29 Hunter: how good is 15% xtra damage to Arcane shots

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Looking on what i should do with my last 3 talent points, i was thinking about goign 3/3 in arcane shot...mainly because thats my most used shooting ability

is 15% alot @ 29?

im thinking either 3/3 imp arcane shot

3/5 efficiency (for the mana pool survivability)

3/5 improved tracking (ill have track humanoids up, so thats 3% damage to all players, more substained dmg)

any help would be great

I'm an amazing player, who is just bad with math and calculations
Naturaltalnt said:
Its really not hard to figure out, a simple equation can tell you.

Your average arcane shot damage, times by 15, div by 100, the resulting number is the extra damage you will recieve from the talents.

ok, but what about the 3% dmg from improve tracking, is that dmg better then the 15 i will get from arcane shots?

because its substained?
Naturaltalnt said:
Its really not hard to figure out, a simple equation can tell you.

Your average arcane shot damage, times by 15, div by 100, the resulting number is the extra damage you will recieve from the talents.

Or you just multiply by 1.15.
bananaboater said:
ok, but what about the 3% dmg from improve tracking, is that dmg better then the 15 i will get from arcane shots?

because its substained?

You mean sustained? Also, it depends on what your rotation is and how much DPS you put out, and what % of it is from AS.
Its hard to tell, if you have a damage meter running and found your average dps you could figure out how much 3% overall vs 15% for arcane shot, but the problem lays in the fact that pvp isn't sustained like pve ... so it would only be a rough guess.
well i havnt done a bg yet with my hunter, because im only level 26 now and not 29 yet. but i put out alot of dps, my 19 and 39 hunter ALWAYS tops the dmg charts, even when i was outgeared by other players and still trying to get enchants and other pieces of gear, i STILL way out dps other players, im a very good player, been playing since prebc.

its acually 4% not 3,

my shot rotation is usually Priority Arcaneshot first, then prob aimed...unless there is a mob then Multi always gets used first. im learning towards arcane now that i think about it more

but the 4% goes to ALL shots, including arcane so i dunno, i need to run a dmg meter i guess and do tests, was hoping i could skip that though lol
NO MERCY on huntards
Tired of hunter bashers

It would be nice if people would be helpful and keep negative comments to a minimum. :mad:

Hunters may be overpowered but good play will beat them any day. I know as I am a twink hunter and I get my butt kicked regularly. :rolleyes:

So I want to ask questions and get better but I know the second I do the winers will start bashing us OP huntards. :(

Back to the question for Bananaboater.

PVP is different for everyone. If you just want to top DPS then do the math. It won't make a huge difference. The best way to top DPS is to stay alive. You lose a lot of damage and kills waiting to res.

Also it is fun to piss off the huntard haters when they can't kill you. :p Unfortunately I have not reached that level of play.

If you want to be a truley amazing hunter and not a huntard. Then your presence must help the team win. Your damage will always be good enough to do the job. You need to play and from the experience you gain decide what nondamage skills can help you the most at making a difference for your team.

You will often see hunters topping DPS and thier team losing.

You can always respec so experiment and find what is best with your play style. But more imortant you need to play and learn what is needed for your team to win and that will not show up on the Damage and kills.

Above all else ignore the winers. If hunters were nerfed to nothingness then they would just complain about another class.
it was a simple question people, stop acting like assholes.

i only have 2 hunters in twink brackets...a 19 and working on a 29.

I sold my accont in which i had another 19 and 39 hunter, i also own a 19 twink lock which could prob out dps my hunter on some occasions (just boring to play) and a twink paladin. So i dont JUST play hunters, i have 2 hunters out of my 4 toons.

No skill? thats why yesturday i came in 3rd overall dps in WSG with a lvl 26 hunter who has some gear with no enchants dual wielding cruel barb thiefs blade? call hunters op if you wan (i agree with that) but some players acually have skill, i out dpsd hunter twinks on my team (at level 26) and out dps the majority of the horde team (i only played one wsg for the quest)

Also, my 19 hunter ALWAYS comes #1 no matter how many twinks are in the game, 2nd place guy will be lucky if he can stay within 10k damage with me.

Why i play hunters? when i first got the game like 4 years ago, that was my first toon, i played a hunter all the way up to 60, went through ZG/MC/BWL all the way to naxx with him, and i did all my hunter quests to @ 60, something that takes a LITTLE bit of skill. Then with BC i continued to play that hunter up untill 70 getting to Black Temple and then growing tired of the game and then i sold my acct.

Now i just started playing again, i know how to play the class, I'm not just some noob who plays because they are easy mode. I play them because i know pretty much EVERYTHING about them, i know how to escape certain situations, i can kite the shit out of anything, i just know how to play, and i have a ton of experience playing a hunter.

Now to get on topic, i am bad with math, if anybody wants to answer my question, please feel free to do so, if you have any more negative comments please stay out of my topic, because i will not waste my time any further with you.
Shadow5555 said:
You will often see hunters topping DPS and thier team losing.

Just played a very good game then that finished with a good example of this.


As you can see the hunters have to HK's and top Damage.

Or it could just be i'm way to good of an FC hehe. :D
bananaboater said:
No skill? thats why yesturday i came in 3rd overall dps in WSG with a lvl 26 hunter who has some gear with no enchants dual wielding cruel barb thiefs blade? call hunters op if you wan (i agree with that) but some players acually have skill, i out dpsd hunter twinks on my team (at level 26) and out dps the majority of the horde team (i only played one wsg for the quest)

Now i just started playing again, i know how to play the class, I'm not just some noob who plays because they are easy mode. I play them because i know pretty much EVERYTHING about them, i know how to escape certain situations, i can kite the shit out of anything, i just know how to play, and i have a ton of experience playing a hunter.

No skill?

because they are easy mode

can kite the shit out of anything

experience playing a hunter.

Typical huntard.
seriously, this is why i make threads like the "naked 29 hunter project". there are just so many unbelievably noob-ass scrubs who roll twink hunters and honestly think they are the absolute shit. it's just uncanny and absolutely pathetic.
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