29 -Ergos - Prot Warr - EU Silvermoon



I tried to balance stamina stre and crit.

For now I succeed very wel.

Wil try to get higer stam without destroying crit and str.

As on my server twinking is dead...where to go for 29 activity (EU)?

Would like to get:

Arena grandmaster

Epic ring from SM

The bracers from quest in Arathi Higlands (+ 4 all stats)

The mail head with 15 stam and crit
well you can get those items - boe on spinebreaker cause i think i have a 15 stam head... and i ve seen a lot on ah

agm is hard to get everywhere - but i got 3 on spinebreaker - 2 on my prot 29 warr and one on a rogue level 5 :p but that was hard work

epic ring is a pain in the ass aswell

took me 25 runs to finally drop... which is exactly the drop rate - 4% that the ring has

even so, i don t know why you use a mace and a shield

i know you are protection... but really, a 2h weapon kinda pwn... and a shield is not that good :p

to be honest, some of your items are ilevel 25...or 18 you should throw them, and you have no proffesions. engineering is cool but you will need herba 300 too

1800 hp and that crit is not too good

i can get to 2800 hp with stamina gear or around 2000 hp with str gear

and 5600 hp in bg with last stand :)

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