25 triple socket blues vs 28 single socket greens


I'm having a hard time seeing the appeal of the 28 single socket green items over the 25 triple socket blues? I've read through many posts on the forums and I'm just not seeing an answer.

Does it have to do with the scaling of a 20 to level 29 or what?

Because stat wise it's not adding up, 25 ilvl blue pants with 3 sockets are better than 28 ilvl green pants with one socket...
Because stat wise it's not adding up, 25 ilvl blue pants with 3 sockets are better than 28 ilvl green pants with one socket...
yes. this is the general consensus and is fairly obvious which is why no one really discusses it.

A case could be made, i suppose, for really mastery hungry specs. But otherwise yea, roll triple socket chest and legs almost 100% of the time
I'm having a hard time seeing the appeal of the 28 single socket green items over the 25 triple socket blues? I've read through many posts on the forums and I'm just not seeing an answer.

Does it have to do with the scaling of a 20 to level 29 or what?

Because stat wise it's not adding up, 25 ilvl blue pants with 3 sockets are better than 28 ilvl green pants with one socket...

but blues don't come with tert such as speed or leech. unsure about leech but speed can be quite effective

see here for more details

For most specs, even some of those who "require mastery" TBC pieces are still better. Sockets are too strong. Main stat rules in 9/10 cases.

For more help, give an example of the spec and items you're comparing.
but blues don't come with tert such as speed or leech. unsure about leech but speed can be quite effective
Chest/helm/leggings (28 BOEs offer 6 speed), even if you get socket + speed 28 gears for these slots, you are still sacrificing 2 sockets for 6 speed, that is only 3 speed for each socket loss which you can achieve with much cheaper speed-only gears listed below. so stick to BC gears.

thanks for your input
Some specific cases for me:
when crusader gave 100 str I would run adaptable plate chest and legs instead of dungeon for arms.
Currently, I use a speed aurora chest for my fury set instead of crit tbc chests.
My crit stacking meme fire mage uses decimator chest/legs
My haste stacking meme mm hunter uses impatient chest/legs
Some specific cases for me:
when crusader gave 100 str I would run adaptable plate chest and legs instead of dungeon for arms.
Currently, I use a speed aurora chest for my fury set instead of crit tbc chests.
My crit stacking meme fire mage uses decimator chest/legs
My haste stacking meme mm hunter uses impatient chest/legs

When it comes to haste, https://www.wowhead.com/item=30534?ilvl=25 + 3x 2/2 haste gems would give 14 haste vs 16 from boe but a lot of other stats.

Cloth crit pants: https://www.wowhead.com/item=28212?ilvl=25 - with 3x 2/2 crit gems you get 12 crit as opposed to 16 from boe pants but way more stats.

Also speed/leech don't justify the loss of sockets. Unless you have destiny and don't need main stat that much.
To reiterate and expand on what @Chops said, the vast majority of twinks should pursue triple socket options for chest and legs. Resto shamans make for an interesting counterexample that actually prove that point, so let's briefly look at them.

Resto shamans gain so much healing from mastery that they often value mastery the same as int, their primary stat. Moreover, crit does very little for resto shamans compared to any of the secondary stats. Because three-socket mail gear tends to feature some crit and definitely no mastery, battleground resto shamans often favor ilvl 28 greens over triple-socket blues. However, the "edge" resto shamans gain from ilvl 28s is both slight enough and situational enough that you'll still see rshams in triple socket gear if they want to gem for extra survivability. For example, mastery doesn't make as much of an impact in arenas for rshams, where topping off teammates and surviving CC chains takes greater priority.

Therefore, if choosing ilvl 28 greens over triple-socket blues ends up situational even for a class and spec that makes the most of mastery and the least of crit, then yes -- most other classes and specs should go with triple socket blues for chest and legs.

Helms are an altogether different story.

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