1H Fury DPS spec viable for 70s?

I spoke to Rxr and he mentioned that he was actually using a 1h fury spec (SWP Fist Wep + OH Glaive) and I myself have the same weapons and pretty much Best in Slot Fury DPS gear, though I in general don't like dpsing as a warrior.

I was just looking for some feedback from others on this idea and whether or not anyone else has had experience with this? - I don't doubt Rxr's opinion, because I know that he know's warriors one hell of a lot better than I do.

Currently he is using a PvP 1H fury spec, I was wondering if anyone could recommend me a PvE 1h Fury spec? I'm tired of having my Glaive stuck in my bags the whole time :)

i see no reason itd outperform titans grip, unless you had 2x glaives for haste proc
better than unending fury, full blood surge, 2 apolyons or w/e weapon combo you want?

people seem to trust you a lot when it comes to warriors but is this just theorycraft (if so, #'s?) or have you tested this extensively on dummies/single target bosses, etc.

and what about the mh glaive for set bonus? swp fist really better (again, testing?) or just hasnt dropped yet?
In all fairness, im only using offhand for looks. Mounting Vengaence is better with 2.6 speed + 2 sockets.

Only the glaive set would be worth it.

yes, I did test it. I used to have 2 apolyons and I couldnt beat my own 1 H fury spec back then

My deep wounds ticks are between 700 and 1200

Im not exactly sure if they buffed or nerfed anything within that time so ill have to test it when I get my 2nd apolyon
So I'm still trying to figure out how viable 1h fury is compared to TG fury and compared to Arms when it comes to 70 raiding.

I've heard so many different opinions from so many different people I am thoroughly confused. Personally I enjoy Fury spec over Arms spec, but I have found Arms doing more dps.

For example some just say try get 100% ArP as arms or fury.

Others say go for 60% ArP as 1H fury and the rest with Haste and Expertise (until expertise capped). Some simply go all out STR...
If you cant reach 100 % ArP, its pointless.

Even if you can reach 100 %, you still want to be expertise and hit capped wich is my reason to stack strength in my 1 H fury gear.

character planner . 1 h fury build - chardev.org

Would be my gear setup. Perhaps you might want to use some other trinket over dragonspine trophy, I havnt done any math's about trinkets yet.

A little over the hit cap but you could swap the cloak with KJ cloak and slap some 10 str 10 hit in it. Not sure if it's worth it tho.

Edit: and maybe the doomwalker gun
The World of Warcraft Armory - Unholyshield @ Boulderfist - Profile Is my setup atm.

I still need:

Hard Khorium Chocker

Maybe the gloves of immortal dusk?

I would need to get hold of the plate dps leggings (using leather atm) if I switched to STR

DST over betrayer

And OFC main hand glaive is the biggest thing.

I do have the doomwalker gun in my bank too.

Do you find expertise really makes that much of a difference?
So as someone who does have glaives would you say it would be better to go for 100% arp arms or use the duel glaives. I want to have competitive dps but i also love my glaives. I can do great dps arms with my arp setup. Can i even hope to see numbers anywhere close to my arms numbers?
The World of Warcraft Armory - Waffl my armory. I think im going to stick with fury for a while its fun. Also a good change of pace from the rotation of arms. Do you think 1h fury will work in cata considering we will need to spend those extra points now to get the single minded fury? or will you stick with deep wounds?
Rxrlol said:
If you cant reach 100 % ArP, its pointless.

You're pointless. Arp becomes a better stat than str @ 80-85%.

Rxrlol said:
Even if you can reach 100 %, you still want to be expertise and hit capped wich is my reason to stack strength in my 1 H fury gear.

You always get expertise and hit capped before you start stacking other stats, everyone knows that.

character planner . 1 h fury build - chardev.org

There you go, hit & exp capped with over 80% arpen + arpen proc trinket.. And yes this setup is better than yours rxr, sorry man
Might be true yea, but I tanked everything for 5 years on all my 60 / 70 and 80 warriors so I dont have a clue at DPSing at all =)
And do you know if arpen -> str for threat if you can hit the point where arpen is better than str?
Cuddle said:
You're pointless. Arp becomes a better stat than str @ 80-85%.

imo as a lvl 80 feral druid....if you cant hard cap it, then soft cap and stack other stats.

arp might become statistically better at 80-85% but, if you cant hard cap, it would be a lot more beneficial to soft cap while stacking strength elsewhere.

and yes, arp is a better threat stat than str. idk the breaking point of this. but i tank heroic dailys in cat gear and spec, just bear form, and routinely top the damage done and dps charts while holding 100% aoe aggro with just swipe. and single target NO ONE can pull aggro unless they taunt.

if you're going for pure threat (lvl 70 heroics wearin' t6/6.5 you'll have so much avoidance you'll be raged starved...just take the str on gear and socket pure AP. your str, stam, and avoidance will be more than enough from gear alone)
There's only 1 arpen trinket @70 if im correct it only gives like what, 7-8% on proc? that means you need 90%~ to softcap.

But uhm, do u have any maths regarding arpen -> str for threat
math on a breaking point for arp > str for threat? no

but reducing a targets armor by a large amount > hitting harder but still having the same % mitigated imo. just use tank rings/trinks (or dbw XD), sword & board and rest dps gear. for heroic 5s ofc. in icc progression fights it is not worth it to get arp....you'll have enough threat with all tanking gear unless you are awful, and you cant affording losing the hp and armor on tanking pieces compared to dps....but in 5mans it works swimmingly
Falkor said:
math on a breaking point for arp > str for threat? no

but reducing a targets armor by a large amount > hitting harder but still having the same % mitigated imo.

I need the maths, and it's not only about threat but dps too.. As of now I have plenty of health and avoidance to tank swp easily and i'm mostly gemming strength (after hit / exp cap ofc) which is why i wanna know if arpen at lower levels -> str regarding threat & dps.

Falkor said:
just use tank rings/trinks (or dbw XD), sword & board and rest dps gear. for heroic 5s ofc. in icc progression fights it is not worth it to get arp....you'll have enough threat with all tanking gear unless you are awful, and you cant affording losing the hp and armor on tanking pieces compared to dps....but in 5mans it works swimmingly

yeah uhmm.. maybe i should've told you i posted in the 70-79 forum for a reason, uhmm.. yeah.. i think you get the clue now :)

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