19 Warrior Race


Hello i wonder which race is best to pick as a lvl 19 warrior, i'm thinking of Tauren or Belf.

As tauren i get war stomp and 5% more HP but as Belf Silence.. Duno which race i should take if i FC My Warrior ! Help me please !
The current state of warriors is that unless they have something to close distance, or you have a dedicated healer, you're pretty much bound by how much damage you can do in the shortest period of time possible.

With that beind said, I'd probably put Troll on top of the horde list of warriors, followed closely by Belf. Passive snare reduction from the troll helps a lot and when you pop your haste cooldown it has a significant boost to damage output and rage generation. Belf's silence helps for sure but it also gives you a small rage boost and allows for another ability to be used.

Goblin seemed like it would be good, but, the rocket jump just isn't that terrific for warriors.

Taurens are nice for carrying flags, so if that's what you want to do then that's cool.

Orc's are good for Arms builds. Just hope to get some lucky rng and kill your target before you get kited into the ground
ehh, worgen > human > goblin > gnome > belf > tauren = dwarf > troll = tauren, is my usual list when it comes to whats the best race for warriors.. ohh, i forgot Nelf, but since you're going to be horde, my suggestion is goblin (for the GOLDEN gap closer) or Belf, since its pretty good vs. mages, thats gonna build distance on you via a frostbolt, or any other caster classes, thats trying to heal :p
Okay thank you.

Well as fury i can put out alot of dmg i have 145 strg (327 AP) and ifi have a healer with me i can kill alot of ppl and as belf i think it could be good 2 have a silence to interupt Heals and such things.

and when i FC i have 2,1k Hp unbuffed and 5% more HP would be kinda good :)

well thx for the answer!
BE is best horde race for fury imo since it gives you a way to interrupt spells. Decide what you're going to be doing most of the time and base your race choice off of that.
Woah. Woah....just woah!

Tauren DO NOT get 5% more hp than other races, they get 5% more base hp. The hp gain that tauren get is completely negligible and not worth taking into account when choosing race
thx !! then i might go belf! Or stay ally and go human and get a second AGM
Kore nametooshort said:
Woah. Woah....just woah!

Tauren DO NOT get 5% more hp than other races, they get 5% more base hp. The hp gain that tauren get is completely negligible and not worth taking into account when choosing race

Thought this was old news but thanks for clarifying. IMO, the ally races are much better than horde for warriors. Biggest thing to keep in mind is getting a gap closer out of the racial. If ally isn't your thing then i'm not entirely sure, check the warrior guide.
Grody1 said:
Thought this was old news but thanks for clarifying. IMO, the ally races are much better than horde for warriors. Biggest thing to keep in mind is getting a gap closer out of the racial. If ally isn't your thing then i'm not entirely sure, check the warrior guide.

Yeah its old news but people in here seem to have missed it.

Anywho, i would definately choose a race that will buff your mobility. I.e. human, gnome or worgen. Hordewise belf is probably your best best for the silence utility and the resource for extra burst or that PH you need when your target is 9 yards away

NEs are nice w/ shadowmeld + charge but they are only good on O

human is just good all around

worgen beast for FCing or catching up to huntards (my #1 choice)

dwarf good on D with tht stoneform buff

gnome - pretty good for O

spacegoat - i really like them for the heal


BE imo are the worst class for wars and should never be played

tauren amazing FCers (my #1 choice)

troll i head can be ok FCers

orcs really good for their AP racial

undead never really played or seen many of them idk try em out

goblins really good all around
Kore nametooshort said:
Woah. Woah....just woah!

Tauren DO NOT get 5% more hp than other races, they get 5% more base hp. The hp gain that tauren get is completely negligible and not worth taking into account when choosing race

Kore, Kore, Kore...

Always bringing helpful facts into a debate. Can't you stop that !?
i like Nelfs been nelf i'm worgen now and imo is worgen better than Nelf. Human seems fun to try cus then i can have 2 AGMs and still have a pvp trinket but if i'm going horde i might go blef but i wanna try tauren too ! :/

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