24 Twink Guild on Aerie Peak [We Destroy FtP] *Alliance*


Hey all,

A few days ago I started a guild specifically for 24 twinks titled "We Destroy FtP". We are a collaboration of 24 twinks that group together for BG's in the XP-Off 20-24 bracket. Yes, this is the same bracket that the F2P level 20 twinks play on...and it is no coincidence. I know this may sound cruel, but this is fair and legitimate. We are accepting all p2p twinks that are leveling to 24, already 24 and gearing up, or level 24 and fully geared.

Dungeons will be done often as a group to farm for gear (Mainly BFD, SS, and Gnomer).

BG queues will occur as groups...so we can get in together.

Communication will occur via skype or ventrilo...have not entirely decided which yet.

Unsportsmanlike conduct will NOT be tolerated and may result in immediate removal from the guild. We are not here to harass the F2P twinks, just destroy them in battlegrounds.

If interested in being a 24 twink and having loads of fun dominating the 20-24 bracket, feel free to leave a message here or private message me in game...my name is "Freenubsdie".

Keep flaming to a minimum guys...after all, I pay to have fun.
I wish you all the best. I see you don't have heirlooms yet, and I would love to assist you with that.

Well gratz freenubs die. It's good to see another 24 twink guild. We've been waiting quite some time for good opponents. I'm eager to do battle with you in the future. add me on real id @ damiangehr@yahoo.com to speak further, I may be able to help you with twink gear, tips, locations, etc...
The term troll has inflated extremely. it has no value anymore tbh
seems to be these days everyone who post in forums from some point of view is considered a troll
Well gratz freenubs die. It's good to see another 24 twink guild. We've been waiting quite some time for good opponents. I'm eager to do battle with you in the future. add me on real id @ damiangehr@yahoo.com to speak further, I may be able to help you with twink gear, tips, locations, etc...

Sounds great, thanks for the enticing offer =)

Off Topic...

This thread seems to have attracted a lot of trolls
Shoo, back under the bridge with the lot of you!

Is there any similar congregation of 24's in EU by any chance?
24 Guilds are legit in WoW and they're allowed to recruit here on TI. Having said that we'll be watching closely for trolling/flaming from either side of the argument. Now let's keep this on-topic please.


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