2012 Retail Arena Tournament [2v2, EU]


The 2012 Arena Tournament

Years have passed, since Blizzard decided that the removal of skirmish arenas were warranted.. in its place, we have been blessed with the Wargame system, and therefore, Queueing Is The Best Bit hereby invites you to the 2012 Retail 2v2 Arena Tournament!
Hosted By: Queueing Is The Best Bit of Aszune.
Date: 3'rd of June, 2012 Starting 18.00 CEST
live stream channels:v
www.twitch.tv/stubseu - Competitor
www.twitch.tv/Mehcritkillu - 3'rd party view
www.twitch.tv/chilltwink - Both competing and 3'rd party.
Note: Stubs' Channel will see some inactivity due to only his own games being streamed. Mehcritkillu's channel will be frequently used, but in less specified games. My own channel will be running throughout the entire tournament, and i'm working VERY hard on getting a commentary track in on it!
I am assuming, that my own thread will be used as a sort of refference point. whenever a match occurs on Stubs', you can swap to stubs' for some fast-paced, 1'st person footage, or if you're getting tired of my squeaky voice, you can hop unto Kalles' channel which will be the only one featuring exclusive 3'rd person view, with
a match going in fast repitition! in addition to this, there will most likely be a video edited and put out later this summer. keep it locked on our tournament!

Method of competition: 2v2 Wargames, played via. the cross-server Wargame system, using impartial judges and a livestreamer*. The entirety of this event will take place on Retail servers. In addition to the competing players involved in the matches, a neutral party will be in each match for live-streaming and judging purposes. (may be separate players or the same, based on how many people we can gather.)

Rules and Regulations:

-No double healer teams
-No double stealth classes
-No Exploitations of any kind, no lag-macros, no hacking, no botting, no exploited satchel loot etc. use your common sense.
-The competitions will be best of 3 to prevent RNG and luck, the finalists will be competing in 5v5.
-Voicechat is allowed, encouraged even.
-We will be competing and ranking based on a simple point-system as worked out on a later date.
-Maximum of 3 Chars signed under each team, you may not enlist with multiple teams.
-No class-stacking.
-Note: Pyrium Weapon Chain is considered exploiting, as it is a bug.

Rankings, Matching System and Further regulations:

Further rules:
Players must remain inside the starting zone until the clear signal has been given.
Once the gates open, the Aszune match-up helpers will run to the opposing team, where they will be killed. It is STRICTLY Prohibited to use any abilities with a cooldown before we start.
All pets both warlock mage and hunter pets must be put on passive.

Special, class-specific rules:
-You may not use the following spells or abilities before the match begins:Crusader Strike, Judgement, Holy Fire, Mind Flay, Smite, Mend Pet, Any feral druid finishing moves, Wrath, Stars, Starsurge, starfire.
The above rules are in order to prevent any team to set up unfair bonuses such as building holy power too early, reaching an eclipsed stage, or building evangelism/shadow orb stacks, or in the case of the hunter, get in combat for the mend pet bug, etc. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. (if it helps, they will be gear-less for faster wanding J )

Disconnecting and lag:
There is a special rule that is very heavily debated, being that a Disconnect can and will be grounds for a rematch. The reason for me choosing to maintain and run with this rule, is that this is a bug that we genuinely cannot account for. We are rolling with a best of 3 type scenario to minimize RNG, but if one of these 3 matches are given away due to a disconnect, the RNG aspect disappears and you can advance simply on account of lucky crits etc.
The exception to this rule is the finals, where each team is giving one Disconnect and just one. After this, any further disconnects will be subject to the special Mercy rule, which calls for the opposing team to decide if they want to give the other team a rematch.
Light, medium or heavy lag will not be grounds for a rematch unless it leads directly to a disconnect. you have now been warned, go buy yourself an hour or two in your local internet café if you are prone to heavy lag =)

Advancement and ranking system:
Playstyle system: single Elimination Tournament in a best of 3 setting.
Your matchup will be randomly decided. (I like to imagine me picking numbers out of a hat, but we’ll see.)
After semi-finalists have been found and sent on through to the next round, there will most likely be a round-robin situation to determine your final ranking!
The final rankings will be made into a separate thread on www.twinkinfo.com , allowing you all a chance to comment etc.
All recorded footage will be put together, and should we find something that we enjoy we will have a video up ASAP.

Signing up:
Drop me a message on Twinkinfo with your teams’ specifications, IE. Name of chars involved in the team, class/spec you will be playing, as well as your real-id. Real ID is important to make cross-server queues possible. I will not add you until the night before the tournament, I will take you off my list after. (unless you wish to remain on my list.) if you have some sort of disagreement with me, send me the ID nonetheless and we will get you on another officials’ list. Feel free to name your team! =)
NOTE: the official thread will have a list of competing teams, so that people watching can get a sense of who they are playing against and will be watching.
Grounds for expulsion from the tournament:
-Breaking one of the rules, as stated above.
-Bad sportsmanship, ex. Flaming of participants, emote spamming, Racism, sexism and/or other behaviors for which we receive complaints.
-successful OR attempted sabotage of the other teams, (example: hacking an account and deleting their gear.)

Grounds for a rematch:
-If either player on your team disconnects.
-If you deem that either/both of the neutral players in the arena had _any_ sort of influence on the match, in regards to attacking anybody/healing anybody and/or other methods of involvement.

Lagging, wrong spec/gear on your part, lack of enchants, missing/dead pets, or “class imbalance” will not be grounds for rematches.


Can our team swap chars half-way through the tournament?
Yes. As long as the chars involved are clearly listed in the mail provided by me, and they do not violate our class make-ups.

You say double-stealth classes, does this mean Resto druids too?
Unfortunately, to account for any class imbalance, a Restoration druid will count as a stealth class, just as rogues, and any other specs of druid. Night Elves does not count as a stealth class, as it is a race.

Will there be live-stream?
Yes. However, much like the Blizzard invitational, there may be more games going on than will be live-streamed. There will be a guarantee of at least one active live-stream channel going from the start to finish though.

Will you make a video?
We are currently looking for 2(two) people willing to fraps the games on neutral chars, as well as editing a video. I will make no promises at this point.

I am American/Australian, am i allowed to join?
If you can make your way unto our servers, be my guest.. try to talk to existing twinks about borrowing an account perhaps?

^ does NOT exclude you from partaking, we will work out a rotation system. thank you in advance.

Chíll, GM of Queueing Is The Best Bit of Aszune.
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Current teams signed up for the tournament:

Team Concept Gaming:
-Chíll @ Aszune (mage)
-Viotin @ Draenor (priest)
-Síck @ Aszune (hunter)

Team Baguette Cleave:
-Stubsbesteu @ Draenor (paladin)
-Viancoz @ Draenor (hunter)
-Viancobesteu @ Draenor (mage)

Team Bas Bas Kryvbas
Rastamán @ Draenor (hunter)
Adraylla @ Al'akir (paladin)
Ownaqüe @ Al'akir (priest)

Team RoguePriestWin
-Hurrx @ Draenor (priest)
-Nazzr @ Draenor (rogue)

Team Fmeifailedchemistry
-Luckiee @ Aszune (hunter)
-Copyhat @ Aszune (paladin)

-Rihannairl @ Draenor (mage)
-Sashagreyirl @ Draenor (paladin)
-Heidiklumirl @ Draenor (priest)

-Pittyvaich @ Draenor (rogue)
Twinkkï @ Wildhammer (hunter)

Team ostbacon
-Lightdudé @ Aszune (paladin)
-Pilgrims @ Aszune (rogue)

Team Legalize Speed Pots
-Kálmàh @ Runetotem (hunter)
-Holyshot @ Runetotem (paladin)

Snackikämmen for president
-Snáck @ Draenor (paladin)
-Mesikämmen @ Draenor (druid)

Team Coolboys
-Elìght @ Draenor (priest)
-Aukko @ Draenor (rogue)

Team Hip Hop to the top
-Baldikämmen @ Aggramar (shaman)
-Hiphopatus @ Aggramar (rogue)

Team She-swag Shitstorm
-Mezzjuc @ Aggramar (hunter)
-Pacz @ Aggramar (druid)

Team Bear Cavalry
-Bpar @ Draenor (Paladin)
-Ixl @ Draenor (Rogue)

Team SilvermoonSpankers
-Wuptì @ Silvermoon (Paladin)
-Sneaký @ Silvermoon (rogue)

Team Un Curly Pour mon Amie
-Nølfen @ Culte de la rive noire (Rogue)
-Lolyheal @ Draenor (Priest)
-kàmyusa @ Culte De la Rive Noire. (Priest) NOTE: remember that both priests may not be partaking in the same match.

Team Baseball NO BALL GG:
-Audio @ Frostmane
-whowasthepartner.jpg @ ??

Team America
-Alitiz @ Aszune (Rogue[Saxxon])
-Pickica @ Draenor (Priest[Maelstrom])

--Current team count: 18

below is the match-ups as it is from the start. keep your eyes locked on that website, as it will update winners and losers of each match.
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WTB a resto shaman to boost me! Great Idea chill I'd be up for frapsing and livestreaming games which I am not taking part in! (As I lag too much to be able to fight & fraps at the same time)
Yo, nice initiative!

I can fraps some games if you would like me to, not sure what kind of quality you expect from the frapsing though. Usually when I try to record with sound on you barely hear anything when watching the video afterwards..

Also looking for teammates to participate in this tournament, just for fun though! I don't expect to become #1 or anything.. Got a proper geared Hunter, Rogue, Warlock and Druid. The spec will depend on a strategy ofcourse. Got a mic, I speak proper english and I have all voice communication programs available except voice chat - that shit just bugs my ass off.

Let me know if you're interested.
nice idea, please sign us up:

Team Baguette


Stubs can stream aswell.
looks as if doe has signed me up x)

gl to all, and gl to me, cuz lock in arena in cata is gonna be a blast :D
i would love it, if somebody would be able to get the words out to the French and possibly russian speaking communities out there? i'll have a chat with Isa, but i'm not sure he'll grasp the entirety of the rules from my mouth, as i possess the french capabilities to order a sandwich and nothing more..
i would love it, if somebody would be able to get the words out to the French and possibly russian speaking communities out there? i'll have a chat with Isa, but i'm not sure he'll grasp the entirety of the rules from my mouth, as i possess the french capabilities to order a sandwich and nothing more..

Get isa, but no speed pots allowed in arena :/

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