29 Hunter (Yes, I know)


Hi there,

I play horde and on my battlegroup I see hardly any 29 horde twinks, hence why we get generally farmed by the alliance. I've got a 19 hunter and since the patch I feel it's no fun anymore as quite a lot of people have left. I might level him up a bracket to 29 - and be able to combat not getting farmed in every battleground.

So, for gear - I wanted a good damage setup.

Helm - [ITEM]Scaled Leather Headband[/ITEM] 8/8

Neck - [ITEM]Scout's Medallion[/ITEM]

Shoulder - [ITEM]Forest Tracker Epaulets[/ITEM]

Back - [ITEM]Parachute Cloak[/ITEM] +12 Agility

Chest - [ITEM]Raptor Hunter Tunic[/ITEM] +6 Stats

Shirt - [ITEM]Green Martial Shirt[/ITEM]

Bracers - [ITEM]Barbaric Bracers[/ITEM] +9 Stam

Gloves - [ITEM]Dog Training Gloves[/ITEM] +15 Agility

Belt - [ITEM]Defiler's Chain Girdle[/ITEM]

Legs - [ITEM]Triprunner Dungarees[/ITEM] +24 Armour Patch

Boots - [ITEM]Defiler's Mail Greaves[/ITEM] +7 Agility

Ring 1 - [ITEM]Legionnaire's Band[/ITEM]

Ring 2 - [ITEM]Deadman's Hand[/ITEM]

Trinket 1 - Unsure?

Trinket 2 - Unsure?

Im aware their are some higher level gloves/bracers but I can't remember the names atall :(

Ranged - [ITEM]Master Hunter's Bow[/ITEM] / [ITEM]Master Hunter's Rifle[/ITEM] +7 Damage

Weapon 1 - [ITEM]The Butcher[/ITEM] +15 Agility

Weapon 2 - [ITEM]Scout's blade[/ITEM] +15 Agility

And I plan on having the following talents - http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#cZ0xAcoZc:a

It's been a while since I've played a hunter, so please be brutal and feel free to tell me what needs changing.

Thank You :)

Hes Horde.
And as for gloves, others may argue, but i would go with the racing gloves from shimmering flats i think thats where there from. There are available to horde, 9/9 agil and stam, And can be pre-bc enchanted.
Well first off, you can link those items with scaled levels by simply -wrapping them. For example: [CODE...owhead.com/?item=20152]Defiler's Chain Girdle.

That aside, the first thing I want to point out is that your talent build is missing two incredible options: Careful Aim and Improved Concussive Shot. Here's what I'd go with. Other hunters in the BG will have improved Hunter's Mark so you'll benefit from it anyway.

Assuming that you go with Careful Aim, you can benefit significantly from the +22 intellect to weapon enchantment. Take your pick from available 1h weapons to dual-wield. The two you've listed are both good. [item]Crescent of Forlorn Spirits[/item] is an alliance-only item and doesn't even provide that much benefit anyway.

[item]Razzeric's Racing Grips[/item] with +15 hit rating is your best option for gloves imo. Dog Training Gloves give strength anyway, which is useless to a hunter.

+5 hit to boots is another decent option for +hit available.

Legionnaire's Band isn't so great because, once again, strength is useless to you. [item]Charged Gear[/item] of Agility, Eluding, Intellect, Stamina, Eagle, Falcon, or Monkey will work, as will [item]Plains Ring[/item].

Troll is the only horde race that cares whether you use a bow or a gun. It's also the race I recommend :)

For trinkets, [item]Arena Grand Master[/item] is the only staple. Since you'll have engineering you have access to a bunch of stuff. Take your pick.

Otherwise it looks like you got most of this down. I'm just trying to make sure you don't end up as one of those hundreds of hunter half-twinks that fill the BGs.
9/9 helm if you can attain it. they aren't that uncommon in my experience.

forest tracker epaulets are pretty bad. as ramune said str is practically useless for a hunter. go with watchman's pauldrons, mantle of theives, or http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39895 [of the bandit or of power]

also, can hunters use 1h maces? if so skullbreaker is good. but i have no clue if hunters can use it :eek:
Thanks for the comments everyone :)

@Fuzzles - with regards to a 22 intell weapon, I suppose Zealot blade is the way to go? and should this be used all the time - along with a scout's blade with 15 agil?

All Im worried about is cripping my crit chance.

Also, what's the hit chance at 29? I thought it might not be worth getting say half hit, instead of getting my crit chance higher?

Plains ring I can see working with a charged gear, and like you said I'de have a look at trinkets with engineering.

@DruidDroid - I was looking more at the Agility than strength, I don't want to have too much health and no damage. But, I do like them Cloaked Shoulderpads of the Bandit and ofcourse Watchman Pauldrans if possible.

On my server the 9/9 hats are rare, it's an old server with a tiny twink community but I'll keep my eyes open.
Well spirit's mana regen got nerfed by 40% so the 6 spirit on Zealot is kind of meh. You said it yourself, you still need agility for crit, so keep getting your agility. [item]The Butcher[/item] is good to pair with scout's blade with 22 int on both.

Hit rating is always awesome, especially at these levels where the conversion rate is low. 15 hit rating is 3.71% at 29 and higher against lower level enemies. Add another 5 and you have 4.9466666666666666666666666666667%.

The thing about hit rating is that you do miss sometimes. When it's something important, it feels like you just got unlucky and that your loss was a gypp, but it's a statistical inevitability until you get hit rating. The reduction of misses makes a total effect to your overall dps, and its difference has been shown to be the best.

EDIT: Just confirmed, 20 hit rating is 4.95% at level 29. Pretty much hit cap :) As for whether the additional 5 hit after 15 to gloves is as good as 7 agility I can't really be sure. I'd prolly go with 7 agility for your hunter.
I've made these profiles ..

with double 15 agility - http://www.chardev.org/?template=173966

with double 22 intellect - http://www.chardev.org/?template=173967

The helmet doesn't have the stats, or the ring - and I haven't added trinket, but you can see that I loose 2.04% crit but gain 14 Attack Power.

but then again I have tasty mana, should I get another butchers with 15 agility on, but then I have to find another OH weapon as Scout's Blade is Unique?

Sorry about the questions, Just want to not be one of these half arsed twinks I was talking to my friend about, and that you mentioned ;)


fuzzles said:
EDIT: Just confirmed, 20 hit rating is 4.95% at level 29. Pretty much hit cap :) As for whether the additional 5 hit after 15 to gloves is as good as 7 agility I can't really be sure. I'd prolly go with 7 agility for your hunter.

Um the thing I'm not sure if people actually know is that hit rating is a much less needed stat for hunter than people think. The actual amount of hit rating needed with ranged attacks is lower than melee attacks. This is my experience with raiding at 70 on my hunter and it has been discussed many times. There is some sort of scaling difference in comparison to hit rating for melee attacks. So although 20 hit rating may be hit capped for a melee based class at lvl 29 it is probably considerably less for a hunter. Stacking that much hit rating at 29 on a hunter is almost gimping yourself.

On my hunter at lvl 70 I had around 110 hit rating at most (and that was even considered high, unless you were in SWP) and I was either first or second highest damage in almost every raid, without missing when attacking raid bosses. Whereas fury warriors and rogues needed upwards of 250+ hit rating to even begin thinking that their dps was valid. Also, this amount of hit rating is in a completely different setting where you are dps'ing on boss level mobs which are much higher level than you. This is in a pvp setting where you are going to be the highest level in the bracket and either attacking players the same level as you or lower. So the hit rating being that high is almost negligible on a hunter...

If I were to go with a gear set it would be along the lines of:

Helm: [item=15339]Pathfinder Hat[/item] of the falcon 9/9

Neck: Sentinel's Medallion or [item=45627]Amulet of Truesight[/item] if you're really worried about hit rating -_-

Shoulders: BoA Herod's or [item=39895]Cloaked Shoulderpads[/item] of the bandit if you can't get BoA but you sac some AP from the loss of int

Cloak: Parachute Cloak (I'd say this is a must if you want to have the best cloak for a 29 hunter. This can be enchanted with +12 agility and is amazing) if you don't want engineering though, then Tigerstrike Mantle with +3 agility

Chest: Raptor Hunter Tunic with +6 stats

Bracers: This is where it gets interesting, personally for alliance I'd go with Arcane Runed Bracers [item=4744]Arcane Runed Bracers[/item] because they give you 8 AP from the int (given you go with 3/3 careful Aim, I don't know why you wouldn't...) but they can also be enchanted with +24 attack power. Those bracers are alliance only, but horde also have an option like this called: Gallan Cuffs [item=2032]Gallan Cuffs[/item] and I'd do the same to those.

Gloves: Razzeric's Racing Grips (again can have bc +26 AP enchant)

Belt: Highlander's or Defiler's Padded Belt

Legs: Triprunner Dungarees

Boots: Highlander's or Defiler's Padded Boots

Ring 1: Deadman's Hand or Charged Gear of the Falcon

Ring 2: Charged Gear of the Falcon (you can have 2 of these)

Trinket 1: Swift Hand of Justice

Trinket 2: Swift Hand of Justice or Insignia

Weapon 1: Crescent of Forlorn Spirits (Alliance) with +30 int or Zealot Blade with +22 int/15 ag or the Butcher with +15 ag/22 int

Weapon 2: WSG dagger with +15 ag/22 int or Bleeding Crescent (horde) with +30 int or Zealot Blade +22 int/15 ag or Balanced Heartseeker with +15 ag/22 int

Ranged: Master Hunter's Bow/Rifle +3 scope

I'd have to say that weapons are probably personally preference, whether you want more AP/mana or more crit or a mixture of both. Personally I like a build like this one: http://www.chardev.org/?template=178128

Apologies if any of this is redundant, just my two cents. /shrug
personally i would get 15 hit to gloves

9/9 level 29 leather helms exist. pathfinder hat i think

plains ring isn't very good. would suggest getting another charged gear or DMH.

if you want more int you can get 22 int on your second weapon. not really necessary but it provides good stat efficiency.

after the next patch i think +3 scopes are the best. i think you can get +7 scopes right now.
Thanks - Still keeping an eye out for the 9/9 but no luck so far.

So I'll try get another gear and I though my Intellect was okay?

Apart from that is everything else a-ok?


JimOw said:
Thanks - Still keeping an eye out for the 9/9 but no luck so far.

just keep looking. that's all i can say lol
So I'll try get another gear

remember that a gear of the eagle or a gear of the monkey is also better than plains ring, so you should be able to get a good charged gear in a decent amount of runs.

I though my Intellect was okay?

up to you. just saying IF YOU WANT MORE, get 22 int to weapon first.

Apart from that is everything else a-ok?
looks good :)

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