29 frost mage

I'm leveling a frost mage and I'd like to know what specs/gear/glyphs I should be focusing on. I have thought about using this spec: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

However, I can't decide if I should go 3/3 ice shards and 3/3 shatter, or 3/3 piercing ice and 3/3 shatter or blizzard. Ice shards, Frostbite and Shatter have an imba sinergy and I feel like I'll use that, but since I'd be having around 10% at best, maybe piercing ice + shatter would be a wiser choice, for more reliable damage. What do you think?

About the glyphs, I guess I'll use Blink for major and Slow Fall or Fire ward for minor. I don't want to be farming light feathers and slow fall is a very useful spell in both wsg and AB, and the 5% reflect on fire ward isn't worth it imo.

Heirlooms would be dignified headmaster's charge with +29 spellpower and dreadmist mantle. I thought about wearing truesight together with spidersilk drape so that I would be around 4.6% hit.

I made a chardev (can't get it to work so I can't link here) with optimal gear and capped at 151 spelldmg, with almost 7% crit, 1100~ hp and 2200~ mana, with maxed skinning and herbalism. I'm a casual twink, so farming for engineering, deadman's or AGM is not going to happen. I could sacrifice some spellpower trading arugal's for death speaker's so I would have 9% crit or a little bit more. I think my mana would be low, so maybe I'd change the Holy Shroud for Shadow Hood. With all these changes, I'd be at 130 spd, 9% crit, 1100 hp and 2400 mana.

I know frost mages in 29 play a support role since we can't dish out crazy damage yet, so maybe I should switch some spellpower for intellect or sta. Share your thoughts.

Well, that's it for now, if anyone could post some feedback or some armories/chardevs, I'd love to take a look.

Bansil said:
go all out eagle (ie max stam and int) and only use CC talents. but where is the fun in that?^^

it's not fun, that's why I'm talking about balancing dishing damage with controlling enemies. Ofc I would avoid hunters like the plague.
Your HP is still to low. On my mage ([char=eu-Bloodfeather]Serethia[/char] [outdated!]) I felt very fragile all the time, so aim to get at least 1500 HP, better more. It's those 5 seconds you might live longer that grant you some extra damage that cannot be replaced with +SP. For a specc, I'd go with :

But to be honest, fire is a better specc imo. Try

if you feel like. For glyphs, I find Evocation to be the best without a doubt. Minors are kinda wayne, so get Slow Fall.

What I'd suggest you to do is: copy my armory and change the following:

Head to 9/9 of eagle

berryline Pads for shoulders if Horde

12 stam on bracers

hotshot pilots if you can find, otherwise resilient gloves, might stick with mine aswell.

Other pants! Not sure wich, 9/9 eagle are good to start with

Other wand! Never cared about those.


And bam, you're set imo.
You only need 4% spell hit. Truesight should just about do the job.

I would go with Ice Shards instead of Piercing Ice, and go with Glyph of Evocate or Icy Veins instead of Blink.

I'm also a fan of Permafrost instead of Arctic Reach and maybe pull a point from Ice Floes to fill it.
just stack a shitload of frost damage and go around shattering people. it's awesome. who cares about hp and mana.... that's why you have mana gem, bandages, and the evocation glyph.

if you see hunters, just run away and kill their pet in 2-3 spells. and then resume shattering noobs.
glyphs of evocation and icy veins are cool, but they are useful once every 4 or 3 minutes... Glyph of blink helps each 15 sec, and is great for eventually carrying the flag. I think I'd manage with lifeblood alone.
Once again, lloyd makes me excited for the future of mages. Lloyd has without a doubt given you the best idea to try and stick to. Max out your dmg (should be somewhere around 200+) and get only dmg increasing talents etc. For these reasons I'd recommend an arcane spec with max fire dmg gear (since frost dmg is only good if you're frost spec'd imo). Arcane without a doubt does the most overall dmg of any of the specs you'd be looking at, and glyph of evocation is pretty horrid for a mage. 90% of the time while evocating you're either already at almost max health (always bandage before evocate) or you get interrupted part way through. Since runecloth bandages heal for your entire health, there's no reason to toss a heal onto evocate.

If you're going to go frost, I'm with the previous posted on what glyph for frost, and herbalism is a must for mages now.

As for your hunter dilemma, I would highly recommend taking a much more aggressive route. My mage has around 1400 hp (w/ rum) so you have around the same base as he does. I simply wait for the pet to come towards me, blink to the hunter, nova them both, and proceed to eat the hunter. Staying as close as possible eliminates almost all of their dmg.

Hope that helped :D
Drizzle said:
As for your hunter dilemma, I would highly recommend taking a much more aggressive route. My mage has around 1400 hp (w/ rum) so you have around the same base as he does. I simply wait for the pet to come towards me, blink to the hunter, nova them both, and proceed to eat the hunter. Staying as close as possible eliminates almost all of their dmg.

This is very true, and it's refreshing to see people with this kind of "optimistic" perspective. Most other people seem to think hunters are satan incarnate and can't be beaten by any possible means. I use the same kind of approach on my warlock when facing hunters.
Obe said:
This is very true, and it's refreshing to see people with this kind of "optimistic" perspective. Most other people seem to think hunters are satan incarnate and can't be beaten by any possible means. I use the same kind of approach on my warlock when facing hunters.

I find that optimistic mages tend to be dead mages. Best strat against a hunter is double poly, fn pet, run. You dont kill them, but they dont kill you.

If your cute little strat works for you, then you dont have any good hunters in your BG.
twentynine said:
If your cute little strat works for you, then you dont have any good hunters in your BG.

I know how to kill hunters cause I've played the class for 4.5 years. And I don't think I have the best hunters in my BG, never said that. However, if I get slaughtered against a certain hunter, I tend to avoid him, or engage when he's busy: the word outsmart comes to mind. A lion can kill an elephant at night since they lack the nightvision, but don't stand a chance during the day. Same approach.

Seriously, if you run towards the hunter head first you deserve to die (and it seems like you do, hence all the qq). Try to work around it; if you only get a surprise attack in, you've almost won.
What most guys are talking about is a 'fair' (I don't like that word :S) 1v1 against a hunter. I play mage for over 3 years now, used to play my main in every bracket, so I think I have enough experience when it comes to mages. It is possible to kill a hunter as a mage in 29s if he's beating the crap out of other people, but in a straight 1v1 it's just not really doable without tons of luck.
Obe said:
I know how to kill hunters cause I've played the class for 4.5 years. And I don't think I have the best hunters in my BG, never said that. However, if I get slaughtered against a certain hunter, I tend to avoid him, or engage when he's busy: the word outsmart comes to mind. A lion can kill an elephant at night since they lack the nightvision, but don't stand a chance during the day. Same approach.

Seriously, if you run towards the hunter head first you deserve to die (and it seems like you do, hence all the qq). Try to work around it; if you only get a surprise attack in, you've almost won.

So how many years of playing does it take before one achieves these magical hunter killing powers?

I mean rly though, grats on killing hunters in your 3v1's, I hear that takes a lot of skill. In case you forgot, the guy you agreed with said this:

As for your hunter dilemma, I would highly recommend taking a much more aggressive route. My mage has around 1400 hp (w/ rum) so you have around the same base as he does. I simply wait for the pet to come towards me, blink to the hunter, nova them both, and proceed to eat the hunter. Staying as close as possible eliminates almost all of their dmg.

Oh, I see where he said to sneak up while the hunter's distracted with someone else. Silly me, I assumed when he said "wait for the pet to come towards me" he meant the hunter was actually attacking him. I guess when you've played for 4.5 years you can read between the lines better and interpret what people are saying.
I mean from a mage perspective, blinking towards the hunter and frostnova can be viable. As a warlock, I obviously can't do that since I lack those abilities, I still try and engage the hunter as close to him as possible. That's the essence of what he said. Also, you're mixing it up, I said I agreed on his tactic, and then I presented my own from a lock perspective. The most effective one is to avoid them, since they are strong. But if you really want to fight, you got to think like Arnold in the Predator movie.
Obe said:
I mean from a mage perspective, blinking towards the hunter and frostnova can be viable.

Seriously, if you run towards the hunter head first you deserve to die (and it seems like you do, hence all the qq).

Contradict yourself more brah. Btw blinking towards a hunter is a death sentience. Oops, they have trink up, I guess i lose now. Guess I should have double poly'd and ran like that twentynine guy said.

Maybe you missed the thread:


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