20 Hunter, Which Spec?


I've been Survival So far. I figured it was kind of an obvious choice, because of Explosive Shot burst damage, and the 15% stamina, but I see a surprising amount of 20 Hunters, who are Beast Mastery, and have apparently been doing this for a while, as they have all the BoA gear

So what do you guys think?
To be completely honest with you, rolling a hunter in this bracket is considered cheap and easy, and even more so thought to require very little skill. However to answer your question, survival is generally considered the best spec, but both BM and marks are viable as well in their own situations, Marks is very good in premades i find. If you want to get far in this bracket, my personal advice would be to roll a class other than a hunter, assuming your rolling on AP, the arenas run on AP generally do not take retadins and hunters and you will receive criticism in general for rolling a hunter.

my 2 cents
The gear is the same for all of them, just play around with it.

Marks is bad, though.
To be completely honest with you, rolling a hunter in this bracket is considered cheap and easy, and even more so thought to require very little skill.

Having never really played a hunter until now, I completely agree with this sentiment.
It doesn't really matter what spec you are, hunters are just plain OP.

If you want to show some skill/grit, play a healer. Battle healing is retardly *fun* even though you miss most of the action just starting at health bars all the time.

But since you asked about hunters, I think pinochet's hunter review is a good read. You don't have to agree with all of it but his review of the different specs is not bad. Not Elitist Jerks quality but it gives you enough info to make an educated decision.

Then again, you chose to play a hunter. You don't really need educated decisions :p
I'd advise that you go unspecced. Why? It might sound like odd advice, but the fact is, as a hunter, specs are a needless distraction--they clutter your interface with all kinds of weird abilities and bonuses that are just too complicated for practical use. The best hunters all go unspecced because that allows them to focus on what the hunter is really about: dealing boatloads of damage as you hold down the 'S' key and watch your enemies die...not strategy or so-called "skill."
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Every single hunter that i have encountered always back pedals. Every single one. i think the 24 goblin hunter somfas doesn't backpedal but don't take my word for it. Just goes to show you how trashy you can be but still dominate an entire bracket.
Every single hunter that i have encountered always back pedals. Every single one. i think the 24 goblin hunter somfas doesn't backpedal but don't take my word for it. Just goes to show you how trashy you can be but still dominate an entire bracket.

Dude, i love somfas, hands down the best hunter in the bracket.
marksman: shit tier. lucky if you can even get off an aimed shot, getting los'd, out of ranged, and spam hoj'd every 5 fucking seconds. luckier if you even get it to crit. ur shft if you can get it to do more than 600 (crit) on anything with any damage mitigation. ull end up just using the talent for 22 focus arcane shot and spam it 5 times per fight. even then bm is better with its attack power.


beast mastery: shit tier. pet ai is shit. you shouldnt need another stun on anything. too pointless to deal with positioning a bad ai just for kill commands. also physical damage gets mitigated hard.


survival: shit tier. no skill, same rotation against everything and win.

srsly guize. only the mentally impaired play hunter.
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I like going up against an s-key champion with aspect of the noob on. I proceed to die all the same. Insult to injury. Ya know :p

To answer the question: I like the unspec'd option. Talents clutter your bar.
Didn't read a single post in this thread, don't have to because I know I'm posting the exact same thing most of them have posted.
The spec you want to choose is Reroll, it's probably the best spec for hunters.


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