmg garrote), and with all the retardins around, bleed damage always comes in handy. I'd actually roll that spec. But most people prefer burst and big numbers, like 700 eviscerates on clothies.

About your gear, it's pretty much perfect, but theres one thing you should change. If you abandon 0/3/17 you won't have as much survivability, so you should pack some more stamina. Your best choice would be to switch your gallan cuffs for a pair of Barbaric Bracers with +9 stamina on them. You would be trading 12 AP for 12 stamina. Easy choice.

Also, get a Scout's Blade already! ench it with +15 agi and when 3.2 goes live, turn xp off and go farm for your Torturing poker with +5 dmg. However, I think +15 agi is better overall. +5 dmg only boosts your MH dmg, while 15 agi boosts both hands dmg, your non-weapon-dependant attacks like eviscerate, garrote, rupture... and your dodge too.

Zyrkonos said:
this is the 16/0/4 spec I (and any other rogue) reccomend for sustained dps along with enough burst to scare people.

Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

With this build you'd be looking at cheapshot/ambush openers followed by backstabs up to a killer eviscerate. You can switch glyph and talents focused on eviscerate and change them to garrote ones. That is, blood spatter and glyph of garrote. Tbh that would be some killer garrote ticks (total of +70% dmg garrote), and with all the retardins around, bleed damage always comes in handy. I'd actually roll that spec. But most people prefer burst and big numbers, like 700 eviscerates on clothies.

About your gear, it's pretty much perfect, but theres one thing you should change. If you abandon 0/3/17 you won't have as much survivability, so you should pack some more stamina. Your best choice would be to switch your gallan cuffs for a pair of Barbaric Bracers with +9 stamina on them. You would be trading 12 AP for 12 stamina. Easy choice.

Also, get a Scout's Blade already! ench it with +15 agi and when 3.2 goes live, turn xp off and go farm for your Torturing poker with +5 dmg. However, I think +15 agi is better overall. +5 dmg only boosts your MH dmg, while 15 agi boosts both hands dmg, your non-weapon-dependant attacks like eviscerate, garrote, rupture... and your dodge too.


thanks alo man i will give thatt a roll, i forgot to mention that i had a bank full of gear i just been trying to figure ot the best weapon combo to use, i got sitting in the bank:

Torturing Pokerx2 w/15agi

Barbaric bracers w/ 9 stam

harbinger Boots w/ 7agi

Scouts Blade w/ 15 agi

$hit tOns of free action potions, agi, and fort pots

average buffed stats are around 2.2k health

487 AP in current gear, but i"m gonna log on right now and give this spec a try, thanks for the help and i will let you know how it goes

thats quite a bunch of gear you got in that bank of yours lol!

I wonder what made you choose to wear 2x thornspikes instead of scout's blade+thornspike (I guess you were looking for max AP, and TP ain't got none, but 2x thornspike for that extra 1 agi at the cost of 3 sta and some dps is going overboard lol)
ok, so i tried the spec and i love it, overall damage is up as well as survival, what i am currently doing is Torturing poker w/+5dmg (finally found someone with it!) main hand and scouts blade w/15 agi off hand. also, i'm using solid sharpening stones MH and crippling OH.

thanks for everything, the huge crits are gone but i'M still in the 600-800 range for SS
I myself personally like the 0/0/20 spec, which I have been playing for the last 8 months since I accidently leveled my toon from 19. I pretty much have been subtely spec the whole time. I personal hate the rogues that will gouge/vanish/sprint/steath away when they are in trouble. Envythis is a toon who likes to use that tactic. I like to fight to the end hoping an alliance healer will see me and cast a heal or another DPS to help finish it off.

For me I like to use vanish as an offensive move. Ex. Initial ambush (crit 900 with 2-3 combo points on enemy) to a rupture (especially if its a rogue that is going to cowardy vanish), fight to gain some energy, then vanish to another ambush (hopefully to 700-900 crit) to finish the enemy off.

In terms of survival, my toon is pretty solid with about 1800 health after a rumsey and even if I miss the first ambush I will normally come out ahead with BS, GS, normal attacks, and rupture.
glorethi said:
I myself personally like the 0/0/20 spec, which I have been playing for the last 8 months since I accidently leveled my toon from 19. I pretty much have been subtely spec the whole time. I personal hate the rogues that will gouge/vanish/sprint/steath away when they are in trouble. Envythis is a toon who likes to use that tactic. I like to fight to the end hoping an alliance healer will see me and cast a heal or another DPS to help finish it off.

For me I like to use vanish as an offensive move. Ex. Initial ambush (crit 900 with 2-3 combo points on enemy) to a rupture (especially if its a rogue that is going to cowardy vanish), fight to gain some energy, then vanish to another ambush (hopefully to 700-900 crit) to finish the enemy off.

In terms of survival, my toon is pretty solid with about 1800 health after a rumsey and even if I miss the first ambush I will normally come out ahead with BS, GS, normal attacks, and rupture.

Ya, all those rogues that bleed kite are cowards too amirite?

If you're not going to win a fight, why stay there to die? Vanish sap ftw.
pinprick said:
ok, so i tried the spec and i love it, overall damage is up as well as survival, what i am currently doing is Torturing poker w/+5dmg (finally found someone with it!) main hand and scouts blade w/15 agi off hand. also, i'm using solid sharpening stones MH and crippling OH.

thanks for everything, the huge crits are gone but i'M still in the 600-800 range for SS

somebody confirm this, but I thought when you applied sharpening stones, you benefited from the bonus regardless of the hand in which they are applied? I say this because when I dual applied +2 sharpening stones, my char sheet would show both hands with a +4 bonus.

If this works as I think it does, you could go crippl MH and sharpening OH. In any case, I think Instant poison MH and Crippl OH is superior, specially since poisons scale with AP
i agree totally but the only thing i decided ( might not be th best i theroy but i like it) is cripping MH ans instant OH, guarntees me i slow that FC down and instant gives my OH a little burst it loses from being OH, might not work for all but it serves me well.

BTW, i use garrote or CS with this build, but if ambush then yes instant is my MH choice.


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