20 Enhance - Playing for the Challenge

As far as gear you look great but there is nothing a enhance can do that a elemental can't do better. But who cares if you have fun have at it.. Good luck man
Stone Bulwark is 1 shottable. I would change. Anyone that knows what they're doing will make sure SBT wont save you.
Look, have you tried playing enhance shaman at low level twinks, yes or no

It's mainly about the initial absorb. If they try to kill it, that's more time for you to either run away, heal, or deal more damage to them. I know from experience that most people don't bother to try and kill it and this is in a bracket where the skill level is far higher than the 20-24 bracket.

If it's a melee, they will have to go out of their way to kill it. If it's a caster, they either have to use an instant spell that does enough damage to kill it, cast a spell on it, or try to kill it to death with their staff or whatever wep they're using which is highly unlikely.

purgable bubble
totem with low hp

natures guardian is better.

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He is right. I've tried both and SB totem is the way to go, just need to know where and when to place it.

20 Shaman-Perplex, 20 Rogue-Toxxulia, 20 Hunter-Zomax, 20 Warlock-Octopusy
have you tried playing enhance shaman? Looking at your guide and seeing how you tried to write out strategies for enhance shamans lets me know you don't have a clue

Since you aren't a ranged class, if you get to the point where nature's guardian goes off, there's a high chance you'll end up dying. I've tried both and found that the times NG went off I died whereas if I popped SB totem around 35-60% health it saved me enough time to get a heal off, or get away, etc.

I also found that I was using SB totem far more times than NG was going off.

People rarely took the time to kill the totem. It was mainly only melee cause it was the closest thign in sight and this didnt happen often. People would rather try to eat through the bubble, I have experienced this a lot.

Keep in mind that you're talking to the enhance shaman that tops damage charts with ease and beats boomkins and ele shamans in 1v1 situations which majority of people would call impossible. I also have beaten priests but that SS is on my another computer. These ones I was able to find on my imgur account.

With this being the f2p bracket I'd say more than half of the shamans won't know to purge a bubble. If so many of them don't use their interrupts do you really expect them to purge?

All I see is someone basing his theory of people not knowing how to counter it even it's easily countered, so when you finally come across a half bad player that will just crush your totem before it will asorb >150 dmg.

From my experience most hunters take the time to kill totems, maybe people are worse where you play but this is the reason I will not recommend that talent to people in my guide, if you disagree write your own but that's that.

Most shamans purge it's more so that there is a lack of shamans that makes SB don't get purged.

I'm going with the conclussion that people are worse where you play.
Or maybe you can get off your high horse and admit that you may not be completely right?
Yeh [MENTION=16240]Goesid[/MENTION] have you even ever tried shamans!?
p2p for the challenge? meh, even enhancer are "decent" with bis gear (2,2k hp+) and 2 fast weaps with elemental force + mana on chest
All I see is someone basing his theory of people not knowing how to counter it even it's easily countered, so when you finally come across a half bad player that will just crush your totem before it will asorb >150 dmg.

From my experience most hunters take the time to kill totems, maybe people are worse where you play but this is the reason I will not recommend that talent to people in my guide, if you disagree write your own but that's that.

Most shamans purge it's more so that there is a lack of shamans that makes SB don't get purged.

I'm going with the conclussion that people are worse where you play.

This. SBT is better if you don't play with quality players I guess. Even still... It's not as good, but hey, let him do whatever he wants. We will just remain better Shaman. ^_^

And to the guy. No, I haven't played ENH at this level. But regardless, ENH does nothing to any of the talents, which means I don't need to know ENH to understand mechanics. And I've played at a duelist level. So I understand mechanics just a bit...

Also, I just want to point out that I simply offered some advice to a player asking for advice on a class. You started raging because of my advice. Numerous people have come in here to explain the same things I have, and you immediately start raging. I feel like you should find somebody to talk to IRL about your problems.
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Also, I just want to point out that I simply offered some advice to a player asking for advice on a class. You started raging because of my advice. Numerous people have come in here to explain the same things I have, and you immediately start raging. I feel like you should find somebody to talk to IRL about your problems.

Is this directed at me?
I wanted to ask opinions. I recently rolled a 20 Enhance, and regardless of extreme underpower, I love him to death.

I just want some honest opinions on the class, spec, role, what I'm doing right/wrong (play/gear/w.e).

You can find the armory in my Sig or hop over to Rating section for the actual rate post.

Thanks for your time.

Playing for the challenge... on a P2P character.

FYI elemental force is what makes a shaman viable at lower levels. Try playing a F2P shaman.

enhance shaman beating boomkin at 19s pre-5.4
losing that would have been embarrasing for you. enhancement is counter to boomkin

so it comes down to the opinion of a god (me) and a random twinker with exp with enh shaman vs 2 typical brainless euros
rofl, you are pathetic...
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natures guardian is indeed quite terrible in this bracket. purge or not, how many other shamans are doing it fast enough and in such a way that u cannot at least use stone bulwark to mitigate a big spell thats about to hit u? people basically use it the same way shadowmeld should, as the spell is about to hit you just to absorb it or absorb a portion of it. getting your hp raised 25% when you drop under 30 is extremely easy to deal with when any damage dealer with enchants can deal hits that do over 50% of someones hp. gaining 25% hp when you drop under 30% is simply much too low for the damage in the bracket dealt by other toons with enchants.
natures guardian is indeed quite terrible in this bracket. purge or not, how many other shamans are doing it fast enough and in such a way that u cannot at least use stone bulwark to mitigate a big spell thats about to hit u? people basically use it the same way shadowmeld should, as the spell is about to hit you just to absorb it or absorb a portion of it. getting your hp raised 25% when you drop under 30 is extremely easy to deal with when any damage dealer with enchants can deal hits that do over 50% of someones hp. gaining 25% hp when you drop under 30% is simply much too low for the damage in the bracket dealt by other toons with enchants.

The majority of the bracket is F2P.
Natures Guardian can proc while you are casting a heal but when using SBT your totem will probably be dead while your casting that heal.

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