19s World PvP Scenarios

Zimt the Diplomat

I though about some new interessting ways for 19s to do PvP.

The result is world pvp scenarios! I came to this after i wrote a post for Eggs but he didn't response so I just start a new thread and see what you ppl think about my idea.

I created just one scenario yet, i ll explain it below. If you got some ideas for scenarios post it here, i ll do as well.

Battle for Northwatch Hold


Number of Players: 5v5, 10v10 or whatever you like.

Teams: Alliance is defending. Horde is attacking.


Alliance: Defend the maintower for 15* minutes.

Horde: Get into the maintower, kill all enemies there and save the highest stage before the time expiered.

Rules: About 80s buffs and consumables: You can make this up with each others.

Revive as often as you wish.

Turn on your PvP! would be senseless if you don't.

No 80s! Be fair, just go 19s vs 19s

Stuff: There will be low lvls who creep. On a PvE it would be good to make this event when no body lvls there. On PvP realm just kill the lowies!

*Dont know if 15min is too short or too long. We gt test it.

Note: You find Northwatch Hold in Barrens under Ratchet. =)


This was my main idea. Hope you understand it.

Feel free to critize me and make suggestions to make this scenario better.

Sounds Hawt, but for 15 minutes? Not gonna happen... How far away is the GY, and how far away is the walk >_>"
Thoretically... you could write up an addon for this event and have it fully automated (including the Queue, but you'd have to summon manually).
Some more ideas from another thread, sorry for repostin, wasn't really on topic in the other thread anyways ;)

Bigbullox said:
I'm fascinated by the potential for twink world pvp. WSG gets boring after 1500 of them, I don't like arenas or dueling much, prefer to fight out in the open.

Some World PVP ideas :

1. King of the hill OR protect the NPC world pvp :

Pick a zone like say ashenvale. 1 team has protect the NPC, the other team has to kill him, with a few annoying mobs between the 2 teams to add some variety. Set the start time and rules up beforehand, when NPC dies or time limit up, teams regroup and swap attack for defense.

2. Ambush World PVP

Team A has to travel from A to B. Team B starts 5 mins beforehand and lays an ambush for them. Team A scores a point for each twink who makes it from A-B using any route possible (no flightpaths ofc lol)

3. Hunted

Team A is the hunted, Team B (larger team, 1.5-2 times the players on team A) are the hunters. All meet in same spot, Team A get a 2 min head start and score 1 point for each minute they stay alive, must stay in same zone. Do this in a zone with mobs that are killable 1v1. How would you deal with stealthed rogues? could become a /yawnfest without some stealth rules.

etc etc. With some thought and a bit of organisation beforehand the world is your battleground. Both teams would have to agree the rules beforehand, and the time limits and rules would probably have to be tweaked and tuned to keep things even and fun.

For more ideas pick your favourite FPS multiplayer game variant / map and see what game mechanics you can translate to twink world PVP.

Alright, so we did this on my realm 'Thunderhorn', (Vindi BG, which has been abandoned since the patch.)

It was pretty sucessful, although organization over ventrilo was a key factor in the sucess.

We had 5v7 (5 alliance, 7 horde) of course, the horde won but it was a fun game all round.

We are going to start having these weekly, if anyone would like to join us, PM me or whisper me ingame (Pop, with the fucked up 'o')

Looks like I'd need to make an addon for this to be successful outside of vent.
Yay an active world PVP thread! Love the scenario treatment, is a good starting point to thrash out some ideas and rules.

Couple of questions to help brainstorm this...

what are the game variants possible in world pvp? What other multiplayer battlefield / battleground map modes or meta games are there?

What zones are most suitable for twink pvp - e.g. some annoying mobs, nice GY positions, defendable npcs / questgivers, interesting or balanced terrain etc...

following zimt's thinking what fortifications would make for a good siege / attack / defense scenario? Sieges, storming the keep is always lols.

An addon would help keep score and make sure players stuck to (basic) rules like staying within zone, or within subzones, etc.

and yeah vent on both sides is a must, along with leaders on both sides to maintain some resemblance of order.
Here is what is totally possible with the addon:

- Creating a Queue. The Queue would be 'player based'. The first player that queue's would autoinvite the others that queue.

- Announce when there are 10 on each side. Tell everyone to head to area or ask for summon.

- Check to ensure all 10 are in the area, then alert the enemy team.

- Communicating with the enemy group leader via 3 letter combinations (101 appears as ZUG to alliance, 101 101, 101 101 101, multiple combinations of this could be used to communicate scores, objectives, and more. For alliance we could use lol, appears as kek.)

- Scoring based on mobs killed, players killed, or time elapsed.

Those are more basic ideas. A 'reinforcements' BG using a tower could be done via counting players killed in tower (start at 100, down by 1 each time someone in the tower is killed, +1 each time a player kills on a killing streak (2nd in a row - 2 reinforcements down, 3 in a row - 3 down.)
but but but... ik someones gonna get touchy ands bring in their higher lvl like a total douche. Cool ideas and it would be nice too
IF your complaining about BG que's, which is MANY different realms, and you expect to get 5v5, 10v10, of opposite faction lvl 19 twinks, on at one time, and gather them all, then get them to fight fairly. Fat chance.

I'm sorry, but even if you could do it once, it wont happen more than once.
Twinkzruz said:
IF your complaining about BG que's, which is MANY different realms, and you expect to get 5v5, 10v10, of opposite faction lvl 19 twinks, on at one time, and gather them all, then get them to fight fairly. Fat chance.

I'm sorry, but even if you could do it once, it wont happen more than once.

your dumb ^^

Draenor often have around 10-15 twinks on at the same time, in AAO that is. The alliance guild is also quite active, and with more xferring there it's probably gonna happends some times
Touye said:
your dumb ^^

Draenor often have around 10-15 twinks on at the same time, in AAO that is. The alliance guild is also quite active, and with more xferring there it's probably gonna happends some times

Yeah AAO always has lots of players online!

Hopefully this new established Guild on Alliance will get the ball rolling. Going to be fun, new & quite interesting with the world pvp ;)
Will be hard to make a reality thou...

Don't think queue time is the awnser... rather go organized fights calender whise or guild message of the day to rmb some date.

1 -2 times each week for get most benefit.

but yer... gy spwns and los. A high lvl to kill mobs?

Like the idea thou:)

... or simply good old midle age battle. Huge area, two teams of how manny each faction can get online - CHARGE! -> deathmatch.

or good old - Find a world arena like Nagrand or something and do teams 3vs3vs3vs3?

Atm ITR, Emereld twinks, Stay Fly Frenchies inc and AAO have enough twinks online ... just need more allies for world pvp - Looking good.
Poping you played Battle for Northwatch Hold? :D

What do you think about the time?

About the addon, wouldn't it be against the addon rules to make a addon that communicates with the other faction? If not, it would be awesome to have such a addon. You could make one addon for several scenarios and make bring some new scenarios into it or an other scenario pack over time =)

I thought about the "modes", i just found


Hide and Seek



Siege is like the scenario I displayed in my first post. Hide and Seek like the Hunter thing from Eggs, and maybe the Ambush thing falls into this category. Carry is simply defending some NPCs or a NPC for some time. Rumble is all that "Last man standing" "Team Deathmatch" ...

The areas for those scenario types would be world arenas, and all areas with 0-22. If the mobs are "red" it rly sux to get them down, so i suppose its just to 22, otherwise it would be too anyoing stacking hit just for those scenarios.

Mb if we think this stuff trough we just meet in some chat and talk about it? Or just discuss it here :p

I suggest the EU Draenor crowd start with a simple 10v10 STV arena to take place within the next few weeks with a few logged out mains in STV to deal with any gankers that turn up and take it from there.

Only rules to start with :

Match starts once raid leaders /nod at each other.

Die and you wait outside for the others to finish.


Twink Info Forums - Gurubashi Arena Fun

I've got a registered fraps someone can use to film it for posterity and to help act as a recruiting tool for future world pvp events.
This Idea would work on a private server ofc....

But in Retail... Its possible I would love it my self
You sure have to be on a proper realm to make this.

Eggs, the fact, that we have to start with easy things on Dreanor doesn't mean that we can't start making some brainstorming and some though about how this idea of scenarios will turn out, nor work on it. ;)
Bigbullox said:
I suggest the EU Draenor crowd start with a simple 10v10 STV arena to take place within the next few weeks with a few logged out mains in STV to deal with any gankers that turn up and take it from there.

Only rules to start with :

Match starts once raid leaders /nod at each other.

Die and you wait outside for the others to finish.


Twink Info Forums - Gurubashi Arena Fun

I've got a registered fraps someone can use to film it for posterity and to help act as a recruiting tool for future world pvp events.

Yes... exept not in stv arena, cuz first there is no LOS objects.. and secondly .. to manny run around there:(

Suggest Blade edge mountain or Nagrand arena.. those two have LOS and outland rly aint the place to be for lvllers xD.. ok close gy's and ok easy to get there. We had some 3vs3 competitions in AAO in blade edge arena before,a dn they worked out fine - if no flightpath run to there in ghost form and ress as close as possible:)

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